Why are there so many chileans here all of a sudden?

why are there so many chileans here all of a sudden?

Attached: zovv.jpg (645x773, 36K)

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Why are you seething so much right now?

you are not a real country

leaking from /pol/. game threads with them are pure racism.


nido died



For the match ,now im going back to /pol/ where i belong

a new village just got electricity

oh no no no

It's because I'm not chilean. But don't tell anyone please.

There wont be any of them by tomorrow

Thanks for the compliment lad

Nido is dead

Don't pay attention to them my fellow black afrikan bvll. They resent our magical energy

>t. subhuman nigger
Tell your african brothers to stop coming here, you retard.



>emigrating and still caring about sudacas
Pathetic desu.

go back to sleep waffle

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I am chilean and exactly the same thing I asked myself yesterday. I have no idea

Choroy told me that this place was full of Comida Peruana so I came to fap.


You mean texans?

The most popular Chilean image board got shut down a few months ago by SJWs and feminists, they literally drove a guy to throw himself into the subway tracks. They accused him of using the board to organize rapes and kidnap women, turns out the whole thing was just epic trolling.

Be advised OP, most of those users are angry far-right incel NEETs and extremely misogynistic, DO NOT engage with them, just ignore them.

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chileANOS finally can afford the internet

t. Nige

sounds pretty fucking based


>most of those users are angry far-right incel NEETs and extremely misogynistic
literally nothing wrong with that

>The most popular Chilean image board got shut down
thanks for advising, I also strongly condemn mysogyny and far-right incel extremism

what's the name of that image board btw?


>racism bad

Attached: bc3.png (636x773, 14K)


>implying it isn't

Noticed how there were so many French around about a year ago?

I've always been here

wtf I love Chile now

Based Chile. Fuck you limp wristed white cucks

Not as bad as being so obsessed with not being racist you let a bunch of kids get raped

Attached: brit pedo enablers.jpg (938x714, 208K)

Pathetic. Remain lost, get over it.