What’s her problem?
What’s her problem?
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So this is the power of spamming/flooding
In women's football yes, it's true
Well it worked for Juventus.
This, probably true of a lot of women's sports
Women don’t care about lesbians unless religious. Meanwhile straight men get heavily agitated at the sight of gay men due to their fragile masculinity.
>lesbians are better sawker players
Whoa homophobic much?
Does this mean fags will go from cheerleading to being on the actual team now?
>butch, masculine women are better at football than feminine women
No shit.
Is it normal that I’m rooting for my own nation to lose just because of her/him/it/them or whatever the fuck this goblin is
The Greeks fostered homosexual relationships among their elite soldiers so there's plenty of effective precedence for this
>burgers have to support leftist dykes because they aren't relevant in any other sport
Even worse in basketball
under these circumstances, yeah
There's a vast difference between historical homosexuality and modern mental illness.
No, you fucking commie
and now look at them.
What's her stance on non-op transwomen in women's sport? Even the most butch bulldykes can't compete with them.
Would be fun if a bunch of burger-anons started identifying as women and replaced everyone on USWNT.
Lesbians generally HATE trannies.
won't be able to win with trannies soon
why hasn't it happened yet? Are they not allowed to compete? Pick the 11 most able-bodied people on here, put wigs on them and they'd beat any women's team 10-0
>trannys and lesbians were once allies, but now are becoming each others biggest enemy ever
Repeat of USA and USSR from WW2 to Cold War?
>HATE trannies.
Very problematic
I'll just leave this here. All this bombastic bullshit is being detrimental to the cause.
I just can't wait for the inevitable biopic with jamie lee curtis and arnold as Yea Forums
great banter when zuby gets picked for the olympic women's weightlifting team for GB in tokyo
he should put himself forward
>force this shit on people
>people are annoyed
*forces this shit on people*
But can you win without these?
Men don't care about lesbians either because its hot. (In theory)
Why can't the US just shut up about politics and play football instead?
Umm sweaty, everything is political nowadays.
Society can't win with gay people.
madam president
she's right tho, without dykes men wannabes you can't win.
Fucking embarrassing.
Because all successful countries are all about politics.
Are you looking forward to this future?
this is some funny shit
Yankees confirmed for 27 time huge faggot champions
>diversity in congress
>everyone is brown
>everyone is brown
Epic, simply epic.
Can't wait for the DNC establishment to suicide her with two shots to the back of the head.
That is the ugliest possible future
smelliest too!
guarantee every team had at least 1 lesbian, but this faggot feels special cuz she wins and blumphf malo
i think that shes voldemort
Western decadency
Anyone arguing there are more than 2 genders (with the exception of hermaphrodites) are mentally retarded.
the weak should fear the strong
based Qafootballar user with the redpill
I'm willing to be Rapinoe has been asked this and everyone has declined to print her answer.
Because gays and lesbians hate trannies and nobody wants to talk about why because "the movement."
Cringe but redpilled.
How is this news. Literally all women footballers are lesbian.
>that photo
fake news
If she wasn't on the team, they lose. So she's right. What's the problem?
Okay, so how are they different?
>If she wasn't on the team, they lose. So she's right. What's the problem?
[Citation Needed]
>Win game 2-1
>She had both goals
Gee, I wonder if she played a significant role in the win.
Snopes is fake news. ALL western liberals want a genocide against white men.
Wait she actually said that ?
one's historical and the other is a mental illness
You can stop the mentally ill miles away
Quite hard to be sure someone normal and gay is gay
Yes. She's annoying as fuck.
They were implying that homosexuality in the past wasn't due to mental illness. If that isn't what they meant, then they worded their comment poorly.
Are you really surprised N'Golo? After all we've been through for the last decade, after all we've witnessed, seen and heard?
Clearly matches need to be settled now by who is gayer. I suggest 22-woman orgies on the pitch to decide it.
Seems like she wants attention, then again most LGBT types do from the start. Why can't people just be content that we all are heaping piles of rotting meat that shits and pisses with nothing unique about us?
Why is the #WomenWorldCupSoWhite? I can't believe we're in 2019 and we still don't have proper representation in quarterfinals
This whole tournament is a big yikes to me
Whatever you say faggot. You're an abomination and your behavior is abhorrent. Fags need to die.
Surely she was joking. A back and forth troll job with Little Donnie.
Well, she's a woman, she's american, she's gay and she's mentally ill. Thats a powerful mix of attention seeking demographics.
Basically attention seeking is a lazy expression of desire. Instead of going out there and taking it for yourself. People with B-type personalities (weak people) make sounds and gestures to garner attention in the vain hope that other people guess those desires and magically fulfill them. Finally making them feeling whole.
Literally a child in a toystore throwing a tantrum because he wants a new LEGO set
What the fuck are you talking about? France nearly made it to the semi finals!
women can't actually be gay they only do it for attention or because they're bull dykes and they have no choice
Kind of funny though, white women are rarely asked to make space for brown women in order to reach some more 'balanced' representation quota. It's often only white men.
USA is without a doubt the bad guys of this tournament
If you watch or follow men's or women's soccer you are in fact a gay.
>muh sexuality
It's all so tiresome
It's just this one player.
Women can't be gay because you become gay by being molested as a child, and most child molesters are gay men
Every woman is bisexual to a degree. Lesbians are simply those who either like women more than men. Or have absolutely no chance with the men they do like. With gay guys (real ones) it's more of a genetic defect where behaviors and hormones are geared to the feminine resulting in feminine like attraction. This is why lesbians are never happy and seen smiling and gay dudes are often overjoyed. A gay guy with a attractive boyfriend is pretty much a woman locking down Chad, hence happy. Lesbians are not the result of such genetic malfunctions but rather a collection of mental illnesses and hormonal imbalances. Them finding a submissive woman fixes nothing because their real biological imperative is not being fulfilled.
Because Greek homosexuality was based on the premise that if you're fucking the dude who is standing next to you in the shieldwall, you'll fight harder to protect him from harm. The other theory was, if you didn't have a fuck buddy, you fought harder to impress a fuck buddy to come fuck you. Furthermore, it is largely considered in ancient societies that if you fuck a dude (you put your benis in his butthole) you're not gay because the guy who is receiving is now considered a woman in the eyes of society. Furthermore, you'd fight to be the top and the bottom. This was the same in Rome (who were massive Greekaboos) and Egypt and Persia. Interestingly there is also theories on 'development homosexuality', where it's OK to be gay until you hit marriage age as it's safer to learn relationships and sex with your own sex to avoid kids and shit. Japan is a major place for this and I believe Iran is as well (former for girls, latter for boys).
>Celebrate like 13 year old playing fifa after scoring double digit goals against a bunch of rice farmers
>good guys
Pick one and only one
it's because they can't have sex with each other and when they do jerk each other off they use fake dicks gay dudes don't strap fake pussies on each other and fuck them
>gay dudes don't strap fake pussies on each other and fuck them
This is false. Also, it's possible to have sex without a strap-on or a toy as a woman.
>gay dudes are often overjoyed
because they don't have to deal with women
you would know
Well not where you live, but here its starting.
There's been very little evidence to suggest people from Laconia had homosexual relations whilst serving. Brotherhood runs deeper than love anyway, that might sound weird but if you've experienced both you will get the difference. Also it makes very little sense to subject 50% of the army into submissive roles during copulation only to ask them to achieve the highest level of domination during a battle (in order to stay alive). It's hard making cognitive shifts, I can imagine this one is even harder. Then again I have zero experience with gay behavior, culture or the intricacies of those interactions. But from a pure theoretical standpoint it doesn't sound plausible. Sexuality was way more repressed in antiquity than modern history leads people to believe. Stories from those times probably only carried through because they stuck out like a sore thumb. I really doubt we'd have any specific stories 10.000 years from now regarding the year 2020 and all the gay af shit that went down. There's to many.
So when the all-hetero men's basketball team wins gold, will LeBron declare "you can't win without straight players!"
I hate this obsession with idpol, they have to force it into everything
You know the Greeks got dabbed on by the Romans
That's a mistake on their part though. I doubt it's part of the larger plan and simply an accidental expression by minorities whom think it should be. If you truly want to divide and conquer you give white men the shortest stick in society, whilst giving white women the best deal. This ensures whites will not rally in their totality, their goals wouldn't be in alignment.
Didn't s(he) wanted to compete with boys, but the Court foced him/her to still compete with the Girls
Stop being gay homo. Wee know you do it for attention
why white women get a free pass?
The entire Egyptian Pantheon Civil War and the division of North and South Egypt literally uses the 'you are no longer a man if you get fucked' as a major point in the mythos. The idea that Greece was exempt from this is weird. Even if we ignore the military aspect, there is historical evidence that if you had a son and you wanted to teach him a craft, you sent him to the local blacksmith or whatever and if he got fucked, that was a price he paid to be taught a craft and they'd repeat it.
Lesbians aren’t real and fags spread AIDS
she's such an obnoxious cunt
They weren’t homos they were pederasts. Every soldier got a boy apprentice to turn out and polish his armor and shit.
We dont like gays because they're disgusting walking petri dishes of STDs
I fucking hate Americans, they always have some political/social commentary
it's fucking football
all female athletes are homosexual
there was one wnba player who wasn't and she got bullied out of the league for not being a dyke
>be american
>dad #1 and dad #2 take me to oakland poofers vs queensland queers game
>we visit mcdonald and kfc before the match start, even though dad #1 struggles to get through the door, we finally manage to slip him in by greasing him with our dirty hair
>in the stadium now
>cheerleaders show before the match start, all of them are obviously transgenders and gays because it's no longer 20th century where the women were discriminated against and objectified
>at the end of the show they all make out in front of us
>teams come out
>literally and metaphorically
>national anthem before we start
>instead of the USA flag there's the rainbow faggots flag flying high
>after national anthem, there's the faggots anthem called 'You'll Never Wank Alone'
>match finally starts
>cannot see shit because people in front of me are waving rainbow, LBGT and antifa flags
>chanting starts, everybody sings 'GAY PRIDE WORLD WIDE', 'BEING GAY IS OKAY'
>half time, burger king commercials and Poof Daddy singing for 15 minutes
>second half starts
>the whole game finishes 0:0 because it's boring sawker, four players have been sent off for sucking each other off on the pitch
>leave the stadium
>get shot
she's actually based for making you all asspained 24/7
No wonder, sounds like a punishing mechanism to ward off homosexual behaviors to take root. Honestly I have a hard time believing men back then had some easily triggered homosexual urge whilst I literally wince in pain when I see homosexual imagery in some hyped up tv show. And I'm positively sure most of my friends and the guys I met are exactly the same. There's nothing sexually appealing about a mans body. And regarding your intern anecdote, if that were true I would imagine that in a mild patriarchal society women would be whored out even more. And to me that sounds kind of weird and contra male fatherly behavior to whore your daughter out so she can learn some craft. Same with your son imo.
I wouldn't be surprised if the entire "gay history' was one massive psy op in order to shield LGTB from the fact that they are the only ones in humanities history acting out this stupidly.
This desu.
yes, we all think drumpf is 'based' for triggering the libtards but when the tables are turned , it is tough to handle
But the relations were always man-boy not man-man. Ancient societies never celebrated man-man relations. Often rulers who were hated and despotic were portrayed as homosexual as a form of historical propaganda to magnify their impropriety.
Greek homosexuality is widely exaggerated. For every piece of pottery or something showing homo love their are like 20 showing normal heterosexual love. It was frowned upon for two grown men to share a bed it was common for an older man to boink a prr pubescent boy he was training
Bullied as in molested?
Intern anecdote? What intern anecdote? I mean you can read the Egyptian mythos yourself if you want. Different cultures did different things. There is ancient Ottoman art of dudes fucking each other in a giant circle. I dunno how this idea is suddenly strange and foreign to you.
again, in ancient societies, you were not considered a man if you allowed yourself to be fucked in the arse, therefore homosexuality did not exist in that sense. I'm not sure why this is difficult to understand. If you have any evidence of 3000BC Greek rulers being portrayed as homosexual (which would be they both received and gave penetrative anal sex) then I'd be interested to read the historic accounts, should be easy enough for you to find.
>What’s her problem?
She is a woman
trans >>>>>
I didn't know this bitch but found her extremely punchable instinctively whenI saw her.
Now I know why.
what the fuck is wrong with americans
Not a bitch, dumbass, a WOMAN, and an AWESOME one at that!
>earned confidence
It truly is disgusting. I live in a sanctuary state and people are going crazy because when people are found to be illegal immigrants, they aren't just being released on their way.
never leave the friendzone, never
Being gay is mother nature's population control. If anything, you should be happy this person isn't breeding.
any dykes in the england team or are they mostly slags?
one wonders if we might enter an age of hyper hetrosexuality due to the lack of homos breeding due to social norms that we might bred out the homo gene. Probably not but amusing to think about
You retards realize this is just how universal healthcare works right? When I go to a hospital in other countries nobody checks my passport.
They aren't all saying they'll have open borders, just that anybody in our country gets healthcare which is how most other countries already have it
Men have a desire to maintain natural law. Fags don't fit in, thus we beat the fuck out of faggots when possible.
Stop being a fag, fag.
Keep redpilling, Dutchbro.
>t. lying out his ass
Where i grew up straight women were disgusted by lesbians. Hell i remember girls talking about how xena was ruined by the kiss in the end.
Not in Australia, faggot. You have to prove citizenship you fucking tanskin.
Which would work in theory, except surrogates and sperm donations exist. You could make an argument that gay shit is spreading like crazy because it's been a generation plus since the gays can actively spread their genes
the worst kind of person throwing things in your face
>Gays and lesbians are just like ordinary people
>But we are better than straight people
>We want equal rights
>But we want more rights than straight people
Really makes you question your sexuality
you need to be a very rich gay to so that..
It's due to an inherent disgust
The problem is that Mexico and the US have the largest economic disparity between any two bordering countries in the world. So combine that with the fact that democrats wants crossing the boarder to be decriminalized, you'd get millions of Mexicans coming to the US for their healthcare needs.
t. fag
Based akhi redpilling these kufar pigs with the ultimate truth.
Go away GRIDS fag.
IIRC it's a girl taking testosterone. She wants to compete with boys, but wisely they aren't forcing boys to absolutely crush her.