From this alpha male team to a dyke, incest cuck, willian, jesus and couts

>from this alpha male team to a dyke, incest cuck, willian, jesus and couts
What the absolute fuck went wrong?

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cheap internet, playstation and neet tendies kept the young nogs from going to the dirt amateur fields

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20 years if bad luck for paying a huge amount if money as well paid vacations to the ref against belgium in 2002

brazil is the next england

it's the onions in our food

Guys Ronaldinho Masturbinho is seared into my mind. He was my hero.

None of them were alpha though. Maybe Rivaldo. The last Brazilian alpha player was Maicon.

made me cry


>kaka ballon d'or

i now remember it lmao
one year shooting star

>trannyfucker and christian virgin

The same thing happened to every team, kids grew up as zoomers and now every national team is shittier version of the old. Brazil, italy, netherlands, germany, spain, etc

Stop regurgitating this stupid fucking brainlet take.

I'll take the piss only because of your quads. What is your opinion then, smartass?

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the jews are pouring female hormones and various chemicals into the water of every major brazilian city, seriously look it up (who owns those companies and about the chemicals)

>What the absolute fuck went wrong?
Nothing's gone wrong. They had a golden generation, won a tournament, and now have to develop another golden generation, which takes time, money and luck.

kinda foolish to expect a country to keep pumping out top tier group of talents every gen

Football became more commercialized so the gap between economies become more visible on the pitch, we have no money to hold players for more than 2-3 years and they develop in Europe, so they play like European players.

Also International football became more tactical in the past 10 years than it was on the 90s

This stupid retarded take about grass roots started because brazillians are too dumb to think about something for more than 2 minutes, the quality of training in Brazil was definetly worse in the 40-50 than in the 90s, and the quality of organized football was way better in the 90s, so why our "golden generation" is from the 90 and not on the fucking 50s.

American companies are also heavily marketing addictive junk food to third world countries, since sales of them are starting to flatten-out in the first world.

Places like Brazil and Ghana have never had the need to learn about obesity and nutrition and so their obesity rates are skyrocketing.

Joga bonito has been replaced by joga Doritos.

1. Ronaldo
2. Kaka
3. Dinho
4. Rivlado

>repeats some american conservative memes
every time

2bh all international teams now look like kids compared to the teams from the early 2000s and I legit dont know why

Why have you placed Kaka above Ronaldinho?

>from this alpha male team

So hilarious seeing everyone nowadays endless dick sucking this squad when back in 2002 no one seriously believed they could win.
They barely qualified to the World Cup and everyone was so pissed at their performance that they were nicknamed "timinho" (little squad) and the stadium crowd even throw their flags over the field as a form of protest. Goes to show how a victory can remedy everything and how those "dyke, incest cuck, willian, jesus and couts" can become heroes overnite if they win the next World Cup.


Another article about the state of our seleção back them, unfortunately I can only find articles in portuguese but just use Google Translate if you want to read it. Here they talk about how they had to embrace the hate everyone had over them.

The game against Belgium was a farce

That's a precise statement. Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano, Kaká, Rivaldo, all were physically stronger (and looked more like men too) than twink boys Coutinho, Neymar, Arthur and Jesus. Taller, stronger, more skilled, who the fuck knows what else.

You mean accurate, not precise. Only a small difference in meaning but still
Otherwise I fully agree

>Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano, Kaká, Rivaldo
All above 180cm
>Coutinho, Neymar, Arthur and Jesus.
All below 178cm

>kids getting fatter and spending less time outside is a conservative meme
I can’t imagine having my head so far up my own ass I make out everything I don’t like to be politics


Powerful image

