Transphobic Teen Discriminates Against LGBT Track Athletes

>High school girl files federal complaint for having to race boys who identify as ‘girls’

>June 19, 2019 (Daily Signal) — A female high school athlete who didn't qualify for a track event because two boys who identify as girls ran faster filed a complaint Monday with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights.

>Selina competes in track at Bloomfield High School in Bloomfield, Connecticut. She wasn't able to qualify for the 55-meter event in the New England regionals because two spots were taken by biological boys, as The Daily Signal's Kelsey Bolar documented in a recent video report on the 16-year-old's situation.

>She is far from the only female athlete disadvantaged by policies that allow transgender girls to compete with biological girls, Selina told Carlson on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

When will this oppression end?

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People will have to accept that gender isnt viewed as a dichotomous outcome. Its a scale now. Sports should not be divided into women and men variants. If this will mean that women (as viewed in the old way) cant compete at the highest level then so be it.

>spots were taken by biological boys
so progressive, so tolerant
when will this end?

>Women vote overwhelmingly for liberal politicians or join social organisations which push this LGBTFAQ nonsense.
>Get systematically forced out of all of their sports by their pet trannies
Wind, Whirlwind.

what a bigot. Does she not know it’s 2019?


What a fucking bigot am I right SJWs??

man, what a joke those guys are.

Seeing every womens sport being entirely populated by trannies should be the ultimate goal.

Why is it so hard for/pol/turds to stay in their shitty board?

conservative mindset, everybody

Why don't they just make tranny leagues then if they're so woke

>thread about track athletes on a sport's board
>you sperg out anyway.
Uhh...ok then.

Can't wait till 42 year old Christine Ronaldo btfo of the US bulldykes in the 2027 WWC.

Based. It's time for the masses to be redpilled on this matter.

>Tucker Carlson Tonight
wait, that clown still got a job?

also this

>feminists support the abolishing of female categories
full circle.

>new Englanders think there are more than 2(two)((dos)) genders

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Every trannys ultimate goal is making the rest of society validate their delusion, giving them their own league wouldn't do that.

Maybe we can have multiple divisions like in boxing. So girly girl is the bottom division and then they go all the way to chaddy chad.

>say you identify as a woman
>dominate female sports
>get free dosh
why aren't we doing it lads? a couple of drunk fat fucks can beat the US women's NT with ease


also lmao I just realized this chick is romanian

no wonder she isn't afraid to stand up to the hypocrisy, say thank you amerifats

Easy. Transgender girls compete for trangender oriented scholarships (new) and biological girls compete for women scholarships like usual, and that's it, everyone is happy. Running is all about beating your own time, enhancing and topping one's self, so no decrease of competitive level ever happens.

she's cute. would you let me marry that kind girl if you were her mother?

>enhancing and topping one's self
No wonder trannies love it

I'm not a female so idk. as a male I'd probably give you a good beating and if you survive you can have her. I have retard strength from childhood trauma btw

fuck I hope I don't have a daughter though

Very unofrtunate because if the lawmakers and the people in the society pushing for it do agree with trans women not able to compete in real women's sports they'd admit that it's all just playing along and you cannot actually become another fucking gender. As always with the left they dig their own grave and fuck their own shit up just so they can stick to their ideal, even if they know it doesn't make sense.

Either we have arbitrary rules like ‘competitors must be biologically male or female and not on performance enhancing drugs’ or we don’t and it’s just the best human wins.

Or we stop with the whole pretending males can be females or females can be male bullshit and keep segregating between actual males and females. What a complicated solution!

those aren't arbitrary though

This. It sucks for the girl but her parents' generation chose this. If gender is just a construct, there's nothing legally stopping a guy from dominating women's HS sports and picking up that sweet Title IX scholarship money that helps our women athletes do so well internationally.

her mother actually talks against it in the video, she's also an immigrant so I doubt she's part of the liberal ''elite'' that wants everyone to be a screwed up degenerate

just have a special olympics or some shit that all of the snowflakes get to participate it

Why not just do what BMX Racing did?

They just have open categories, anyone can race in.

>thread entirely about sports
>m-muh /pol/!!!
go back to /r/Sport

As per usual, women do a bunch of stupid shit without thinking of the consequences and then when the consequences slap them upside the face, suddenly they change their tune.

how is it selina's fault that new englanders are mentally fucked and think everyone can be whatever gender they want (including made up ones)? also there are plenty of low test soilent drinking males who support this shit, especially in the USA

She's a woman

Disgusting, they should create own leagues for mentally ill people. Vast MAJORITY of people comprised of healthy men and women doesn't want this shit.

an eastern european woman, they know their place, for the most part

>tfw you're about to straight dominate the Schizoid division
Get ready losers

All women are the same. The only thing that changes is the length of their leash.

yeeee fuck the roastie

trannies all the way

who /pol/ here?


Why can't incels be more like trannies and just off themselves?

only a top shagger like myself can ever truly understand the female mind

Even if we change sports to Men's, Woman's, Freak men's and Freak women's the freaks will try to find ways to compete within the non-freaks. Thank god I was born a male.

Tip top KEK

You natter on about yourself like a woman though

most of my co-workers are female so it probably rubs on on me

Like clockwork.. every time you call a pol/turd/ on their bullshit they out themselves immediately.

This crap is a political thread, not a sports one. You never discuss college sports in here - and why would you - but some transgender woman triggers suburban hicks on a fly over state and you come running to Yea Forums to stir up shit.

That fact alone proves the nature of this thread, which is political, not sport related. Thread reported.

>implying Yea Forums didn't discuss Matthew Boling extensively
fuck off back where you came from newfag


her voice and accent are mesmerizing

>Yea Forums: female athletes should be paid much less than men because performance should indicate the salary
>also Yea Forums: guys shouldn't be able to compete with women because their superior athletic capabilities will make them win!! Women should win instead even though they perform worse because they are women!!

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Thank you, based Sandu

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>that snek logo in the corner

also should have used sneaky pete

>>you cannot actually become another fucking gender.

You can’t. Not until science reaches some superb level of bio manipulation where bodies can be replaced and we’re all immortal...

But it’s one of those logical things you can’t argue with a woman over, even men who think their women, so you let them work it out for themselves.

>year of our lord 2091
>science finally able to please the genderfluid menace
>full body cloning allowing your brain to be put in different gendered clone body
>somehow the brain ends up rejecting the new body anyways because of chromosomes

Wait... are you a transgirl playing rugby??

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oh fuck now all the other competitions are paranoid and won't leave the locker room