Can he fix Venezuela?

Can he fix Venezuela?

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le CIA agent man


Venezuela's problem is their population. You can fiddle around with the governmental system, but if you're a New World country and you've been reduced to trading gold and oil to Turkey for fucking pasta, you've taken a very wrong turn. Communist or capitalist, you ought to be able to feed yourself in that climate.

Literally who?

looks like chris smalling

He is a CIA agent, I'm not even memeing

he's actually Obama's nephew

t. Insider knower guy

Looks like Obama or i'm crazy?

not because his party is socialist and his entire political program is left, only that he is not a dictator as maduro

Perfectly reasonable observation


shut up fat boy

Prove it

Fat for Venezuela=over 80 pounds

el amlANO

le bootleg obama

have sex

t. AMLO supporter

>bootleg third world Barack Obama (auto declared) Venezula president
Nice joke, and I'm not even Maduro entusiastic.

t. prieto que le chupa la verga a amlol.

t. adecuck

fat or not he's right

>CIA socialist glowing monkey

Attached: james_rodriguez6.jpg (716x477, 29K)

Venezuela is fucked either way.
Time for the US to bomb them into freedom.


He's a socialist, what do you think?

t.seething canayincuck que se cree "blanco"

Wtf are you doing here Yonaiker? i thought i was the only one in this place

>You can fiddle around with the governmental system, but if you're a New World country and you've been reduced to trading gold and oil to Turkey for fucking pasta, you've taken a very wrong turn
Are you retarded? They're in that position because of their government not because they want to. Their government controls every industry, it's not like theoretical communism where le laborers own le means to production.