Who wins the most British-like country world cup?

Who wins the most British-like country world cup?

>union Jack
>biggest British expat community

>cold weather

>British shows
>actual UK border
>cold weather

New Zealand
>union Jack
>cold weather

>start with word United

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Other urls found in this thread:




Technically that would be Great Britain winning the most Pakistani-like country world cup.

Winner: Great Britain
Runner-up: Pakistan

I never understood this meme isnt there more pajeets there?

What a stupid thread

Ireland is probably most similar to UK


Is Ireland british?

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Just the northern region I think

made by a mutt, what did you expect


Culturally we are almost identical even if they hate to admit it.

what about northern Ireland?

Isnt it part of UK?

Are you retarded?



Canada wins

South Ireland is more british than the UK nowadays.

There's a few subtle but distinct differences.

Dublin is basically British. The rest is definitely not.


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Is that London or Dublin?

It's all British, we just let them LARP at independence whilst keeping them on a short leash.

t. brexit hasn't been a shambles due to our insistence of the irish backstop

Pakis are just Muslim pajeets

The bus has Gaelic on it.

>American education

based mexibro

I've lived in London and Dublin and Dublin actually still very Irish .

One picture of a Muslim needs nothing. We have 30 years on Londistan

Sure you do. And the wars were all a show.

That is why no-deal Brexit and Rockall are going swimmingly.

Attached: Rapepe.jpg (600x600, 54K)

Wouldnt it just be easier to get rid of NI?

Is Canada American? Is Austria German? Is New Zealand Australian? Is Portugal Spanish? Hover your mouse over my flag. Does it say Britain?

We're not British, we're not Saxon, we're not English

Not Canada nor Ireland

>cold weather

Britain isn't really cold though (at least not by Canadian standards).

In what way is Rockall not going swimmingly? Literally nothing about it is or has changed in forever.

UK is more rainy than it is cold

There are constantly clouds hanging over the British sky, but only rarely do they let it snow.

>n-never even wanted the country really, only sent in the black and tans for a laugh
>we were delighted to have the colony geographically and politically closest to us mostly secede, didn't precipitate the collapse of our empire at all la
>getting humiliated by an army of farmers led by a post office clerk was totally cool, not an international embarrassment at all
>ya, we had to hand power over to a guy who'd been the most wanted man in the empire the previous year, but that was all according to keikaku
>we totally boss them around though, churchill begging them to join ww2 and them refusing was just bants
>w-well, they still watch corination street, so there!

You know nothing about us and have never been here, fuck off you dirty Turkish cunt.

>n-no our country is the most frozen wasteland

It's not a frozen wasteland.
It's not constantly cloudy either.

Not sure what British land you represent, but I actually have been to your united capital (London)

Why so mad tho?

Tbf Dublin is basically a mediocre English city. Never seen any other parts.

Because I'm angry that Germans have the same rights as Humans.

Ireland, then Australia and New Zealand. That's it

You're right, but unfortunately that German master race stuff, which would have given us extended rights compared to humans, got rudely rejected by the world community.

Thanks for your support tho, it is appreciated.

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Do you care about getting the norf back lads? I've always wondered if you actually cared or not

Don't you have to give it back due to Brexit though?


I don't think so but I haven't really been following brexit because it's retarded and our government is incompetent as fuck
People would sperg out if we did have to hand it over

nah I'm pretty sure they're independent

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NI is a net loss I don't really think the Republic wants it

What the fuck is Rockall?
>literally a fucking uninhabitable rock
Who gives a shit? You can have it

Definitely Ireland followed by Australia and New Zealand

we're the exact same as the New Zealanders and only slightly different from the English

Canadians are more American than the rest and Americans are absolutely nothing like us

It adds to our water territory by a huge amount.

>The mutt meme depicts a mixed race shitskin

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lose weight

no one wants it least of all the UK

I hear your Las Mavinas people are very British

this desu, I'd give it to Ireland tomorrow if I could


NI costs the rest of the UK £9.2 billion every year


Cringe and bogpilled

Why not?

No-one gives a shit about the Republics opinion on the border, people are only worried about the northern troglodytes chimping out again

The irish Dokdo lmao

Do they have cameras watching it too?

Why do Irish people act so cocky towards the English? They could have easily destroyed us if they wanted to, they gave us independence because we weren't even worth the effort of doing so



Based eagle italy

It fails to make enough profit to be independent

I mainly see Ireland as an extension of Liverpool

London very rarely has snow.
Fortunately for most of us we're not all in London.

You have no idea how boringly the same Anglo's are wherever they are, US Americans and Canadians can be Australianized in minutes.

There's a lot of Brits here in Santa Monica. They are nothing like us.

Based american.

That's not true. Americans easily integrate in Australia

I agree the yanks and canadians seem far more different to us than Aussies, Kiwis or Irish do. The humour alone is worlds apart.

I agree US/Canada is just a separate group

Apart from the rampant aussie cock sucking we are same

No you don't, all the americans here stick out like a sore thumb. I honestly don't understand how you are all so fucking loud when you're just talking normally. You can always hear an american before you see one.

Why doesn't Canada have a pub culture?

lose weight


gain height

Based Meh-he-co ends the thread with one word

don't they? I always assumed because Wisconsin and Minnesota have such a strong bar culture that Canada was the same

Australians are loud as fuck too

IDK OP didn't list it

Does anyone have a webm of Stove's autistic fidgeting against NZ?

1984 Oceania

lower your murder rate

I hear you and your "people" are very fat
lose weight

Win wars

>haha yes I'll talk about geopolitical events I don't understand nor I participated in, that'll show him!
like your slobs did in vietnam, right? lmao
lose weight
have sex

I understood you started a war and lost it.

Anything else to add?

Also we won in Vietnam. They're one of the most pro US countries on the planet

>britain and ireland

>we won
>as in, was not even born and afterwards only gained weight
>still lost
lose weight
have sex

lose weight
have sex
win wars

now you're just projecting your desires
sad t b h but still
>lose weight
>have sex

Nigga we're both posting on Yea Forums. Neither one of us has had sex just admit it



lmao no

>American spelling
>implying Americans are anglo
>US Americans instead of just Americans like anyone outside of the continent makes that distinction

tipping this is a mutt on a proxy

our cultures are nothing alike and we don't like Americans

our slang for Americans should tell you all about how well you integrate, it's sceptic or seppo because like a sceptic tank you're full of shit

>first post
>it's the best post

You have a slang term for us?

Based retard

You lot are the ones who prefer to watch our entertainment over others. Come back when you have an actual identity that isn't just stolen from England

We weren't allowed to have one because we got cucked in our free trade agreement with the USA that allowed them to flood our TVs with their shitty shows

Puhlease even war torn Northern Ireland has Game of Thrones as a cash cow

>bad at cricket
>bad at rugby
>bad at football
>full of niggers
I reckon South Africa.

The English are most like the British

It’s rhyming slang
Septic tank = yank


is there actually a "former British" Cup? Is this a thing? that'd be cool, a nice U-23 Cup.

Northern Ireland
New Zealand
South Africa

All of us just play each other.

Wisconsin and Minnesota is basically 100% ethnic German thats why

Only punjabi ones


All the most watched shows on tv besides sports are Australian reality shows like MKR and Master chef. Our most popular sport is one we invented and all our other sports are strictly anglo.
Comparatively we watch a very small amount of Hollywood movies and Australia had sn enormous music scene. And our culture is more ripped off from greeks than Americans even

Japan wins. It's an island nation with a monarchy where tea and curry are popular.

I can smell the heroin from here.

I hope you dont get caught up in a random shooting desu.


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It's Cockney rhyming slang for Americans. Aussies stole it.


we're literally cockney lads shipped off to an island it's impossible to have stolen it



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called international cricket and rugby mate

Australia is basically America that drives on the left.

Canada is the 51st state.

NZ is most similar to South Africa except the..uh..you know.

USA and UK could not be more different

Ireland is basically off brand England.

based retard

other than melbourne lesbians basically all Australians worship the yanks and seek to model Australian society off the American ideal* as much as possible

in some ways Australia is America done right, without the large scale self hatred.


its hilarious how much it upsets aussies pointing this out. they have such a complex with the UK, I think it has something to do with the commonwealth abandonment when britain joined the EU. have you been to the US? have you been to the UK? if you have you'd absolutely understand how much more similar australia is to the former than the latter. its obvious.

You do seem to have a lot of yankoidal influence from the outside looking in, especially your attitude to work. Not saying you're america lite but there have definitely been some cringe sucking up moments

Gun law-wise Australia is MUCH closer to the UK than the US though

god bless the usa

wow thank you for that incredible contribution hans

youre proud that you stayed neutral in ww2? absolute shit-tier country. we should have bombed dublin not dresden

I'm literally english

Australians are almost identical to us

Shall not pay attention to the opinions of a cringe proxy user

I'll post my passport when I get home if you want mate, from Midsomer Norton in Somerset

if australians ever become as pathetic and weak as the english it'll be a sad day for the world

misread this

not on a proxy, I moved here as a teenager

Whoever watches this is the most British-like

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there's literally nothing worse than english who try to co-opt the success of oceania by acting like we modeled our society after your trainwreck country. that could not be further from the truth.

leave and stay gone mate.

Ireland, as much as they'll deny it.

you literally did though lmao everything is built off the British system of government and administration

oh yea i forgot about the house of lords in NZ & australia.

once elizabeth ii dies your monarch were ditching """head of state""" shit too, but nobody wants to offend the old lady

>once elizabeth ii dies your monarch were ditching """head of state""" shit too

Nah people will suffer through Charles reign because they like William and Kate in the Commonwealth.

Look at that. Kate making the leaf look nice. Something the Canadian flag has failed to do for over 50 years.

>is Canada American
yes, absolutely

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Australians seething at being off brand USA

Australia is defiitely more like the USA. Big cars, big roads, sports obsession, different attitudes to drinking

Hey, they have a based country. Warm weather, one of the most aesthetic countries (the outback, the rain forests, etc) and awesome wildlife. They have an entire continent to themselves. Mad Max is good too.

they're kind of halfway between UK and US. Their humour and mannerisms are much more British than American.
>sports obsession
Australia is much closer to the UK than the US in sports.

As an English/British person living in USA I gotta say Ireland. When I meet Irish people here i can talk to them about stuff like British comedies or Premier League. Not to mention most Irish people I've met have actually been to UK. With Australia and NZ it feels like talking to a foreigner really. Having the union Jack and monarchy isn't culture. You bring up rugby and cricket and while they are English they're 2nd and 3rd to football which isn't that big over there. Just my two cents.

Take us out of this please. We're not British or British-like. We're Irish.

You are incredibly similar to us though

wtf the Isle of Man isn't part of the UK or GB that can't be right?

Stop moving over to the bigger island then.

Attached: Irish migration to Great Britain.jpg (417x688, 110K)

It doesn't look like the picture is saying that.

the Isle of Man and the channel island are their own weird thing

Yes, my Yank friend. We’ll take them in eventually (after the inevitable orange chimpouts).

Sturgeon is fishing for future votes.
Rockall legally was agreed between Danes/Faroes/Uk/Ireland but scots need leverage and legitimacy post-brexit so they’re messing about with it now

Most do. Even if they are quiet about it officially.

Absolutely. It meant more brits died. The war went on 20% longer without us.

I'm after meeting a Scottish mason last week that has given up on the orange. He says he reflected upon it, he was young, he doesn't hate anymore.
This is a man that 5 years ago would have taken arms against a united Ireland, today he's cool with it.

It's 1939
Which side should we have joined?
If we joined Allies we'd have a civil war, again.
If we joined Axis we'd be invaded by Brits, again.

They’ve mellowed in the last 10 years. Theyve been Loyal but that hasn’t been repaid to the same degree, and were no longer pushing popery.

I really think it's all heading in the right direction. Once nobody starts any bullshit, people try to get along. It's over 20 years ago now (officially), sure there's resentment on both sides but time heals and life is better without war.
The peace walls are supposed to be gone in the next 3 years now too.

Honestly I’ve visited both countries and the New Zealand people is much more pathetic than english people.

why isn't argentina in there?

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Redpill us

They do love British sports.

>The peace walls are supposed to be gone in the next 3 years now too.

I'll believe it when I see it lad.

This but New Zealand is basically Wales

>Canada doesn't have pubs

Australia has a lot of Pakis/Pajeets too


All fucking Indians (as in Indian Subcontinent) look the same, but Pajeets are better behaved and function within society far better. Pakis are mentally fucking handicapped due to too much incest.

Seriously why can't you just ban that?

not pakis

Pajeets are just more into white coloured crime. Every scammer is without doubt a Raaj or a Kumar

Realistically which Anglo country is whitest? We're definitely 5th place

you're not an anglo country m8

probably Australia if I had to guess, NZ has too many natives

We are twice as monarchists thanks to the chinks.

How are we not?

Well UK is 88% white but the census is from 2011

extremely different culture and barely anglo ethnically

Then is Canada anglo?

Hong Kong

Attached: _107661158_hi055018132.jpg (695x390, 35K)

Also Malaysia

so fucking based. how could the british actually have let these people go

the USA hasn't been anglo since like the 1850's. it was basically Germany-without-the-autism until the big immigration changes of the 1960's and now its mutt central. the only people left who admire it are literal boomers who just dont know what the USA has become. the America they worship is actually worthy of adoration but its long since ceased to exist.

Ireland honestly feels no more different to England than Scotland.

It was always a temporary lease

If we ain't Anglo then neither is Canada since they're basically just us

Why not?
Pakis are way more based than indians

Please elaborate

Strong morals
Play sport with courage

Behind all of UKs rape gangs

That’s all u got?
Pakis win mate

And terrorism

Those who commit the rapes are Africans, just check out the news brit bong, or probably you are an African yourself.

their immigrant demographics diverged in the mid-19th century


The state of retardness in the current world, I could even put that are aliens the ones rapping women in there.


>le wikipedia is shit when it disproves my point face
kill yourself lad

Ty based Honduran paki

Estos majes son idiotas, se creen todo lo que sale en Wikipedia y también lo que sale en sus noticieros que han estado censurando información desde hace ya varios años... Es como si acá nos creyeramos las pendejadas que sacan del gobierno los canales de televisión.

A Paki typing in Spanish now I've seen it all

Chinese GO HOME

Attached: hong kong.jpg (1979x1484, 261K)

>they spend their lives believing that they get 72 virginal women handed to them in an afterlife


Yes and no. In principle, I think a united Ireland just makes more sense. Northern Ireland on its own is not economically viable and the border is arbitrary and impossible to police.

However, if we were to unite, we'd have to deal with the orange men, and they would NOT be happy. I also wouldn't bank against the IRA properly starting back up in some form to try and drive the remaining prods off the island. Also we'd probably have to change our flag and anthem, etc, to placate the north.

The most common issue brought up is the financial deficit of Northern Ireland, but I think that is a bit overrated and the EU/Britain would be able to help out. I think the British government would be happy to lose that gangrenous limb if they thought they could get away with it politically.

Canada sits on the fence

>Also we'd probably have to change our flag and anthem, etc, to placate the north

How is this a bad thing? Both are complete shit. Our flag is the same as the Ebony Coast flag ffs.


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Yes, a royal blue and william orange colour scheme are perfect.

>he thinks the pale is irish
Imagine being a Dub. Imagine constantly bitching about "culchies" while also claiming to be proud to be Irish. Culchies are the heart and soul of Ireland, and your hatred of them is proof of successful British conditioning. Dublin never should've remained capital after independence.

>this boring post

Irish posters on Yea Forums are so fucking cringeworthy. Every single post is about either Ireland or Liverpool. Time to wake up and realise that the rest of the world don't care about our petty politics.

We should strive to become more like Australian posters. They contribute to a healthy array of different Yea Forums topical discussions and aren't obsessed with discussing their own country.

Holy based, a paddy that hasn't fallen into the usual balkanigger-esque mentality of making mountains out of molehills.

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Northern Ireland, hands down.

Our flag predates the Ivory Coast's flag by about 100 years and is very nice. It's a striking set of colours, easy to replicate (ie a child with two crayons and a white piece if paper could make the tricolour) and has history, being the flag raised above the GPO and used throughout the War of Independence.

Let me guess though, you're a crypto-West Brit who wants to go back to the harp, the symbol of British rule in Ireland. It's fitting that the flag of Leinster is a harp. Province of West Brits.

There's nothing wrong with being small-minded. Worrying about a plot of land you couldn't grow a carrot in is healthier than trying to rule the world. No Adolf Hitler ever came out of Ballyrush or Gortin.

Gods make their own importance.

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lmao who cares, the harp flag looks nicer which is all I care about

Best Ireland post on this site right now

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>i'm so embarrassed to be irish
>i wish we would just act like [insert other country]
Ask me how I know you're from Dublin. I'm a belligerent Connacht man and shall continue to do as I please.

I just know your 'belligerence' is that embarrassingly tetchy inferiority complex that people from rural Irish areas ooze and shame us with when they travel abroad.

t.Tom Bombadil

Honestly tend to get along best with the Irish out of those nationalities

That is UK

I live in the north and it's cloudy most of the time
do you live in essex or something

Indians are infinitely nicer are you smoking crack
Indians are on that hindu shit mate they're cool as a cucumber

T. Engpajeet

they don't move here I don't know

our top three migrant sources, in order, are England, India and China

not Britain though

>t. person who's never had that indian mate with top bants after he's had too many drinks
you're missing out

let love in user

All the pajeets here just keep trying to get me to give them discount at my retail job.

I think it's more of a generational thing. My experience with younger indian men is that if they're to a degree well educated they tend to be based

I find that if they're raised here they're generally great blokes
reckon they've been some of the best migrants in terms of assimilation, it's now coming up to the fourth generation of the italians and greeks and they're still not fully australian at this point

Tbf the ones I've met are from India. Not tth ones born and raised here.

Technically this is correct, we created Pakiland just like the countries in OP, those ingrates need to stick a union jack on their flag sonewhere

they don't really have a lot from their own culture preventing them from participating effectively in the west

Dont think anyone does bur Muslims desu