In a niger world

I'm about to give up watching football. Just opened a popular newspaper and all the top news were about nigers....Nigers goes here, nigers goes there, niger is injured...NIGER NIGER NIGER. Due to demographic changes and the decline of the white race we are now witnessing the nigerification of King Football. Even the teams in my stupid country are now filled with nigers. It used to be acceptable, when there were 2-3 good nigers to run around, but now the leading team has more nigers than whites.
Fuck this. Let's see how are they going to manage paying milions to some niger for chasing the ball around, when whites are not watching (thus their wallets are safe from any adverts)

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bulgarians are the niggers of europe so i don't know what you're complaining about you turkish tsigani monkey

Grow up.

This. Any country where you can buy a fake passport 100m away from your capital's main train station isn't a civilised country


I tried to not be racist, believe me... but there's just too many of them. Like the american noticed - we have a lot of gypsies. Until recently there were none gypsy footballers, cause they didn't engage in this sport, but now there are many of them. It's especially noticable in youth teams... It's too much for me, can't take it...

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Te пpијaвив нa peдapитe, yживaј вo бaнoт кoпилe pacиcтичкo.

i hoped there are some white people here, but I guess not

I think Europe and America need to start thinking about doing some ethnic cleansing.

well thanks to you fuckers we got stopped. this is the future you chose.

I can't believe Niger is so important in bulgarian football

you too
chinese investors practically run vancouver and toronto

what is happening in niger right now that is making so much news? seems like an irrelevant shithole even for an African country

holy based

this. stupid nips should have left us alone and we never would've gotten involved. USA was pretty much 50/50 on which side to support in Europe before Pearl Harbor

pearl harbor was an inside job tho

i never knew players from niger were in bulgaria

I just can't watch some English Niger team against a German Niger team.... I can't relate to any of them anyhow. I could relate to a whiter German team, cause I like Germans, but when the Germans are Nigers, then I can't watch it.


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For me, it's Mittelstu:rmer

you people fought for independence from the ottomans only to have half your population leave the country and gypsies and turks outbreed you
step it up

For me, it's Linksaussen

None of those are Nigerien

>reading tm in german

Georgi Pashov is an afro-bulgarian, not a gypsy

Orban, pls

Cringe and /pol/eddit zoomer pilled

the declining number of whites is in connection with the rise of the nigers in football
they are not better players or anything, they just engage in sports, because few of them can contribute in other areas
there are fewer young whites being raised and they are needed to support the structural components of our societies, so they don't become athletes
and we are filling the vacuum with nigers


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is bulgaria white?

>georgi pashov
>Pashov is Bulgarian (on his father's side) and Ukrainian (through his mother) while in his maternal lineage he has some African ancestry as well.[6]

look at this DOOD ahahahah

realistically about 60% whites (including white muslims, which were actually forcefully muslimized slavs)

Yeah I totally agree. The worst one is France. No Frenchmen almost, just nigs. I wanted Croatia to win so bad that final, they were literally all Croats. I find it baffling that real French people support a team of foreigners, I wouldn't take that seriously.

Honestly if whites were better at kicking the ball then it would be mostly whites, right?

it's a sports team, if your government was full of foreigners then I could understand
but it's a sports team

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