Why does she make men seethe?
Why does she make men seethe?
She's the face of the powerful, independent, gay liberal
she can fuck their girlfriends
because she hates white men?
the problem of female sports is that the less feminine you are, the better you are at it. while for men, the more masculine you are, the better you are. imagine there's a competition between male hairdressers and designers. the average man doesn't aspire to be someone with a great sense for hair aesthetics, you don't admire the winner beyond an abstract level.
a woman watching a hairdresser competition wouldn't begin to admire the winner or empathize. she would only watch if the men involved are cute. meanwhile the men have no interest because it's not relatable. that's what happens in female football in reverse.
we dislike her because she's like what a super gay, effiminate, high pitch voice, excellent hairdresser would be like for women. she's taking the spotlight away from the good parts (cute girls). hence we want her to fuck off and lose.
>We are just like ordinary people
>We want equal rights
>BUT we are better than straight people
What DID she mean by this?
Liberals are the bourgeois.
I guess that's it. Plus I wanted to fuck her at one point but realized it would never happen and she's probably better off anyway.
>spee: men are better at sports because high test
>rapinoe: i agree, a good womens team needs some bulldykes to lay down the law
>spee: WTF??????
because he's one
Tbh it's not hard to trigger """men""" on 4channel
Forced memes get grating after the 60th thread about it
Probably because she gets steamrolled by high schoolers in exhibitions and we're supposed to take her seriously.
Gay men are ironically the best hair dressers and fashion designers. Men are just better than women in everything which is why gays and lesbians tend to not see eye to eye because i. Reality dykes have never been persecuted and that doesnt sit well with them considering women always have a victim complex.
REAL men aren't threatened by powerful, vocal women who aren't afraid of standing up to a corrupt far-right regime. Just the incels on Yea Forums.
Here's your reply.
Summerbait is depressing.
>Far right
Man I wished you lefties ventured to places in Africa or the Middle East to be exposed to real far right shit.
woman bad
woman has opinion; virgins seethe
a well-trodden path
Majority of fat tumblr dykes are virgins.
because she's a strong, independent women who don't need no man
Because she has money and girls. Things that you incels can't get
literally the protagonist of the tournament
People buy from Nike directly?
She's doing an impressive performance for a 54yo
the women have differently designed jerseys? i imagine they're not talking about women's vs men's wear.
>when your gender is so pathetic on the world sports stage that your biggest achievement is jersey sales
>spee: only men's athletics are worth paying attention to
>athletic girls: okay then we want to be men when we grow up
my brother does this when it comes to shoes, he buys directly from the brands website
> Pink hair
> Lesbian
> Thinks look best, but looks like a 50 year old
> Have tatoos
> Think is the best, but its just a Female Ramos at beast
Only the virgin incel in here seethe at her.
i want to get off this ride please
Imagine having a penis in 2019.
First off.
Who is she?
actually it tends to be the sheltered folks who vote red and lack worldly perspective, who use words like communism without knowing or visitng any such country...it is strange why they are allocated equal voting rights.
women be shopping
Normal people just do the things they enjoy and love. Mentally ill people do everything in the name of unresolved issues and frustrations. Which is why they can't do anything in silence but have to be loud and proclaim everything from the tallest building. Shrieking until they know they've got everyone's attention. In reality they bring nothing of value. Which is why people stomach Ronaldo and hate this loudmouth wrinkly faced dyke
Have sex
She never said anything about white people lol
Dilate you tranny subhuman. Your ideology has never been successful and will never be successful. Almost every major country in the world has a right-wing government. You’re losing.
You nailed it my man. This is literally the deep root why normal people can't stand this shit
based German
lighten your nipples
Women have a victim complex because women are the passive gender. Women aren't at things as men because again, women are a passive gender. The female sexual strategy is to sit and attract attention for her looks. She's static in her value (safe for boobs jobs, plastic surgery and 24/7 instafitgirl lifestyles). The only thing a woman can do to increase her sex appeal is to display levels of sluttyness aka readyness for breeding. Meanwhile the male sexual strategy is to build and become someone. And displaying who he has become and what he can do through actions, not passivity. Male sexual value is partially static, although beta/alpha is largely decided upon birth, it is not entirely and men can climb and tumble off the ladder.
So every time you see women yapping on about her career, how strong she is, how good she is at shit, how she's a pro football player at the womans world cup whatever. It's all moot for a man who's just looking for a women with the right amount of curves/facial looks. It'd be like a man who just sits on his all all day doing nothing, trying to get attention on his phone through social media while he puts on a 'fresh' new outfit he can parade around when he goes out in the weekend. Women do not give a fuck about such men. You have to be able to do something. Men don't give a damn about women with sub-par abilities and careers. She needs to be sweet, wide hipped, not fat, pretty. That's it.
>Women have a victim complex because women are the passive gender.
Then why do guys like you spend so much time bitching like women on the internet? Because people like you come off as passive whiny bitches to me.
have sex
That's what I thought, incel.
Serious answer : we are partially passive, modern society has it's ways of limiting mens actual potential. but even the most passive like men show signs of action. women do not, everything they do is for attention.
truest answer : have sex, you aint tough. gay burger fag
Serious answer: You are a bottom feeder. The type of guys that write huge paragraphs about female behavior on Yea Forums are beta males. You aren't "partially passive", you are a low quality male and you vent your pent up rage about women on the internet.
desu some women deserve the rage they get.
stop fucking being a white knight. its ridiculous
>omg stop putting incels in their place or ur white knighting
There are no women around that I'm trying to impress you fucking retard. Shitting on incels is not being a white knight.
Just because certain subjects are fascinating and one can write more than 1-2 sentences doesn't indicate fuck all manlet dork.
Over 500 million firearms that will never be given up.
Also Im on the left but govts dont allocate resources efficiently communism does not work.
Oh yes, your two bit retard take on female behavior is "fascinating". To you and other incels. You know I'm right. You're a bottom feeding piece of shit and you know it. You won't even directly deny it because it's flat out true. Because the only guys writing walls of text about women are losers.
mmuh incel mmuuh incel
literally a word made up by insta thots to try and hurt some men.
go dilate. you tranny dyke. you will never pass
More like accurate label that incels seethe over because they've been found out and they still want the internet to take their tough guy roleplaying seriously because it's the only place they can pretend to be powerful. It's funny to me how much they hate the label and try to discredit it.
Sweetie, you are literally posting in the same thread. Don't pretend you're some guy who made it. You're getting all emotional due to some supposed wall of text. You sound frustrated. Which you probably are because all of that blown up ego still hasn't gotten you shit Mexican manlet
Deflections and attempts at banter do not change the truth. You are an angry, bitter low quality male with no real value and you spend your miserable life venting on Yea Forums hoping other bitter failures will agree with you.
I've shit on you thoroughly so there's nothing left to say.
Sure thing, just as soon as it's over.
only the incel type
Man you are projecting so hard its rather sad, and way off the mark
Bulldykes are still sub-men tier. Even elite female athletes have a grip strength which is within the male average range.
>certain humans should have fewer rights because their opinions differ from nine
but /pol/tards and right wing incels say that all the time about other groups of people they disagree with...
what kind of dumb analogy is this man
you could have the wrong opinion though. one that isn't in your best interest though you fail to see it because you lack knowledge of causality. you might enjoy dining allot during the weekends but inevitably that gets you fat and unhealthy, impacting your livelihood and sexual options. people are often wrong about things in life
Except you literally have a man "designers and hair dressers" sort of competition, and women do go crazy for it. Ru Paul's Drag Race is quite the definition of what you're looking for. Have you looked at the men at those? They are ugly as fuck. Women watch it because of their abilities as drag queens. That's a dumb fucking analogy really, because every other sport is pretty level headed when comparing male to female teams (you don't root more for male teams at the olympics, for instance).
Because she says absolute nonsense
Men watch sports for 1. excitement 2. social bonding. 3. vicarious fantasy 4 enjoyment of the games intricacies and 5. admiration of the athletes (rolemodels). This is why dyke sports, fag sports and notable others (such as major league gaming) tick most men off. Because they can't do one or all of these 4 things.
Women watch sports as a group activity or for drama or for cute guys. This should explain all your questions.
>certain humans should have different rights because their sexual preferences are different from mine
But she is a man
Right wing fascism is the exact reason why democracy doesnt work. An educated voter base is required in a democratic society but states like Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Georgia all fall well under that IQ threshold.
I unironically hate every single woman other than my mother, grandmother, and my gf
Yeah because of all the niggers. The USA would be a utopia if it was all white
man liberals won't even admit there isn't more than 2 genders because it hurts peoples feelings, the sheltered ones are you
People in red states have more babies while “people” in blue states cut off their cocks and pretend they’re women. They’re wiping themselves out
For the love of god shut up you stupid cunt. Your nation is currently being ransacked by mussie refugees because lib retards open the borders and flood your streets with rapists and killers. Shut up about the right wing and shut up about America you actual retard.
lick my shaft redneck bitch
>Democracy requires education
>Most educated countries on earth literally elected a reality star and left a continent cause they were convinced it was poor immigrants who made rent expensive and not capitalism’s tendency towards boom and bust cycles on resources
Have fun watching your daughter/mother/sister/gf(You wish) get raped by some muzzie. Your nation is so cucked yet you fucks try to virtue signal like you are the 2nd comming of Chirst.
Have you ever interacted with a muslim?
Cool it with the racism jeez
Yea at school. Some are fine but looking at the news its pretty obvious a heck of a lot of these people are batshit insane. I've never met anyone from ISIS but it's pretty clear they are cunts.
good luck with a racist party when the majority of people in all states are brown
>English """""banter"""""
I can't wait to see you turn into a Muslim Caliphate
Are you retarded?
I guarantee more Adidas Mexico jerseys get purchased in the US every 8 weeks than either USMNT or USWNT jerseys combined do in a year kek.
Kill yourself commie subhuman
>implying Latinos aren't by far the most intolerant sect of humans towards fags and niggers in the world
I have news for you and your COEXIST pipe dream
Ahh yes, a thinly veiled /pol/ shitter thread
Have sex
>Murican/Canadian flag
>Only talk about women trans cup flavour of the month
>Nobody cares
Every time
Go hand in your guns faggot
>The internet and political sensationalismin the news have literally made you fear a neighbor you in reality don’t fear
Have you ever considered the fact that you may have let yourself get brainwashed by a media capable of selectively covering everything on earth?
No, because fucking stats have shown these people are monsters. I'm pretty sound in my understanding of this. Unless you can provide something different you aren't doing any convincing jack
tbf Ronaldo's a bit of a kook too
every fucking time
she's an annoying libtard cunt playing a shit sport.
we all know jews are the real problem. they help import muzzies like crazy.
Does anyone here actually enjoy the womens world cup without thinking of an infinite number of political implications? It's fun to watch but you faggots are insufferable
Both are the problem faggot.
It’s your media that makes everything political you faggot
>its not me constantly also parroting political opinions every chance i get, its the media's fault
>watching womens sports
You enjoy being bored?
idk probably because she's great at what she does compared to men collectively but desu she's a whale in a sink whereas men's footy they're all generally on the same playing level (at this level of play)
>tl;dr she plays at a man's normal level of competency in a sport where internationally men are the only ones doted on and respected on
idk if that makes sense, but where as women's gymnastics is the only sport people obsess over as a ladies sport, football is one of those sports that is predominantly a male focus.. so to reiterate the point, she is like the Ronaldinho-Pele-Maradona-Ronaldo-Messi bloodbaby of women's football in a world where most of her competition is Terry in his last season, thus men hate her because she's "dominant".
desu i hate her because she talks a big game BECAUSE she's dominant in her sport. if she were to play in a men's league, she'd be destroyed. i.e. she talks a lot of shit for being the only real competent person in her league i.e. it's like if mayweather knocked out a 3rd grader and then flaunted how he's the greatest boxer of all time
it's like the WNBA. it's great to pass time but it's not like I'm going to sit around watching the season high scorer break records at 12 points a game
>it's not like I'm going to sit around watching the season high scorer break records at 12 points a game
That doesn't mean anything. The games are shorter. The ppg leaders in the WNBA score the same amount as those in Euroleague.
The only sports I watch are the Olympics and international football. So the WWC is just more of the latter
it doesn't matter, look at how tiny and weak as fuck her twig arms are. she thinks she's a man until a nigga fucks her whole shit up. I'll fuck her until she loves me
I'm pretty sure WNBA quarters are 10 minutes compared to the NBA's 12 minutes.
In my humble opinion, I think you can hardly attribute that big of a PPG difference to a total of 8 minutes over 4 quarters.
Men and woman should play sport together like the equals we are.
PLEASE do this
I would