7-1 was 5 years ago

>7-1 was 5 years ago

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Yeah that seems about right

Almost 5 years to the day, in fact. Mods should do something to commemorate it.

and I moved 6 or 7 times in that timeframe
Time sure flies

>1 year ago was Russian wc
feels like 4 months ago desu

mods dont give a shit about football, thats why Yea Forums will never be elite, is run by the fatmasters.

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w-which 7-1??

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yeah i think we should take a break and think about 7 bad things and 1 good thing that happened to us since then. i tried hooking up on tinder 7 times and it worked just once.

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Become a NEET
Time goes much more slowly that way

they stickied it eventually right? after like a hundred posts? and unstickied it again? i forget all the details of that drama.

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What a disgusting cunt.

>5yrs ago i was a neet for a year
>2019 im still a neet

Time flies bros

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Maybe on such altitude like Chille

awesome picture. that tree looks like santa's deer. merry christmas lads.

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whats keeping you in neet state, m8?

how do you do it? i've been a NEET for nearly a year now and it's the most terrible i've felt in a long time. Atleast in University i had to go to class but now i feel dead.

Thanks for remember

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What you on about? Have I switched timelines again or something?

>michael jackson died 10 years ago

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bolje dzaba lezati nego dzaba raditi

After couple of years you lose defition of time, and everything is just one big year

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Can we let this reddit banter die already? It gets on my nerves everytime I see it

>9/11 was 30 years ago

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