2 copa oro games were more exciting than the semen slurping quarterfinals in copa america

>2 copa oro games were more exciting than the semen slurping quarterfinals in copa america
literally SOUL vs SOULESS
also >vartsimpson was a mistake

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Copa America is for cucks

Gold cup is the best tourney that isn't the world cup

nobody cares about watching z list team competing in a Mickey mouse cup.

var sinson is coming for next conCACAf (((gold))) cup edition mae

>Mexico wins 2022 WC thanks to VAR SINSON

>z list
blame fifa for this
>mickey mouse cup
both are

copa de oro = copa de leche

considering most teams park the bus against memexico and take advantage of non-existent fouls, yeah i think you're right.


>Copa America needs to constantly invite literal whos
>when they have 3 (THREE) more countries to use in their continent

just accept Guyana and Suriname you weirdos.

Mate i swear on God North americans and central americans are the worst people on the fucking world.

I don't even know why we allowed those islands to have people on them

>tfw France will never leave UEFA and join Conmebol

Lose weight

>He rates the Copa Slurpmerica
>Not the HEART OF GOLD Cup

Lmao imagine playing copa oro instead of glorious copa memerica

>Imagine not having curaçao and haiti

quality of countires doesn't always mean the tournament is any good. Copa America this year is horrid and you know it, friend.

rooting for Brazil btw :)

Nah mate, it is about the quality of the people.There is not a single good opinion regarding football made by a north american, even worse, by a fucking tiny fucking island that barely has people to field a solid team.

It is pathetic, my whole life i have to sit and listen to fucking Mexicans pretending they understand what football is.


Like the best team in the confederation never went past the RO16, that is fucking pathetic.


Tripadvisor and Trivago

Literally those haitians will be chilean in months.

>being so weak mind you lose to the netherlands because they changed keepers

Mexico is a shithouse team, sure. that doesn't mean they don't know what football is? perhaps I misunderstand because my country is shit as well so forgive me

>not qualifying to Russia 2018

Don’t listen to South American COPE about their shit tournament lad

>losing 7 fucking 0 at home to a team that didn't qualify for the World Cup

Mate, what used to be your country were 2 times runner-up, this is more than any CONCACAF team will manage in their entire history.

Now just imagine if the whole world pretends Czechoslovakia was some kind of football powerhouse.
For all England gets hate, they won a fucking WC,you can't take that away from them

But you have all these tiny islands and Mexico/USA pretending they have a football culture, or they are relevant to the world as a sports nation when they are on the same level as Asia and barely above Oceania.

And they have this facade of being wholesome underdogs, like Costa Rica pura vida shit, can't stand that, so they keep talking trash, keep losing, and pretending they don't care.

>copa de oro
>Mexico, USA, CR, and Jamaica
>the rest is shit like el Salvador, curacao, Haiti
How the fuck is this good?

>losing 3-1 to the same team that you defeated 7-0 last match

You have to go back congoloid

I repeat, you lost 7-0 to the Copa América champions while being the Copa Oro champions. This says a lot about the level of conCACAf.

>W-We won tournaments and sheeeit
This seriously can’t be your argument for why people should watch your shit cup can it?
BRAZIL Can’t even fill the stadium in their own cup kek, meanwhile Chad and monumental American stadiums are filled to the brim with SOUL and HEART, when Honduras and El Salvador play

It's a shit cup. Chicanos are the only ones who do rate/defend this shit.

Brazil playing in Brazil
México playing in Mexico

>implying you’re not a Congolombian chicano.
Real red-blooded Americans would never shill for Copa slurpmerica, and beg for the Brazilian BBC as much as you do m8

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i'd never thought i'd reply that to an american in Yea Forums, but...

those islanders go watch the games and root for their team like animals to reach as far as possible and it's all that matters.
Costa Rica is a poor country with 4mi people, dude, take it easy

>two times America champions
>no even qualify to world cup

No, the argument is about how pathetic your sports opinion is.I couldn't care less if you watch this shit cup, but trying to antagonize South america, and by extention, copa america, is fucking pathetic, and that is why no one cares about your fucking sports opinion

Exactly, that is what they, a tiny island that pretends they have this sports culture when it is on the same level as Pakistan.

But they have this friendly underdog facade when in reality if they could they wouldn't have that.

I wouldn't have a problem if they realized that they will never win anything and are there just for filler because we have to represent the whole world.

Let the "wholesome" shit to the olympics, it is embarassing to try to have that attitude in the world cup

>but trying to antagonize South america, and by extention, copa america, is fucking pathetic, and that is why no one cares about your fucking sports opinion
now this is fucking true, if they made a single cup for the continent, any country currently in CONCACAF would never reach quarterfinals besides Mexico. but i don't watch central american media so i don't know if they actually antagonize South America in any way besides shitposters on Yea Forums so i personally don't know what you're talking about

>SEETHING Macaco wants to stop being bullied on Yea Forums
7-1 part deux incoming

Doesn't that just speak about how shit the level in Concacaf is compared to Conmebol?

Attached: 64910654_2373790066212062_6205478215092273152_n.jpg (206x243, 11K)

>Peru and Panama went IN
>USA and Chile not
It means meme titles are nothing

CONCACAF is underrated desu. This is soul.


By that logic, you'd say Mexico is worthless, since they only cling to their titles knowing that nobody outside our region considers them remotely good.

says it the country that shot itself in the foot when they cried to the TAS in 2017, only because they could not beat Bolivia lol

rent free

>Costa Lica

>losing to Haiti

>being so butthurt
I thougbt brazilians were chill

And by the way, we are not an island. That's Puerto Rico

most of the public are from people from USA and not from the caribbean, also you can't call it SOULLESS with those emply stadium in your cup brazil

epic spacing

>Gold Cup

Its just an extended shitshow to see who gets the cup between USA and Mexico.

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Playing in La Paz is not a meme...

the concacaf is shit tier probably on the same level as the afc

Everyone knows that when the level of competition is lower the games are more exciting. That's why second division matches generally have more soul than first division

that's what you get when you put Euro shit into it, 0-0s
VAR was a mistake

You must not be watching the current game

There are fun games in a little league, doesn't mean they are all awesome and anybody outside family should watch them

Stop embarrassing us

the weakest competition in the world.

those portuguese that made you fucked up
should've made all those islands brazilian

the falkland islands say hi

You're lucky you're alive, nigger. I don't even know why all the rest of South American didn't join forces to take your land and gonocide all your niggers. Seems like the rational choice.

>tHe faLKaNdS aHAhA aM I meMeiNg gOoD gUyS?
lose weight
have sex


>vuvuzela better than Costa Rica

viado guaipeca.
gostou seu filho da puta?

Costa Rica is a meme team that just got lucky in 2014.
It should be ranked much lower, like in the 50s desu.

If CONMEBOL and CONCACAF merged probably not a single team from CONCACAF would qualify to the WC.

Al fin VARSINSO drama cerca de casa



USA vs Nezquik today right
who is the favorite


who won last time both national teams faced each other?

>Venezuela 27 places above Ecuador
Damn, that hurts

>still thinking this shit
>even though last Copa America USA was 4th and Mexico was QF

I don't speak google-translated monkeybabble
have sex
lose weight
acquire dignity

imagine caring about soccer