
sunny sunday morning edition

Zorc still crying about the season schedule
>According to "L‘Équipe", BMG is interested in french players Alexis Claude-Maurice, Flavien Tait (both wingers) and spanish LB Marc Cucurella
Real Madrid is interested in Frankfurts Ante Rebic reports "Sport Bild"

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Other urls found in this thread:


why are Dortmund such whiny bitchboys

I don't mean to derail nor to be hostile, but why do you people not exclusively speak German in /bundes/? Are you just trying to be welcoming to the rest of Yea Forums?

Because we want you to join our deep and meaningful discussion.

Attached: 1525969650485.jpg (638x359, 52K)

fuck off fatty

Is the Undes match today?

This isn't /int/ retard

yes yes


Still waiting for the granaten Wurstl!

Attached: 1552513824818.jpg (600x882, 171K)

Somebody make this with Uth -> Huth -> Dahoud

Attached: 1518707468049.jpg (2295x737, 287K)

No do gartlinger, baumgartlinger, torsten fringslinger


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Rode -> Terodde

Will the bundes ever have good?

>wake up
>already bundes
this is fine

Attached: german nationalism on the rise.png (803x520, 40K)

yes, 20:45
OP was lazy again

good what?



Atlético Madrid is interested in Rebic, not real.

Attached: 2,w=993,c=0.sport.jpg (993x559, 69K)

Baumgartlinger > Baumgartl > Baumgart

Baumann would work too

Attached: 1561855365571.png (481x406, 42K)

Arp>>mystic training>>sarpeet

Baumgartlinger > Baumgartl > Gartenzwerg

janny will lock the thread

>masochists running the Ironman triathlon in this heat

There's Teigl > Weigl > Weigelt too

Are we going to see a /deathmarch/?

Schmid - Schmidtgal - Waldschmidt


Attached: Glas.jpg (2152x1364, 398K)

>Motivation schickte auch Ex-U21-Trainer Horst Hrubsch. "Er hat geschrieben: Wenn wir schon im Finale sind, macht das Verlieren keinen Sinn", berichtet Kuntz.

How did he mean this? When would losing make sense?

>When would losing make sense
When you don't have a chance to get out of the group stage anyway and don't want to humiliate a country who just won the world cup

when you get into the easier half of the knockouts by losing for example, see Englel in the last World Cup

hehe, but everyone agreed that humiliating said country is way better than getting out of groupstage


Attached: Frankfurt Quack.jpg (2349x1321, 465K)

good post

>Heute soll laut französischen Medien alles schon offiziell werden! RB Leipzig verpflichtet laut „RMC Sport“ Paris-Juwel Christopher Nkunku (21) für 15 Mio Euro plus Beteiligung am Weiterverkauf. Der Mittelfeldspieler soll einen Fünfjahresvertrag erhalten.
For fuck's sake Ralf, how many Ngubus do you really need?

Ralle der Affenzirkusdirektor

I thought that Rangnik already left RB?

its his last work day today in Leipzig, say something nice about him

based and quackpilled


sup Holland

Attached: the sound of our people.jpg (2236x1440, 900K)


say something nice about Ralf Rangnick

>laptop zoomer coaching a bunch of ngubus
well you've had your chance RBL, back to midtable you go.

he is a decent lad

He was the last one that could un>schalke >schalke

schalke are already in the huddersfication phase. wouldn't be surprised if they tried to get Schürrle now.

Era of the BULL is upon us!

Attached: Julian-Nagelsmann-thingken-bout-4Dchess.jpg (848x565, 46K)

Are you going to watch our Grand Prix?
Me, I wont

Attached: dead skellies.jpg (2492x2840, 1.18M)

Akanji's wedding photos. Lets trigger the /pol/ brainlets.

Attached: akanju.png (601x599, 680K)

Attached: boys.jpg (1125x1101, 326K)

Attached: reus.jpg (720x1149, 161K)

The real crime here is wearing trainers to a wedding

They have already been posted and the only brainlet here is you, now fuck off back to red dit
>inb4 lol triggered, lol baited, you mad lol

purge all Greentards desu

Can Ferrari actually win today?

nobody cares about formel benz


Didnt even notice that. Yeah thats pretty bad. Also Wolf should wear socks.

>Der FC Schalke 04 hat die Verpflichtung von Innenverteidiger Ozan Kabak bestätigt. Der türkische Innenverteidiger kommt vom Absteiger VfB Stuttgart und erhält bei den Königsblauen einen Vertrag, der dem Vernehmen nach bis Juni 2024 Gültigkeit besitzt. Schalke zieht damit die Ausstiegsklausel in Höhe von 15 Millionen Euro.

can we all agree that hippos are the niggers of the animal world?

this is a known fact, yes

Bayern really needs another defender.

so why did Bayern buy Lucas Hernandes and not the goat that is Matthijs de Ligt?

fuck Arch and FUCK python3

buyern need a lot of things

but python is really easy, whats the problem?


the problem is 99% of neckbeards refusing to acknowledge the existence of anything but python 2.7.3 which breaks absolutely every open source program on Arch

because Hernandez can also play as LB

Not really. In the goal they have enough. In midfield they have enough players even if Sanches leaves. They have enough offensive players, since Gnabry can play as a false 9.

The problem is defense. They have Hernandes, Pavard, Kimmich, Alaba, Boateng and Süle. Martinez can play CB and Goretzka played fullback once to help out.

If Boateng leaves, and 2 defenders get injured, theyll be in trouble.

because Hernandez can play as LB
because De Ligt is a meme

>Sane + Kabak CB pairing
pretty gud tßh

Attached: D-Tq4pyXkAA79pr.jpg (1200x675, 111K)

>because Hernandez can play as LB
>because De Ligt is a meme
Youre in for a surprise.

>breaking your wallet for another turk/arab
surely it will work this time

what do you mean?


Hernandes is always injured with severe knee problems that never seem to be going away. Hes a top defender, but hes the next man of glass like Robben.

Deligt was sought after by Bayern, but he decided to go to Juventus after Barca, PSG and Juve were the only ones that could afford him.

Bayern wanted Deligt, but Deligt didnt want Bayern.

I see

Attached: Frankfurt big Quack.jpg (1600x900, 281K)

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it's time

Attached: deathmarch.webm (882x678, 2.94M)

Die ham doch alle Perfluorcarbon im Blut!


me walking home last night

Did you also wrestle some paramedics trying to stop you?

Attached: deathmarch2.webm (1154x618, 2.94M)

my abs are getting kinda packed lads

hey, da hab ich auch mal gekotzt



maybe you ate too much

almost as impressive as a finished ironman

I'm melting

Attached: me..png (916x910, 47K)

retarded people are a common sight in Frankfurt

HOLY SHIT BEST F1 RACE IN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah it was actually good lol. and now back to MWL.

ricenigger here
Fink is a great manager
Probably, he will be the next Japan national team manager
I wonder why he was expelled from Germany

Attached: Thorsten Fink.jpg (843x1200, 148K)

one of the many casualities of the mighty Hamburger Sport Verein

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I guess we just have better options.

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Why are Croats so good at football?

Why are Croats posting in my /bundes/?

Because he's shit, he's only ever done well with an extremely dominant Basel team. His entire system at Grasshoppers was dependent on Holzhauser, to the point that it collapsed when teams just started marking him and they let him leave after Fink was fired

he was also shit at Austria Wien where he did the exact same thing

Austria fans were even joking he'd be taking Holzhauser with him, then he went and did exactly that

I only remember when he left Baselwinslol to go to HSV of all places and thereby terminated his career

hes terrible

he looks like a black guy when you think about it

great idea

Attached: FFM.png (180x521, 16K)

Wow he looks really chewed here what the hell happened to him?

Grasshoppers happened

villa and iniesta make things so easy he has too much time to fink

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I love his football passion
He's really a good guy

Attached: TYWPuDg95ATirqdg (1).webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

Tah (C)
M. Eggestein

>Bayern Münchens Präsident Uli Hoeneß hat schon Wochen vor Beginn der neuen Saison in der Bundesliga das Duell gegen den mutmaßlichen Titelrivalen Borussia Dortmund mit ersten Sticheleien eröffnet.

>Bei der Premiere des Films "Kroos" über den früheren Münchner und ehemaligen Weltmeister Toni Kroos am Sonntag in Köln wollte Hoeneß die prominenten BVB-Zugänge für die kommende Spielzeit nicht grundsätzlich als Qualitätssteigerung bezeichnen.

>"Der BVB hat viele Spieler gekauft", sagte der Bayern-Boss auf dem Roten Teppich über Dortmunds Transferoffensive mit den Verpflichtungen der Nationalspieler Nico Schulz und Julian Brandt sowie des Belgiers Thorgan Hazard und des bisherigen Münchner Innenverteidigers Mats Hummels und meinte weiter: "Ob er sich verstärkt hat, sehen wir im Laufe der Saison."

>Zu den Münchner Plänen bei der Suche nach weiteren Verstärkungen sagte Hoeneß nichts. Nach den Einkäufen der französischen Weltmeister Lucas Hernandez (Atletico Madrid/80 Millionen Ablöse) und Benjamin Pavard (VfB Stuttgart/35) sowie Sturmtalent Jann-Fiete Arp (Hamburger SV/5) treten die Bayern derzeit auf der Suche nach neuen Spielern für den angekündigten Umbruch auf der Stelle.

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Why does he only ever smile with half his face? Did he have a stroke?


Attached: granate837.jpg (491x493, 42K)

yes hello. did he already learned some japanese?

>finally get some halfway decent LB
>not an improvement
Ugh, Wurstl.

How is Öztunali STILL in the U21? Wasn't he a Bundesliga player already like 5 years ago?


>White skin

Attached: GerSpanLineUp.jpg (505x923, 74K)

cute! CUTE!


spain is gonna win 3-1

3d print this post

Olmo Germany is finished

Don't think we'll hand out 3 penalties today

it'll be 1 benudli

Not to mention the 3rd and 4th best assist creators of last season.

Did you see Spain vs France. They will walk all over your boys.

oyarzabal about to shit on nubel

More like numale

6 years

Oyarzabal is a funny name

thanks for reading

I don't get it. Why are 23 year olds allowed in the U21 tournament? Did quali start when they were just 21 or what?

jetzt haltet mal alle kurz oyarzabal

So, are Spain the favourites tonight? Yes? ?No

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Shut the FUCK up, anime filth

You can't be the favorite against a team coached by Kuntz

Because the tournament starts with the qualification/group stages.

do you kiss your mother with that mouth? good lord.

ok im here now


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fuck off anime retard

do not reply
the anime

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Us Germans do not touch each other. My physical contact with mother stopped with the breastfeeding at age ten.

>breastfeeding at age ten
god i wish that was me

Based Broich kommentiert wieder?

>breastfeeding at age ten.
That's child abuse. Give me your mothers number this instant

Attached: 1528147101661.jpg (438x438, 34K)

Wait is that Jogi?

based animagus


He looks tiefenentspannt.

Dortmund will sign me next week

Good luck. Do you have the echte Liebe mentality?

I don't why I still watch the pre match coverage. It's always the same dumb phrases from those retards.

So, are Spain the favourites tonight? Yes? No?

So they followed my Animateur advice?

welcome back, Bartra

Attached: 1511027286541.jpg (864x1026, 1.55M)


Based Casillas


Morey, please.

yes but we have Waldschmidt

Olmo alder

Are you Marc Cuckurella? O_O

Attached: Buyern calling.png (1600x1600, 1.16M)

they got out of the group of death despite losing to PORCO DIO.
so yes

yes tßh

Attached: peaklaola.jpg (800x211, 42K)


Welcome to BVB Mateu Morey

Vorwürfe aus der Mannschaft
gegen unsere Bundestrainerin

aka Sorcher
aka Pisser

Means pisser.

>Bedeutungen: [1] landschaftlich, umgangssprachlich bis vulgär: urinieren. Herkunft: stammt vom mittelhochdeutschen Wort brunnezen, brunzen, das von brunnen mit dem Suffix -zen abgeleitet ist, und hieß also ursprünglich „einen Brunnen machen“.


#respect from Kirchörde

>Schluchtenscheißer turbomett
Im Süden nichts neues.

>Real Madrid is interested in Ante Rebić

What? I've read it was Atletico on local news.

that underage girl had nice tits

Attached: 65964605.jpg (599x399, 33K)


It means pisser

was conflicted about her too

whats your oppinion on Braco?

Attached: braco.jpg (1356x698, 119K)

dumb Nijemac

Huh? Didn't they just buy him?

>being conflicted about oppai loli
how's the homosexuality treating ya, fag?

Yes ante jovic
It means pisser

post pic

>VW shill rc car
I wonder who is behind this...


Attached: niko.webm (394x406, 1.96M)

Probably VW.

Have to use illegalstream because ARD fucks up.

watched this whole webm hoping that she flashes in the end. didn't happen...

Proof that weebshit can turn anything gay.

damn it now i wanna fap




tah is shit lads

what a start

Attached: 1652395876098.jpg (867x867, 122K)

olmo alder

beschissen worden

have fun

Da war er aber net auf Dahoud.


Attached: hoh.jpg (369x369, 70K)

*crlear throat*



*drop the mic*

ah i see another one of my bracocros

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-28 um 19.49.11.png (774x936, 854K)

Fußball more like Eckball olmo

>everyone went for a shit at the same time
fucking german efficiency

I bet you didn't even have a toilet buddy in military who would always take a dump at the same time as you.

bit gay desu

>Brazzo unter Druck: Bayerns Sommer der Transfer-Pleiten
>FC Bayern München: Der Sommer der Transfer-Pleiten - Die "Times" berichtet von Bayerns verzweifeltem Werben um Liverpool-Zugang Sepp van den Berg.
>Nicht die erste ungewöhnliche Aktion von Hasan Salihamidzic und Co. im Transfer-Sommer

AHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHA the absolute desperate state of bauern

Attached: (You).gif (320x240, 2.87M)



>i rate Nübel

>Mir wird gleich nübel.


it was bound to happen

bundes did it again

/bundes/ memes 2 stronk

no richter no party

also le nose Löw

>31°C and it's almost midnight
How cheap are flensburg rents?


refball'd lads


was clear red. VAR is manned by retards

geschiriballt leuts


jz 1 jibbit amk

>this is a yellow card

not red worthy

Is there a bigger brainlet than Baumgartl

the ösi

who was the VAR for this game?

Can't win against Uefaspania

Not to toot my own horn, but I was member Me. Zwei on the Olmo wagon. I recognized the greatness immediately (mind you, elmo is still terrible)

it's time

Attached: schlafi time.jpg (4612x1960, 938K)

no more football, what do?

wait for more Buyern Spaghetti, Uli will surely deliver

Jz 1 wassermelone

name one or two fun things to do in Berlin as a tourist

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Fuck German women

Berlin girls in particular are loose

T. Jamaal Sandoval, former us army

bundes = 100% s󠀀oy

real jt hours

hate the fact that our beloved Kagawa will play at the turks



it was a good fap :)


Attached: 1561661580330.jpg (1080x1350, 330K)

of the top of my head
>eat currywurst-pommes rot-weiß
>eat döner with ayran and uludag
>go to technoschuppen and shoot heroin
>do nazi salute in public

ugh, herion and techno don't mix well

ist es guten aber nicht


jz 1 Proteinshake ihr lauchs

good night

Based BVB + Schalke duo



good morning


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at 10.40.05.png (1304x1068, 1.59M)

ayy lmao




Bienchen really are a phenomenon. I don't think there's been another club in history that lost 7 (seven) championships in a row yet still was this arrogant.

at this point I think its a form of coping with ptsd, they did waste the championship against their direct rivals after all

Attached: sojabtfo.jpg (297x109, 6K)

Uli please sign someone good already

>anti-customer comments must be made by shareholders

>Buyern, Dortmund and >schalke all making, more or less, a fool out of themself this transfer window
What a time to be alive....

Attached: 1512399917847.png (667x768, 243K)

no u

Attached: fünfzunull.jpg (621x253, 21K)

It's like those turbo brainlets just can't comprehend that buyern-hate is the one thing that unites most buli watchers

imagine going into that game with all your hopes up thinking you can actually beat Bayern, that this would be your year, and then get absolutely wrecked within 40 minutes

Attached: hopeded.jpg (572x301, 24K)

>Morey (as a prospect)
>didnt lose Sancho
>didnt lose Witsel
>didnt lose Reus
>probably still getting a bulky striker
Dortmun did great. Id worry more about Schalke.

in your oppinion, where did you waste the championship more? Was it the 5:0 in the direct duel or the 2:4 in the derby? Also, which of those losses hurt more for you?

>still no Granate

When did razor start sperging again and has he finally finished his NCfugee studies?

Which is pretty pathetic in and of itself

Seeing HSV in the frens graphic makes me nostalgic. It's been nice with you... I know >we are a fucking joke but I really miss Bundes.

Just ignore him, or hell threaten us with a meetup that he can tactically escape again.

you are all retarded

kys customer

Imagine. The average German pays half of his income as taxes so that refugees/fuckmaenner are given 500 euros every month and their rents and insurance paid for. These fuckmaenner go to local clubs to hit on German women and rape children and their actions are financed and sponsored by the German taxpayer themselves. So they literally pay for the club entrances of these fuggermanns


dont forget the part where they valiantly defend this practise and think thats it for their personal benefit aswell as for the benefit of their country, nay, civilization at large

muzzies yay, ösis nay. desu

One Olmo pls :DD

Attached: 1550243836021.jpg (785x752, 184K)


2-3 Euro of my taxes goes to them roughly.
It surely too much but you make yourself an idiot.

How much do you pay in schlomos pocket?

I wouldn't mind being terrorized by those

too expensive after this cup

Olmo alder

Per Capita the are more Fuckmen in Austria than here.
Your Grundsicherung is also more cash than our Hartz4.

>was promised rain and abkühlung by meteorologen today
>its another 35 degrees day with high humidity
cant take much more of this desu

32°C here atm but there are clouds so it's pretty comfy

>Borussia Dortmund hat die Verpflichtung von Mateu Morey (Foto) aus dem Nachwuchs des FC Barcelona am Montagnachmittag offiziell bestätigt. Der 19-jährige Rechtsverteidiger erhält beim BVB einen Vertrag bis zum 30. Juni 2024

Attached: D-ZB_18WkAAEXoH.jpg (1200x750, 170K)

>[ringing intensifies]


Absolutely based retard


>/bundes/ friends

Vogt to Bayern?

That would be quite hilarious.

era of the bull

Attached: D-EX3KUWkAAqR1K.jpg (993x559, 68K)

Hopefully not.

Era of Werner plays like shit this coming season and then goes to Bayern in 2020 for free

its happening and there is nothing you can do about it

so nothing changes?

Attached: e5z5z.jpg (588x231, 26K)

You can stop shitposting now.

Werner was pretty good this season scorer-wise.
The Guardiola-style round changing room is pretty smart.

What's smart about that? No corners to clean for the janitor?


Its good for the feeling of team-equality and it allows the coach to address everyone in the same distance, when he gives speeches or instructions.

You just KNOW

Attached: D90ht54WsAA31Ci.jpg (848x1200, 135K)

>losing championships

how does that work? You mean like all the other teams expect buyern?

>Its good for the feeling of team-equality

Attached: SoyLatte.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

how do you even change a normal rectangular room into a round one? Just throw cement at the corners?

Grüne an die Wand uezs

cant be real, has to be a parody, its too perfect

Good question.

how can you not like this man

Attached: _fa_nick.jpg (1200x801, 158K)

most of the time you expand the room because trying to fit a circle in a sqaure will leave you with way too small room

But it's not really fitting a circle in a square. The room can stay rectangular, only the corners have to be rounded.

you still cut off too much of the area. The rectangular room atm is most likely not oversized. I have only seen rooms getting expanded when they get changed so far.

They might have knocked down walls and expanded into adjascent rooms.

that would work also

i suppose that's what they are planning to do

Lazaro to Inter confirmed

Attached: D-ZgGZaWsAEJ7Ta.jpg (960x1200, 274K)

you would have to expand the room by quite a bit, depending on the length differences of the sides of the rectangle.
It would be the least with a square.

But with an example like pic, wouldn't you get into electriity, pipes and whatnot, and possibly even into adjoining rooms? Oh and what about the hall that leads to the dressing room?

I dont see how this would work.

Attached: bd4wA6Ehl6-76765.png (200x213, 7K)

Teuchert on loan to Hannover

Leibold and Ewerton from Nürnberg to HSV

rb has money for all of that. It's some work but they will want to keep the space for the players the same.

but everyone is totally equal then, whats going through some walls and pipes against that
you certainly dont want your team to have a natural hierarchy with clear leaders, thats fascist

Im sure 50k for a room is covered by the 3rd best club in Germany.

>3rd best

>Bayern have made Ousmane Dembélé their priority for this summer. First contact has been made between Salihamidzic and the player's agent. Bayern want to wait for the arrival of Neymar and Griezmann to Barcelona which would lower the price of Dembélé [@francefootball]


literally makes no sense

kek wurstl getting absolutely desperate

>Barca pays 120 for Griezman
>Barca pays 230 for Nerman
>Therefore theyll ask for less money for a player that doesnt want to leave, they dont want to lose and that has a 400 million exit clause
Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Yes, it would be the first time ever that a club would want to get someone off its payroll who doesn't have much chance for a place in the team

hope we get some funny homestories

Attached: dem.jpg (994x703, 215K)


He's trying to become a messi





>„Wenn Borussia Dortmund 120, 150 Millionen Euro Schmerzensgeld bekommen kann, was der Spieler gar nicht wert ist - dann ist der Verein kein Verlierer.“

Attached: grenadehunter.jpg (433x700, 133K)

Barca said less than a week ago that they want to keep Dembele despite new transfers and that if anyone wants him, they should pay the exit clause of 400 million

Is "unterste Kreisklasse" now good enough for Buyern?

Dembele is unironically based and mia san mia pilled.

Will Dembele be Breno 2.0 and burn down the Allianz Stadium?

Braco to Buyern?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-28 um 20.01.04.png (822x1280, 741K)


Attached: absolutelybeschissen.gif (800x602, 1.09M)

Why is he so punished

Dortmund got a new Pulisic
>Nach der Verpflichtung von Mateu Morey aus dem Nachwuchs des FC Barcelona hat Borussia Dortmund am Montagabend zwei weitere Zugänge von hoffnungsvollen Talenten bekannt gegeben, die aber zunächst für die Jugendmannschaften der Schwarz-Gelben eingeplant sind. Giovanni Reyna (Foto) stößt aus der Academy des New York City FC zur U19 des BVB, während Bradley Fink vom FC Luzern die U17 verstärkt.

Attached: D-Z1y0OXkAMKVcx.jpg (1200x800, 205K)

>trashing klut floppos crib
peak mia san mia mentality

Soto is the zoomer Pulisic


Buyern are sooooo fucked lmao.

Attached: laughing whores.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)


Attached: Calli.jpg (1060x812, 181K)

Now I remember Calli ordering Bratwürst from Uli:

Based expert Calli Raimund confirming Brazzo isn't food.

>Er ist keine Bratwurst
>Calmund findet Hasan Salihamidzic gut
That's not how I interpreted it coming from the unit.

Hasan Salihamidzic? more like Hasan SALAMIdzic

Is that the Leverkusen way of saying "hes has the mia san mia attitude"?

>not knowing about the /strong mind/ Bratwurstmentalität of le Werkslelf


Attached: 1561412585981.gif (1000x1000, 308K)

if(input == "Bayern" || "Uli" || "Salihamidzic"){

message = getrandom(epicBayernQuotes);


You would expect that even for the most feeble minded this would get repetitive and boring, but not so for the special retards in bundes

thx, wasnt sure about it

kek, der BRAZZZLER

Attached: wiesenhof-bruzzzler-sortiment-original.jpg (767x608, 59K)

he is lowkey mocking him

The word is "subtly", you disgusting wigger.

He's low-key a nigger and not actually a wigger

unironically this
fuck mainzZZZzz tier summer break

thank you, you are absolutetly right, I will never use that word again, since I also hate it, and its just a stupid internet thing. Somehow forgot about the correct word because I read it so often.

>Anders als in den Vorjahren herrschte auf Schalke zum Trainingsauftakt am Montag eine sehr verhaltene Atmosphäre, man könnte sie sogar als leicht unterkühlt bezeichnen. Weder vor noch während und ebenso wenig nach dem Training ernteten die Profis von den rund 1200 Zuschauern Beifall, von Worten der Anerkennung ganz zu schweigen.
>Die Stimmung glich jener auf der Mitgliederversammlung tags zuvor, als Vorstandsmitglied Alexander Jobst selbst von "Lethargie" sprach.
>Die waren ganz offensichtlich weniger Fans vom FC Schalke, sondern von Galatasaray, Kabaks Ex-Klub. Die Landsleute des Innenverteidigers, der wegen eines in der Relegation erlittenen Nasenbeinbruchs mit Gesichtsmaske trainierte, nahmen den Zugang nach der Einheit regelrecht in Beschlag. Der 19-Jährige ließ sie etwas verschüchtert gewähren und sich sogar einen Galatasaray-Schal um den Hals hängen. Mit ihren Gesängen beschallten die türkischen Stimmungsmacher phasenweise das halbe Gelände.


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I really don’t understand Bayern. They could get Robert Skov for €10m and he’s easily as good as Dembele, plus much more mature so he won’t need to be nursed along.

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>Mit ihren Gesängen beschallten die türkischen Stimmungsmacher phasenweise das halbe Gelände.
Schalke, yes!

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Just came back into the thread and thought one of the other Danes were here but then I remember that I made the post half an hour ago.


Bayern should have bought Pulisic

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I miss Doge posting, it was the big meme when I first got into imageboards

Based Jupp

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Uli's skin tone is getting there
Another /bundes/ meme manifests in IRL


how did penko & dasha do?

can't make this shit up

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They had their moments

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>Barcelona are aware of Bayern's interest in Ousmane Dembélé and will listen to offers for the player

>As Alfredo Martinez reports, Bayern have the opportunity to sign Dembele for 100 million euros.

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>tfw they will pay €120m - "was der Spieler gar nicht wert ist"

so, what is appropriate house to hold an Dembélé artgerecht?

Speak English you absolute fag

lose weight and play handegg
this is /bundes/

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Lol you're fat

Have sex

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>As Alfredo Martinez reports, Bayern have the opportunity to sign Dembele for 100 million euros.
Theyre gonna sell Coutinho, not Dembele.

no one wants Kuhtinho


One of the English suggardaddy clubs will, buy him.

Buying Dembele is a virtually risk-free business btw. If he flops, Aki will buy him.

Hassan this is /bundes/ not your skype group with uili

If he flops, Tuchel will buy him.


sup jt

hello there friend, welcome to lolBayern general

Chelsea is banned
He doesn't want United
City won't spend more than 70m on a player
Klopp won't take him back


>He doesn't want United

Coutinho will be part of the Neymar deal

And why is Eriksen never mentioned re Bayern

Not me this time
Only 96% of burger posts are me

Wouldnt be able to compete with Sanches or Goretzka

They got Thiago, Tolisso, Goretzka, Müller and Sanches for the 8/10 role.

>uli and levy
the business meating to end all business meetings. Israel would probably nuke Iran on the very same day

you didnt answer me question

Good one.

Bad experience with Danes

>"I know that games against United are special. I learned what they meant during my time at Liverpool when we lived it so intensely with the fans. I have that nailed in my memory and, even though this is a different stage, if Barcelona knock United out of Europe, it will be a double personal satisfaction for me."
It would take some back pedalling

Goretzka is good.


Yeah I remember that quote, what does that have to do with him not transfering there?

Why buy something you can get for free a year later?

Because Juventus will beat them to him if it comes to that.

I thought Lerby was pretty good (ignoring his coaching job)


Le disappears in big matches Dane

He went on to captain a club in the best league in the world. I’d say Bayern made some mistakes when it came to him.

reminder we live in this day and age

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Good night and sleep tight my friends

n8i n8i

cant tell who is really there and who is shopped

I think in that case dortmund would even receive couple more millions from Barcelona, lmao

>I'm assembling a gang

>muhndes in austria
>contest for amateurs coaches

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based glubb brudi

What depp means?


R.I.P. Glubb, FC Basel soon

Ive just been called a normalfag and got insulted because I didnt get some cryptic meme.

I forgot what a retarded place the internet is sometimes.

>I forgot what a retarded place the internet is sometimes.
you sound like a normalfag

what was the meme
also in what place

normie pls leave

and I rather not say, some stupid discord chat

They guy insulting me had a cartoon bird as profile pic. Im getting too old for this.

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I feel like Yea Forums is one of the more normie boards on Yea Forums - and I mean in a good way

its loss
the fuck were you doing in Yea Forums discord chat
get a grip and stop crying niklas


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>discord chat
you have only yourself to blame then
but I wouldnt have gotten that either

it makes appreciate /bundes/ even more

still suprised someone got it this fast, nerd

I've been on Yea Forums way too long, I know all the stupid IRC groups yet was never in one.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

I've been here too long. And no, I'm not proud of it.

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it's time

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Is this loss?

explain how its loss, provided you actually know

The two stones on the right represent the doctor telling the fag that his gf (male) miscarried

Now post tits

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ah, yes... of course

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time for my ten minutes ab workout


is that boomer or zoomer humor?

Tfw no Lena gf


>le autosage

>Barcelona has offered Dembele to Bayern and not the other way around. Bayern can get him for 80m-90m. Brazzo has already contacted Dembele's agent
that's it for next season

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it was close to the bump limit anyway.

but nothing is happening
we don't need a fresh OP every day

>trashes his munich apartment while being injured for half of the season
heh nothing personnel wurstl

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