>3 out of 4 end 0-0

How the fuck can you third-worlders continue to defend this so-called "sport"?

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This CA has ironically kept me at the edge of my seat more than the WC. There is never a clear winner.

>never a clear winner
Yeah because literally 7/8 teams can't score a single goal

You just don't understand the tactical brilliance required to perfectly execute a 0-0 game.

>Argentina is the only one who can score
F-Fuck bros.

Almost like people actually enjoy the sport and not BIG NUMBAH ME LIKE WHEN NUMBAH GO UP AND BIGGER THAN OTHER NUMBER


they do but they get Var Sinsoned, i think it has offed like 20 goals already

I don't even know when you people are joking anymore
>any numbah bigger than 0 is a "BIG NUMBAH" because Brits can't count past zero
no wonder you can't make Brexit work.

They'll defend how it's 100% rigged too


>They'll defend how it's 100% rigged too
You mean "defend how it's not rigged"?

Nah it's because the attacking is shit more than anything. Brazil can't even beat either Venezuela or Paraguay in 90 minutes anymore at home?

I know underdogs sometimes do well in CONMEBOL because they have a siege mentality but it's not the whole reason

Soccer is for faggots and retards. Its amazing people still watch despite all the diving queers and shitty reffing.

imagine unironically thinking tie games are exciting

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>The game that qualified Perú to the world cup.

Bad example.

>Both teams benefit from the outcome except Chilel
I don't see nothing wrong here fatso.

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>extra time against a superior team
>not parking the bus

Teams do this in hockey, basketball, and football, you mong

Based blue light filter

opinion discarded
but not when the score is tied 1-1 they don't

Sometimes the way I know I've made a good post is by the amount of seething foreign (You)s I get desu

>He trusts FIFA

look at all that non-stop action

kys leafcuck

Becauase we aren't retarded AHDH children that constantly needs dopamine injections otherwise it will cry because "hurr durr number not high".

haha yes! we appreciate your intentiong on memeing and having a good time!
but you're posting on the wrong board, here let me link your board to you
remember to abstain from posting outside of it the next time!
there you'll be able to enjoy BB(C)Qs with your fellow fans of "real" sports, like spandex negros colliding while fondling an egg!

>A team like Uruguay loses to fucking Peru thanks to penalties

Holy shit how does anyone take this sport seriously? Lmao

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I just want you to know that football, just like latinos, will take america and your shitposting can't stop it.

This is an American website
"Other" sports like Fifaball are what belong in as they serve as an alternate to normal sports in the country the website serves. Please direct all Women's World Cup, Copa America, Gold Cup and other soccer discussion over there

This is why copa oro is more entertaining

Go back to your handegg general and lose Weight

Imagine how many trophies Jose would've won

Lose weight fat fuck

argentina is the only one that is decent but just routinely fucks up in the big games. Chile always flounders and then wins the big games

Another question? what is the fucking schedule of when a copa america is supposed to be played? it looks so random

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>we LIKE it when our sport is dull as fuck
goddamn brown people are fucking stupid

It used to be every two years... then ever three years... then every four years... then the 100th anniversary in 2016 was like a special case or something so the next one was scheduled four years after the 2015 one.
I don't know what the fuck is going one with the one next year tho.

unironically Copa Oro is more exciting
>no bartsimpson
>epic remontada 3-2, and leafs getting btfo
>benalties but at least this time was a tie with fucking GOALs and between the best teams in the region
meahwhile in copa america they have 3 semen slurping games in FUCKING QUARTEFINALS,and how the fuck uruguay got eliminated by a team that lost 5-0 the past game? not even copa oro do this

Dude that's a sun not a star lmao

t. assblasted chileANO

they're doing it to return to the regular schedule
they made this one happen 4 years after the 100th, so they basically fucked up. they're fixing it with the next one though

Its all Cavani's fault. Psg to some extent aswel.

It's going to be every four years, but now in even years

I gained 30kg just by reading this

>dude lose weight lmao
Poorfags gonna poorfag

Así se clasifican al mundial los equipos mediocres. Prefiero no clasificar antes que ver mi selección haciendo semejante mariconada.

la magia de varsinso

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copa america is shite tbf

so that the next copa america is two years ahead the last WC and not one year like it used to be.
>mfw quadcampeonato

Based. I suggest you to watch futsal instead :)

If soccer had hockey-tier scoring it would be a much better sport. except for basketball all of our sports aren't that high scoring. You ironically get caught up in the big number our football have but don't realize there only like 6-8 scores, it just inflates the numbers because of scoring deviations(4 different ways to score having them all be worth 1 would be stupid)

no it wouldn't be
point about football is that it's hard to score a goal, it usually requires a lot of effort
the effort that goes into a goal is what people love watching, that is people who actually watch football

ADHD maniacs like Americans can't understand this, your brain is wired differently due to copious amount of fat and high fructose corn syrup

They haven't been scoring goals this Copa though because the quality (especially attacking-wise) has objectively been subpar, not because muh fat boogeyman.

it's because of VAR, so many close calls which would otherwise be goals

VAR was a mistake,yea it sucks when they make a bad call...but scoreless games suck more

>I don't know what the fuck is going one with the one next year tho.
The real answer is that Conmebol want to milk Messi for every penny he is worth before he retires

imagine having such a terrible sport that the only way anybody can score is if you have shit refs that let them get away with cheating. Imagine it being impossible to score if you follow the rules.

2 goals on col chi, 3 goals on uru per, no idea how many on the other two. Lots of goals on group phase were simpsoned as well.

WTF is "VAR sinson"?
I know what VAR is but what's a sinson?

Sabe pa

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show them cricket


*eats a fucking triple McBacon while breathing heavily*

1 year and still seething


*5 years and still BTFO of everyone

south american teams are shit

answer the fucking question what does sinson mean?

>Hurr durr americans fat!
can you even afford food in your third-world countries?

fuck I love how mad this country makes all you irrelevant shitholes

yeh is quite grim
dont think the no extra time idea worked desu

>el americANO señores

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Save hex

>argentina only team that scored goals

>urugay and congolombia gone


Of course an amerifat would think the Netherlands is in Africa or LatAm. I honestly feel pitty for your education system.

Copa is broken, no extra time in quarters makes sure every weak team parks the bus to the extreme.

It should be two groups of six teams and only the best two of each group advance directly to semis.

>w-we're a first world country! Honest!
Of course a Yuropoor would think you're not a third-world country.

Extra time is used after the semifinals

This happened unironically because of using the european VAR
It's their fault

We dont. Enjoy your football. We will enjoy ours.

>This happened because they played by the rules and called the game correctly
the absolute state of divegrass fans!

there was a new team in Bundesliga that was making a serious threat to winning the league, all of germany united and changed rules just so Bayern can keep winning every year

yeah, you're a shitskin monkey so you don't count as a human

Fuck Peru