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They never learn.

5'11" vs 6'0

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Super 8s have fucking sentimental value to me, every time I went with my dog to buy something he looked at me with his puppy eyes expecting me to get him a super 8 and when I did he was the happiest dog in the world, I did this all the time until I had to put him to sleep 2 years ago

I miss you bicho I would like to give you more super 8s

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Dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate you retard fuck.

Sánchez would kick that curiche ass without a sweat.


is this sudaca for 'nigger'?

he's a big guy

Mapudungun for 'nigger'.

it's only letal in high amounts, plus he only did it when he was a kid and didn't know that
cut him some slack, macaco-bro

No, that's negro culiao or negro ladrón.


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i don't get it

it isn't rocket science m8, Mina is selling super8 and Alexis is buying
the joke is ruined now

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It's a racist joke. Many Haitians got here and started selling chocolates in the streets. Super 8 is a Chilean oblea (don't know how to translate it) which is pretty good for it's price so it's easily sold and many black guys started selling them, many had "official" suits for it.

Hence, black guy, super 8

>trabajo informal

ah, I see we are all doomed.

Just like semifinals
You wont get it

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This is too much for my sides

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you killed him you retard, your parents should have warned you pleb scum

I had no idea there were so many chileans on here


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holy shit you weren't kidding, all suits up to sell candy bar at street corner

What is super 8?

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for you

brainlet killed it's own dog kek


Cheap Chocolate candy bar from Chile

I think it's kinda sad that you travel half to world to come to Chile only to sell candy in the street desu

Absolutely based

It looks just like the ones we had when I lived in israel

selling in the street should be prohibited everywhere

It is kinda sad that end up in Chile, doesn't matter what you are doing.

Just imagine having to wake up everyday and realizing there are only chileans around you

Absolutely checked.

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they have tried to do that here and it only gets worse everyday
is actually not that bad business, its just the people who does that they are underqualified even for shitty jobs at waltmart or are niggers

Why do you dislike Chile

>there are only chileans around you
I fucking wish this was true

El klio pesao hahaha


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Treacherous Rats

It is kinda sad that end up in Brazil, doesn't matter what you are doing.

Just imagine having to wake up everyday and realizing there are only monkeys and trannies around you

I'm not a rat tho


Another 0-0. Seriously lazy mountain beaner countries in this tournament.

The women are more entertaining ffs.

You should have an altar with a Chilean flag get on your knees every morning and every night before it, saying thank you Chile for the potatoes, you ungrateful cunt

better than begging for money if they're actually trying to sell. Near me sometimes there's nig nogs on the highway entrances selling cold water for $1 from a cooler. it's usually a whole family, so I feel bad for them because it's rare to actually see an intact nig nog family and not only that, the guy is actually trying to provide instead of fucking nigging around.

Totally different, there they are an established community, probably citizens and unitedstatatians as long as your family is, in our case, negros are always immigrants, we don't have native negros, they are always foreign

Civilised countries want coke available at parties every weekend. Now get off your computer and pick leaves with those little hands, little mountain beaner man. Vamos.