Was it autism? Based or cringe?

Was it autism? Based or cringe?

Attached: FB_IMG_1561860934106.jpg (682x960, 77K)

hes an angel. shut your mouth.

but, this is a fascinating pic which shows once again peak performance and excellence is a neuromuscular pattern, a physiological state, that once repeated gives very close if not exactly the same results. this man is a prodigy.

absolutely based

wait, is he closing his eyes when shooting? this is the benulties """""expert""""" everyone on chiled is talking about?

His muscle memory lets him shoot with his eyes closed and know its going in

Basado y charlespileado


Most underrated and underpriced chilean player, the only irreplaceable piece in the team.


Popeye syndrome.

he unironically ties the team together

Based, the only way someone could actually stop his shoot is if they put themse in the far rigth corner but he could just trow it slow to the other side and it is goal anyway

Imagine shooting a penalty shot with your eyes close

dile esa wea a la cara y veamos que pasa

Attached: charles.jpg (577x433, 61K)

I'm fascinated by the index and thumb getting close than his eyes closed

That's how he aims

The great ones are often obsessed to the point of coming across as autists, you can see that he practised that kick to the point that it became as natural as breathing

>Shoots so fast keepers avoid the ball

La vieja confiable

kek, talk about delusional

I believe that he is closing one eye only. My question is, what he fuck with the thumb tho, that seems more like a cabala move more than anything.

Peak form