>ITT forced rivalry

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Pls don't rape us

For me, it's Peru x Chile. After all, we all know they are both the product of MESTIZAJE MALIGNO, they also are NEGROS ENVIDIOSOS but they all love eachother.

Is Chile tsundere now?


>La Roja lidera el registro con 44 triunfos por sobre los 22 de la Bicolor. En Miami, cortó una racha de cinco años de victorias tras caer 3-0.

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>Is not a rivalry because we're winning
I thought your IQ was one of the biggest here in muttland.

>le rivalry because le war

Fuck off.

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>I'm living in Santiago rent free since the past WC qualifiers.
Thanks to all those Chilebros.

so give us back Arica then fucking faggit you are nothing more than a Perú 0.5 who larps as europeans and u know it

what's the point of this rivalry when most US "soccer" fans are CHis and unironically faggots and gays? it's feels artificial, CR vs Mex is a better rivalry

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> Costa Rica

no one cares about your opinion mano

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>I'm living in Santiago rent free
Is the other way arround, some of you are still asking for fucking Arica after all these years, jesus... let it go.


the need to make it sound alive so that millions of americans who don't actually care will crawl out of the woodwork, talk shit, and drive up TV ratings
>CR vs Mex is a better rivalry
basically any rivalry is better than usa/mexico

lmao but the Pacific War is all the relevance that your country have in all your history bru, try to tell Chile history without mention Perú u cant because we are the MUDERLAND bro you belong to us son just accept your ANCESTORS

>muh flags
fuck off retard
>basically any rivalry is better than usa/mexico

>lmao but the Pacific War is all the relevance that your country



>lmao but the Pacific War is all the relevance that your country have in all your history bru,

sorry but no. Some people don't even know that we fight a war against you.

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this is your history summed

>muh useless mapuchos
>muh spaniard herency
>muh argentinos bad San Martin didnt independence us we are great lmao
>muh fear to Perú because Perú-Bolivia too strong
> muh Pacific War
> lets betray Argentina because lmao englands money is good
> ¨¨please germans come here and fuck our woman pls I want to be white please ok ? come here yeurope we have good pussys to breed ok ? we need more IQ uuu :(
> haha lmao we are europeans lets give power to the richest
> oh fuck why we are in crisis ? lets go socialism
> oh fuck why are we in crisis? lets give our asses to USA
> lets steal Pisco and Ceviche hehe


why you are so mad? kek

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This rivalry died when the average US soccer fan became a soi boy. They can't hate Mexico. It's just a friendly rivalry.
Meanwhile every bean hates America.

im not mad I just have a big cock bro ready to fuck pussys tonight

el pisco es peruano

Then why did patriots like Gamarra join the coalition?
>Pacific war
Who allied themselves with Bolivia?
>power to the richest
Sounds like Peru.
>Muh Allende
t. MIR and Sendero
>Muh Pinochet
t. Fujimori

Most chicanos support Mexico but latinos who aren't mexicans support USA and their own countries

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this but moset of those "people" are uneducated amerilards so, they dont even know pero exists at all

the city of Pisco is literally in Chile

nah u wrong bro

Its the only authentic one in the continent


Uh no.

shut your ass

Remainder that mostly the only ones that hate perubros are from Santiago. Chileans from Santiago (roughly half of the country) have neither soul nor culture, they are mostly wagecuck who wake up at 6am to go to work at 8 in a city infested with smog and people, only to get back at home at 8pm because of the high traffic, being happy after seeing 1 (one) tree next to a highway. In regiones, where we still preserve our culture, free air and nature, we are friendly to perubros and think of them as friendly rivals. Nevertheless we hate argentinians in all our country and want them to choke against brazil or even better against us.

argentina has to win, we are never going to beat brazil


>imagine ACTUALLY being peruvian

lmaoing at your existence cholo. Here you people are literally a joke and 'peruana' is a term we use to describe ugly women.

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B-but we have benalties user

>Why yes, I think Perú and Chile are bros and we should enjoy the next match, how could you tell?

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Yeah, glorious Peru is far more successful than shitlel.

>135 years later
>still mad
Keep seething.

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We won't even make it to benulties.


This match is irrelevant because it will only decide who will be the boipussy of brazil

Your women in general are ugly and brown just like theirs. Tutsi vs Hutu levels of delusion from you filthy spics

why are you here?

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No le respondas al chicano.

Based mexican-american.


It's not forced, we hate Chile as a country and their leaders, not the chilenians, we just think they're dumb.

Man, I miss living in Chile. I immigrated to the States from Santiago like 5 years ago and I haven't returned since. I was supposed to go this year to visit but work has made me unable to go.

I remember coming back home from the Grange (my dad went there so I was able to go there too) where my maid Meche would give me a Churrasco Italiano if it was Friday. It felt so good eating the avocado from the plate with the mess i'd make.

The girls arent as sexy as the one in the states but they were so short and cute bros. I remember I had a girlfriend called Fernanda and fuck bros she was so fucking cute.

My parents died (Car crash) when I was 17 though and I had to move to the States to my uncle who moved to North Carolina.

Whenever I listen to this song, I get flashbacks about living in Chile youtu.be/Q9DcJaW9m_M

I’m sorry to hear about your parents wn. Hope it’s all working out for you.

Piss off Juan.

Piss off Pedro