
is she right?

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sounds pretty homo-supremacist

>mfw when french commentators praising her stronk will when she refused to sing the us anthem to "protest against the administration and the way it is treating minorities"

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Why do gay people think that they're superior to heteros, combined that she is also a woman, who want the same paycheck as the genetically superior male counterparts
Is it muh equality or just to be annoying

Dunno but anything that makes Yea Forums seethe is based.

Inferiority complex

they just think they're special

Yea Forums would never have made it without Moot


Always and forever. Attention.

all women athletes are lesbian.

Imagine being such an utterly repulsive group of players that you make England into the good guys.
Fucking hell.

lol Englishman pretending to be a Scot
no one likes you and your girls are gonna finna boutta get dabbed on

This is what happens when you give them rights. They start thinking they own the place.

Why are the media shilling women's soccer so fucking hard this year? Who's funding it?

Your taxes.

I don’t care what anybody says. Many of the USWNT current and former players (Solo, Markgraf, etc) have got to be getting paid extra by (((someone))) to express politically-charged views like they do. Their shit is consistently wayyyy over the top

HAHHAHAHA keeps on giving

Probably. Gay women are closer to men and men are obviously better than women.

I would totally buy this because the lezzies probably have more testosterone and competitive drive than dumb straight roasties
It's the same thing with 3/4 of the WNBA being lesbian and they shat all over the straight player who complained about it when she left the league

>USA hero that hates her own president and is actively suing her own country's football association.
Wew lad, the bar for 'American Hero' has really been lowered lately, ay.

I like how all women's teams in all sports in america have to have political commentary with it. It can never ever just about the sport.

I fucking hate gay marriage and sodomy.

Men's soccer is bad enough, I can't imagine sitting through 90 minutes of women's soccer.

Literally a semen slurping sport.

win a race to hell, maybe

>entire USA team is on designer roids and PEDs
>playing vs amateurs


Nah, footballers are about 50% queers. It's statistically unlikely that you'll put together even the minimum regulation team without a few gays in the mix.

With trannies they would win even more

>is she right?
Yes. Chile (gay) are back to back champions and will soon three-peat.

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Ignore this bait ^

overdose de soja

The only thing women own and dominate is the sexual market. All other things are dominated by men.


Marlène Schiappa
Some capitalist who want sell women jersey

>entire USA team is on designer roids and PEDs
and still lose to 15 years old boys LMAO

Of the current England women's squad there's Lucy Bronze, Fran Kirby, Toni Duggan and Rachel Daly who definitely are gay, plus Ellen White who I'm fairly sure is. Steph Houghton and Alex Greenwood definitely are straight. Dunno about anyone else.

She is mentally ill, nothing more, nothing less.
The problem is that the media gives her a way to push that mental illness onto others.


>Please accept LGBT for who we are
LGBT spew hatred and violence towards whoever because they are miserable.
It must suck being consumed with that much hate.

Nice argument ya retarded fuck. I admire Norwegians for avoiding the social sickness that is bringing down Sweden but you need to come stronger than that

How about the short haired German analyst/announcer who was a former soccer player? Is she gay? I'd like her to peg me

Not sure. Pic related is the main analyst here and she's gay

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