How does strike zone exactly work in baseball...

How does strike zone exactly work in baseball? why won't batters just bend over so that their elbows are below their knees, making the strike zone effectively negative and making each pitch a ball?

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me on the left

anybody know their routine and diet?

Have he just solved baseball?

Not cool dude. The holocaust isn't a joke, millions of Jews died for no reasons but to satisfy the commands of a racist,sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, trans phobic fascist.

why do they look so sad, just smile :^)

sounds hot

Have sex ;.)

Look up Eddie Gaedel

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another reason why cricket is a superior sport

because the knees would simply become the top of the strike zone and the elbows the bottom

So put them exactly parallel.


Poland did that not the Germans

>millions of Jews died
I wish

> racist,sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, trans phobic fascist
sounds like someone else i know...

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The kike in the tighty whiteys on the left looks like Iniesta.

Disgusting. These people died in POLISH death camps. And this man has the audacity to flaunt his grandfather's crimes for attention.

I don't think he was a sexist.

limp wristed cringe

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It depends on their height based on how they walk up to the plate. However if you roll from the bench in a fetal position no one will ever know your real height.

Wasnt it germany? You jews need to get your story right lmao

>"Gaedel was under strict orders not to attempt to move the bat off his shoulder. When Veeck got the impression that Gaedel might be tempted to swing at a pitch, the owner warned Gaedel that he had taken out a $1 million insurance policy on his life, and that he would be standing on the roof of the stadium with a rifle prepared to kill Gaedel if he even looked like he was going to swing.[12] Veeck had carefully trained Gaedel to assume a tight crouch at the plate; he had measured Gaedel's strike zone in that stance and claimed it was just one and a half inches high."

>standing of the roof of the stadium with a rifle prepared to kill Gaedel


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Poisoning the well with fake stupidity

>millions of Jews
if only

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