Are they the only team left worth rooting for?

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What about u r gay

why do Americans say "root"?

it's so fucking stupid

Why are Brits such cunts?

why are yanks so fragile?

Why do Brits have less world cups than the US?


Peru disappoint me every time.

Im done rooting for them. Been rooting for Uruguay.

they do that shit here to get attention. tell me it hasn't been working for them.

why are you bongs cunts?

>el peruANO

Why do people hate us so much?
Literally everyone, Colombia, Chile and Niggertina wants us to lose always.

I myself find peru the less dislikeable one. Since they are one of the less mediocre posters around here.

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dunno why that posted like that. probably because i was replying to a cunt.
>Peru disappoint me every time
same. still hope they win. prepared for disappointment.

I actually forgot about them, i thought they lost already

Uruguay is based I don't get the hate

Let's do this Peruanos!

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fragile lol

VocĂȘs acham que o Peru vai entrar jogando mole como contra o Brasil ou vai fazer jogo duro contra o Uruguai?

>Only peruvian poster is a pedophile

they are afraid, both uruguay and peru have business with chile either way so it will be fun, arg bra on the other side too, should have had that for the wc but whatever...

We are still breathing

Whatever happens tomorrow, the winner will have to beat chile. If you guys win, do it for us, if we win, we will beat chile again.

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Peru will try their best not to disappoint you this time
Wrong, there's also the anime spammer, the haplogroup autist and me

Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone on Yea Forums wants to urugay wins

I don't hate you lads.I even have an uruguayan friend,good luck in your match

>fight for 32 years to go the WC
>get eliminated in the second game

Peru will lose tomorrow

not me
i want peru vs chile for the memes

sure but don't get your hopes up. they struggled against fucking Bolivia, they most likely will go home tomorrow.

Puta madre user
Now i'm hungry

i want chile to win again desu

shut the fuck up, dad

Peru are cursed.