Twins @ White Sox Game Thread

No one makes threads anymore, so I guess I will.

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Based Twinsbros

Buck is back, baby!

Well, it won't be the worst game today, but it's still going to be bad and gay.

Finally time for real baseball
and not whatever the fuck is going on in London

You may want to give that a second thought. Nova is pitching.

Yep spoke too soon

Welcome back moncada

bases loaded nobody out
how many runs?

I'm gonna be optimistic and say 1


At least it wasn't 0.

This is gonma be ugly

>sano taking walks and hitting home runs
Good. I'm fed up with him only getting the other true outcome

So fucking happy that buxton is back

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That 1st inning was the best chance

Seems like it.
Comfier game than that london aberration at least

steve never struck me as a fun socks guy

It's manfreds wet dream over there

It's fucking silly. I'm not against the occasional high scoring game, but 30 total runs and counting, that's just ridiculous.


This game was over the moment it was a nova start
and the offense used up all its miracles tagging the untouchable berrios
Onto sunday for the rubber game

imagine if there was actually a good team in this joke of a division

Son of a bitch rocco keep pineda in for the 7th
He's in a groove, leverage it and save the damn bp


Pissed at Baldelli for taking Pineda out. I get that you don't want to overwork a guy coming back from tommy john, but at some point he's got to come back and show that he can go that extra distance

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tWINS baby!

I feel like I'm gonna jinx it by posting this, but is Sano really back to slugging? God I hope so. Can't bear to see him producing dead weight at bats the way he did vs boston