Centro de rabona

>centro de rabona

Attached: nigtips.jpg (1750x2500, 384K)



Attached: npk.png (398x531, 207K)


>falso 9


centro meridiano campista

Attached: 1226567286_preview_pizzakid.jpg (499x640, 47K)


>atacante lateral

>centrocampista diagonale

ill mark this thread for deletion

>4-2-3-1 asymmetric DM wide very fluid

Attached: 1527439666243.jpg (300x300, 25K)

>salir tocando

Attached: 11150359_859487247430358_7704906630291880024_n.jpg (540x800, 112K)

>Cabeça de Área

>segundo volante

Attached: fedora cat.gif (335x258, 2.03M)

*with reverb*

>All the european redditors are distracted away from there favourite kind of thread so they can wank over over shit womens football.

that's the only reason I will participate in this thread with mi amigos


Attached: alexis 2004.jpg (500x500, 108K)

> volumen de juego

doble 5

Attached: 1466176457597.png (473x704, 686K)


Attached: 1415054542536.png (533x526, 352K)

>linea de 3

Attached: 1530405931707.png (378x349, 37K)

>volantes llegadores

Attached: 1559919713497.png (570x564, 380K)

>Le Tiki Taka

Attached: NotaPharrel1.jpg (333x500, 34K)