Visit major US city

>visit major US city
>friend insists we see a MLS game
>people waving country flags for a local game as well as rainbow and tranny-coloured flags
>crowd repeatedly using FIFA and Premiere League chants
>hot as fuck outside and people are still wearing team scarves
>woman behind me is talking to her friend in a horribly imitated accent and repeatedly calls the sport football
What the fuck is wrong with American soccer fans?

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Gotta steal culture to look cultured

that shit never happened when I went to a few Chicago games a while back. Probably because they fucking sucked and it was only me and the Mexicans in the cheap seats, but still

OP sounds like they went to some more mayo tier city

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Wtf are they doing so far up north?


they are euroboos. as cringy as the weeaboos

Chicago has a big Latino population. I used to date a white girl with a Mexican step dad and we would go to little Mexico pretty often and go to real Mexican restaurants. Shit was so fucking good.


The south is already saturated so they go north by difussion .
Not a hard concept to grasp if you study transport phenomena

I was unfortunately there as well. I assume you’re speaking of the Red Bull’s and their “pride night.” Rainbow shit everywhere.

Even norther rural towns like Meridian, Idaho are flooded with spics. They are fucking everywhere.

>Not wanting to Diskerud all night

Attached: absolutely haram.jpg (531x471, 72K)

>going on pride night
>not expecting extra faggotry
it's on you tbdesu

there are 2 types of euroboos in america
1: the progressives who like social democracy and tolerance and larp as gentrified football hooligans
2: the white supremacists who are focused on preserving western culture and all that

We are everywhere, my hermano.

Mexicans feed you shit?

There is no significant amount of organic soccer interest in the US.

It's either pretentious metropolitan euroboos or immigrants. The former is the kind of person that wants to make a show of how much they love soccer in order to appear different and superior to the rest of the country. Little do they know that foreigners mock their tryhard effort, and the Americans that they're trying to simultaneously bash and impress don't give enough of a shit about soccer culture to care.

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They exist in Alaska.

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>It's either pretentious metropolitan euroboos or immigrants.
I'm neither option and I've loved soccer since I was a kid, granted my dad legally immigrated here but still.

No they didnt feed me bolivian cuisine if that's what you're asking.

They're self haters

>tfw I live in Alaska
I thought we were bros?

Just cut it out with the night-long fiestas for fucks sake.

Hispanics really are everywhere in the U.S. Hans. They are flooding our southern border by the thousands like Muslims enter your country.

I don't do that, I spend my nights playing yugioh online.

>They are flooding our southern border by the thousands like Muslims enter your country.
Unless Germany has a lot of Muslim inspired cities, culture and history that's not a fair comparison.

I really don't like Hispanics

Rent free

You'd complain if the price were anything else

I have better experiences with mexicans than blacks but you do you

what does that have to do with anything?

But I don't think about you people until you start bothering me. Sheesh you mama's boys are annoying

>club football crowd

truly burgerland is a magical place

no :^)

>visit anywhere
>go to a soccer game



Have sex

>*clap clap clapclapclap*


>Real Salt Lake
>Inter Miami

I've tried my best, but the tide has turned and the tsunami is flooding the country. There is no originality, and the people who have taken control of the fan groups are the worst type of tryhard Redditors

for americans, liking soccer is about signalling that you're a marxist transsexual more so than actually enjoying the sport.

Yeah. Mexicans are based compared to Muslims desu


fangroups are tryhard by existing though. Just because you and your buddies gather at the same place every time and sit in the same general area of the stadium does not mean you have to call yourselves shit like "red union hooligans" or whatever cringy shit they come up with that sounds like what you'd call your cod4 clan back when in middle school while they wear their scarves in the summertime.

What other American sport has "fan groups"?

You results may very, I guess. I went to an Orlando City game once. Main crowd was the run of the mill normies you'd see at a baseball game. The dedicated supporters with the rainbow flags were sectioned off at the far end, so it's not like they affected the game at all. Overall was pretty entertaining and the stadium was cozy as fuck. Surprised that the team is so popular in Orlando considering they blow ass by MLS standards. There are so many Orlando City ads and randos wearing merch around Orlando you'd never know they had a NBA team. Was relatively cheap and pretty fun to watch live, would go again.

>N... Y... C... ***Clap***

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>my little soiboy trying to deflect

>2: the white supremacists who are focused on preserving western culture and all that
Absolutely nothing wrong with that

There are only 2 tiers of cities in the us.
Apocalypse now

>We don't give a crud

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Holy shit CRINGE

Why? Why is this allowed?

Forcing LGTB agenda in sports is as bad as forcing Nazi or any other political agenda.

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a based post from mexico? what next? canada?


How come the Woman's US team is the one of the biggest favorites to win the WWC while the male team loses to T&T?

>see hipsters at hipster sport

It's like ordering Chinese food and being pissed off that the delivery guy's Chinese

Title IX guarantees equal funding for men's and women's varsity programs and soccer is considered a feminine sport in our culture so not only are female athletes encouraged to play soccer, they get better training infrastructure at the college level that sets the stage for their professional careers.
>while the male team loses to T&T?
The male team lost to itself, considering the T&T's winning point was an own-goal. We just beat them 6-0, so while our team is far from elite it's safe to say the WC qualifiers were a result of poor management which no doubt continues to plague the USMNT since they just assigned a fucking MLS coach.

They're still stuck in the Bush years where Europe was a far off and mystical socialist paradise. They don't spend time in places like this actually talking to you people and finding out you're giant homos.

more homos per 1000 people in America than in any other nation in the entire world

toppest kek

>the New York boys(girl)

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>British flag is an expert on all matters homosexuality

and to think that their religion famously forbids it

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>people celebrating their freedom and sexuality
>"stop forcing your agenda!"

People who watch MLS are probably gay or spics.


This is soulless in a whole another level

Anytime you attend an MLS game it's pride night

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>implying any other country does this cringe shit
Literally have not seen a single fagflag all month here, even in London.