does it get any better than this?
Does it get any better than this?
2016 and 2017 were unironically the 2 best WS ever.
>cusb actually won
rip in piece ottoman empire
i'm a rangers fan, but 2011. despite the fact we lost it was kino.
‘98 WS
but it was texas and st louis who cares
>"world" series
>only usa and usa's slut
also, fuck the cubs
98, 2000, 2009 etc
2001, 2011, 2017 were all much better.
>nobody cares about a storied MLB franchise
God, I hate zoomers.
burgerland and some leaf cities are the only world that matters, pedro.
Japan vs U.S is much better.
We’re the coolest and it’s like “Frank Sinatra.” What the fuck dude? Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra the sweet connection Frank Sinatra. I literally wanted to kill him.
Also Frank Sinatra.
Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra. He averaged Frank Sinatra off the bat Frank Sinatra
it’s the highest level of baseball,where the best players from around the world play,hence WORLD series mongolão
The 2016 World Series was one of the best ever, if not the best.
The 2011 one was also fucking great, especially Game 6.
The 1998 Yankees were the best team ever but it wasn't the best World Series ever. It wasn't competitive enough.
I loved 2000 and 2009.
Still should be club world series technically
2017 was at least just as good. Also whatever year the Rangers were one strike away and blew it (2011?) was pretty wild.
True but I think everyone gets what it means, and we have the World Baseball Classic for country vs country competition. Nobody really kicks up a fuss except for people who don't watch baseball.
Fuck off 2015 was the Mets year. Kansas shitty should die
Yes if the better team won the ALCS
2016 was Kino despite the cubs winning. Chicagofags go on and on about muh 85 bears. The last thing the need is another win to be annoying about.
Any year an uninteresting big money team like the red Sox make it I ignore it. I'm a brewers fan btw :(