Is he reddit or Yea Forums?
Is he reddit or Yea Forums?
Every PL team is Reddit. Prove me wrong.
Anything from Sheffield is based somehow. I stand corrected.
>ding I liek iz Yea Forums
>ding I no liek iz rellit
Kys dumb faggot.
They were League One at the time, though
t. reddit lord
T. Dog eater lord
Wanna know how I know you're a Redditor?
Yea Forums is reddit
Literally this. Gay EpLEL lion confirms.
Every single team in every single sport I don’t like is reddit.
reddit won't like the fact that he called someone a Jap one time.
It isn't even racist here, at least where I grew up, but with the joys of the internet we get to import all the sewage of American outrage culture.
Yea Forums is more reddit than reddit these days though tbph
I don't think this is a man particularly concerned with upvotes.
Does reddit obsess over Yea Forums like Yea Forums does reddit?
he is lad bible
We're all ABL here.
No, reddit doesn't even acknowledge Yea Forums's existence. 4channers have an enormous chip on their shoulder when it comes to board culture. They think they have an actual rivalry with reddit.
t. reddit poster
How on earth can you browse that godforsaken website without losing your mind?
Reddit has a userbase that eclipses Yea Forums many times over. They just see Yea Forums as a source of off colour internet humor and le epic frog memes.
No. Reddit has sex.
Ironically, that's what people on Reddit say when they find out you actually lurk on Yea Forums
he's a faggot that's how
Yea Forums is like the sperg at the back of the class that makes a crude joke.
Reddit's the more popular kid that cleans up some of the foul language and repeats said joke louder and gets all the credit.
Neither, he’s Twitter
You either die as Yea Forums or you live long enough to become reddit
They see Yea Forums as the fun they could be having if they weren't so obsessed with social acceptance.
yikes imagine being this reddit
He is based
They constantly post our memes despite condemning us so yeah, they're obsessed
no, redditors aren't sentient. the fun of Yea Forums is the different breeds of autists, but redditors aren't fun at all so they're hated here for being so boring. just visit reddit for an hour or so and see how they talk and you can spot them on Yea Forums pretty easily. there are a lot of tells for a redditor but the most important ones are reddit spacing, essay grammar, asking a question like "Seriously, what's with all the hate for x?" or something and then a text wall of their humourless opinion, and also teenslang shit like "bruh" and passive aggressive use of "Lmao".
Underrated post
Literally Redit: The Post
You sure know a lot about redditors and redit, boyo.
Redditlord confirmed.
they have entire subreddits dedicated to Yea Forums, make of that what you will
im simply autism and notice things