How do I get a gf like this?

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have a BBC

Have you tried being an older butch lesbian?

Redpill me on that, knowledgeable Pekka.

leave your basement

you don't

Save hex

Italian women are better

How do I get a gf like this

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Be white and fit and pretend to give a shit about kwansaa and wakanda.

Go to Looking for Jobs in Finlond groups on facebook and offer marriage

>be white
>say hi

Be 185+ cm athletic swedish guy with MsC in CS/math/ecology and 100k/year+ income
+ social status in her friends circle

lol for real

Be a shitskin

be a swarthy midget with a kebab shop in the center of stockholm. don't forget the e60 520xd

Us, swarthy midgets, shall inherit the earth.

>How do I get a gf like this?
Lower your standards and go to any bar on a wednesday night

>Hurtig is a lesbian.[11][12]Her partner is Lisa Lantz, her teammate on Linköpings FC.
Better check your male privilege, op.

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I fight her. Then Hurtig has to marry me.

time travel to 1852 and buy her

>520 xD

Get a black GF and encourage her to get a boob job

I'm a 179cm Canadian NEET.
Do I have a chance?

they want to have a white kids

I meant xdrive, albeit I'm 100% sure only the e60 530d had it now that I think on it

hej hej

How do I get a gf like this? :(

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That’s even manlet tier in Canada so you know the answer.

How do I get a bf like this?

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kek figures

>manlet in canada
lmao, no

yea if you're as handsome as trudeau

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get an american visa and move to seattle

>weird feet
would not fuck

you mean gf?

How do I get a slightly mentally challenged gf?

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just talk to any woman

based and misogyny-pilled

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I'm high test, how do I get a gf like this without being a half-Jew rapper?

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I'm not really a misogynist but
>argue with gf and talk back
>gets super angry and scorns me about how I shouldn't ''talk back to a lady''
>don't argue with her and just let her chat shit
>gets super angry because she can't vent her frustrations and says ''you're so fucking annoying''
>always finds reasons to argue over
what's even the point? 5 minutes of grinding against her leaky hole isn't worth this trouble

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Don't you hate it when this happens?

>5 minutes

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>5 minutes
no wonder she bitches at you

be a full-black rapper

why would you care about pleasing her lmao

>why would you care about pleasing her lmao
This really.
If you please her too much she will thing you're a beta.
You never win with women.
Do what the fuck you want.

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