Have 3 big football teams in my city

>have 3 big football teams in my city
>every year i choose the one with the stronger roster and pay the season ticket
>i'm basically always seeing the teams i cheer for winning titles and stuff
Everybody should do that! For example, if you live in Manchester, you could switch between City and United and always have a strong team to cheer for!

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fuck sao paulo

anime is sin

Yeah, I gave up Sao Paulo in 2010.

It's a sin to not love anime ;)

That has a name here in Mexico
It’s called “villamelon”, basically means switching from team to team like an idiot

We call it 'bandeirinha'.

>if you live in Manchester, you could switch between City and United and always have a strong team to cheer for!

United will never compete for major trophies again. Might as well stick to City.


anime name? for research purposes



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cheers lad

If you change cities do you change teams as well?
What is the bigger virtue, being loyal until death to your team, or always supporting your local team?

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>like an idiot
like a smartman!

>If you change cities do you change teams as well?
Of course! The fun part about football is going to the stadium, that way you easily get attached to your team.

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1 of the teams in my city is a semen slurping overrated team who only lives in the past with the most retarded and annoying fans in Mexico, the other never wins a shit and the last one got relegated to 2nd division since 4 years ago.
You are just a fucking Villamelon, fuck your advice.

Its Hard to be a fan in Guadalajara right

anime is shit
bandwagoning is shit
this thread is shit

Var Sinson is based

The ride never ends.

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I hope everyone who likes little anime girls gets cancer and dies slowly but also extremely painfully

mya nee

What's that?

Why limit yourself to teams from your city? And why choose at the start of the year? I see room for improvement in your process.

scroll thread

You sound like a real absolute faggot, you should stick with Sao Paulo - the team for fags.

I get it, I'm wondering what the translation is. House melon but why? It's slang

the term comes from Spain, "villamelón" is a fictional place, in bullfights some spectators used to shout "ole" when it was not appropriate. "This guy doesn't know anything about bullfights he must be from "villamelón."

Can a question be based?

That post was based

Ah, thanks

Lol there’s only one local team in my city, btw i love hinata desu

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>mfw my 2 favorite teams have to face each other
Who do I support?

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Actually based

I'd stick with my old teams if I moved. Then again, only one of my favorite sports teams plays in my city (the Yankees) and I don't take location into account when picking a team. The way I see it, you can pick a team from anywhere, but you have to stick with them once you pick them.

Location should definitely be taken into account

If you're loyal to the team I don't see an issue. You can't choose where you're born so to me it's just an unnecessary restriction. The only time I'd take location into account is if the team plays somewhere I can't watch them on TV, like the West Coast.

But you're ignoring the fact that actually going to the stadium is THE way to support your team

Who would you choose between Hinata, Noah and Hana?

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For me, it’s Noa Himesaka

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The sexy blonde one

Hinata. But Koyori is best little girl.

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You may only post Yea Forums approved chad anime.

Chad Anime:
>Cowboy Bebop
>Neon Genesis
>Attack on Titan
>My Hero Academia
>Space Dandy
>Captain Tsubasa
>Ashita no Joe
>Gurren Lagann
>Urusei Yatsura
>Cromartie High School
>Hajime no Ippo

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Anime is for faggots and little girls, you shit stabbing potato nigger

Plastic fuck. Stop supporting >my club.

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Cute girls doing cute things is a zombie genre and should just die already.


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>no K-On
>no Clannad
>no Haruhi
Kill yourself.

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Because then I can't go to the stadium! I'm a real fan you know.

Nah, Sao Paulo isn't good anymore, I'm Palm Trees now.

The stronger one!

I became a fan this year, the Arena is super cool dude, even better and closer than Itaquera, I'm enjoying it, paying the gold account here.

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>I became a fan this year

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Have you considered Santos, if they ever got good again?

Santos are their most insufferable when they're good. The way they are now, they're easy targets for jokes and they know it, so they just take it. It's better this way.

based Haruhi poster


shit opinion cunt

We call it vira-casaca

I'm literally helping pay our team dude, you should be happy to have me.

No, Santos' stadium is too far away for me to watch most games.

Fuck you. You know it's true. The genre peaked with the Keions and since then it's been dying a slow death.

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Hinata's mom

>implying >we need money
>implying >we should happily accept the money of a plastic piece of shit who was wearing a Corinthians shirt last year

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Great opinion. Not a single good anime came out in the last 5 years.

>>Attack on Titan
>>My Hero Academia
cringe, the others are fine

I prefer to make jokes against Sao Paulo.
I'd much rather fight an homosexual than a drug dealer (might stab me) or a grandfather (I would feel sorry for him).

Crefisa said it'll stay for many more years to come, so it's most likely I won't change teams in a while, you don't need to be mean.

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That is not correct. Hibike came out in 2015.

Santos supporters are wimps and drug dealers support Corinthians.

Go back to supporting Corinthians and don't ever set foot on the Allianz again.

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>Santos supporters are wimps
Say that to my face not online and see what happens faggot nigger

I'm in Santos right now, cunt. Just name a place.

this is based

You might have a heart attack, granpa.
I would not do that to your family.

horto em são vicente daqui meia hora seu merda

Emissário, às 14h.

>That is not correct. Hibike came out in 2015.
Hibike is more high school drama than cute girls doing cute things though.

>Go back to supporting Corinthians and don't ever set foot on the Allianz again.
I'm a lucky charm dude, the year I started going to Corinthians' games we (or they now) won the Libertadores, I'm sure we will now that I'm here.

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>Hibike is more high school drama than cute girls doing cute things though.
He said anime in general, though.

>I'm sure we will now that I'm here
Fuck me, if >we win the Libertadores thanks to the support of a plastic piece of shit like you, I don't know that I'd even celebrate.

What happened, did you guys meet and decided to get a pizza and coffee and talk about football instead of fighting?

I'm unironically waiting for him in the place I named. Gonna go to the beach right afterwards as it's close by.

kek I don't even live in santos, or anywhere near the state of SP for that matter

I was gonna say we'd met up for the sake of a meme.
I live in São Paulo.

Glory hunters desu...

Not even once desu...

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How is it rational to stay with a team even though it sucks?

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vases gatenkeepr
impalicas tu que >mu rime por acavdo?

Dumb animeposters

>mfw this thread

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Stop it Brazil

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That's what loyalty means cunt

Who is sxarp of football club?

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hey, don't be rude

In our society people don't need to stay loyal even to the people that they marry and have children, why do we to stay loyal to our teams?

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Local team from birth or the team your father supported is the only acceptable choice unless you came into a sport late. In that case it's the closest team regardless of success.

>you can pick a team from anywhere
Iesu. Not to support. To 'follow' maybe, but you should only 'support' your local team, father's team, or [insert special circumstances here] or you are a gloryhunting casual.

>why do we to stay loyal to our teams?
Because it is the right thing to do.

dumb anime

It's Glory-Hunter in Scotland


I followed Rangers through four divisions after we were banished. Shit was fun as fuck. Being a football team is about seeing the team grow, not seeing the team win.

Yeah, because you KNEW Rangers would eventually be back. If it was just a shitty 4th division team, you wouldn't bother.

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Bambi do caralho. Fuck anime.