But in all seriousness we can't let Messi retire without an international title

But in all seriousness we can't let Messi retire without an international title

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This picture is so weird, are they flying to their doom? I mean that's literally a black hole with lightning coming out of it

They're flying towards Hope

its a portal to enter the heavens la

ArgenCHINOS win in 2022 lad. Messi won't be on the squad tho

They're going to take their place in Olympus you mong

Yes we can
Fuck him

>arab cartoonists

wait, what did Neymar achieve with Brazil again?
Confederations Cuck and Olympics dont count (Messi won Olympics, too)

It's the Netherworld's entrance

It's a title wanting It or not

it's Pele

Hope as in Hope Solo? Want me to post a better pick of black hole?


do it fag

He's won the UCL at Madrid tho


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Being GOAT even without any international titles. I'll just let this sink in for a bit.

they going to fight black goku

>1 man wins a game of 11 men.
>Sweden wants others to win
>Sweden wants give handouts
really makes me think

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Retirement may as well be death when it comes to sport.


Imagine the smell

that's not neymar you fucking mong

Oh yes we can, he doesn't deserve it and so his fanboys

Who the fuck is that up top? Ronaldinho?

That's Pelé for fuck's sake

could be rivaldo but idk

>not recognising le "one gajillion goals against literal farmers" superstar

#1 all time World Cup goals record holder and undisputed GOAT of course

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>Maradona and Pele won a Champions League
>Olympic Gold doesn't count, but Euros do

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yea ronaldo was great in that Euros final

Brazil's #10