Is she the greatest female athlete of all time?

Is she the greatest female athlete of all time?

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you'er mom is


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she is a hot granny

No thats Remy LaCroix




she is the greates female athlete of all time not named serena williams. you racist piece of shit.

Good ass

She's better by default by just being white

She looks 45, jesus


Shame about those tits but the lower body is looking tight

>Serena is a human being

I hate that nobody paid attention to her when she was cute and soft-spoken back in 2011 and now that she's hit the wall and has become a leftist sports icon she's all you fuckers talk about

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She looks like Robben with hair

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very easily might be having the body of a prepubescent boy along with being a midget gives her a distinct advantage over real women

She looks like a man in his 50s

imagine hitting the wall in your 30s lmao

put a wig on her and some bigger tits and she's fuckable.

Holy fuck she's only in her early 30s, I thought she was well over 35, closer to 40.

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Shes 33

I honestly feel sorry for girls with no tits.


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This is the pinacle of radical feminist

who's this tranny

huh? Wut u mean?

Sunscreen. They dont wear enough.


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really? seems easier to live without massive melons hanging from your chest.

Get her hot juicy fanny out the fucking mad slag.

damn shawty THICK

How about this one?

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How old is that dyke?

she is as good as ronaldo on the pitch


there are people browsing Yea Forums right now who are better athletes than her

Most people fail to surpass their high school looks. Even if they get through college most give into despair due to real life and balloon up. This is why being attracted to underage girls is the only rational choice.

most white women do

jesus is that real?

I'd smash this tranny

Have you met women in there 30's? That's when a lot of them hit the wall

You know what you have to do.

i guess it would the same as the (very rare) micropenis disorder. yeah you're still technically a male but do you really feel THAT masculine? how feminine could a girl feel with almost nonexistent breasts really?

dubs for roast

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thinking of posting it

dayummm okay

wtf i love SJWs now

>could you rub some sunscreen on my back user~

Post it

What an ass
Nice butt though

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>care to join me and my wife, user?

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a-after i cook dinner for you okay?

put me in the amazon position m-mommy

That’s like 90% of women bruh

Would! I could turn her with my arguments. She would love me after our conversation. Not a sociopath! :D

Why does spee want me to hate her, again? She dabbed on their Thai ladyboy waifus?

Rapemenow gotta be an ex man.

Doing well not to have hit the wall in your 20s honestly. How many truly top-tier women are older than 25?

It is just miserable to see people that actually give so much of a shit about politics that they can’t go a single moment without spouting off or making a stand about some bullshit or another. Fuck, it is so frustrating. We live in a fucking democracy! You vote for who you like, and if you don’t win you fucking get on with your life!

she was a top tier cutie at the last world cup

t. Gook obsessed incel who’s fucked tops 2 women

off the top of my head halle berry and sandra bullock lasted pretty long. past their 40s at least. i guess it helps to have a lot of money too though.

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That's a bloke.

That’s a tranny

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>no boobs

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look at the brapper on this gal
drumpf just wishes she sat on his face, i know i do

looks like Alison Tyler to me

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>You vote for who you like, and if you don’t win you fucking get on with your life!
This has literally never been the case.
>We live in a fucking democracy!
Which means you have the freedom of speech to protest ongoing policies your democratically elected leader perpetuates.
I'm not even a hard lefty, I've just made peace that protest, especially the benign, peaceful protest Rapinoe is doing, is part and parcel of a healthy democracy.

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Come on ... Robben isn't THAT ugly.

>0 world cups


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Jesus, this woman hit the wall HARD

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She will fall back into obscurity as soon as this competition ends because no one knows or cares what club she plays for during the normal footy season. There will be real football to watch and even the effeminate faggots that rate women sports will stop following her.

Actual lesbians are such a turn off urgh

That raises the question: Does she just shill this political extremist crap to stay relevant in some capacity? Because people in America will certainly remember her for that shit.

Not Char is right, the bad guys are those attempting to suppress free speech, in this case, those who are attacking the girl in the OP.

these cunts look fucking feral

what the fuck

Who cares? Support her because it'll create massive butthurt among groups like /pol/ since she already made Trump butthurt.
Then when she wins, no longer support her and then enjoy the butthurt when the stuff she wants to happen, never happens.

That is the correct choice for this sitution.

>give so much of a shit about politics
>act like an absolute turbo-cunt playing against amateur opponents
i despise this woman, her haircut and everything she stands for

Came for the faps left with the brrrrrrrraps

Possibly. But then again who cares? She is an american, a lezzer and a woman soccer player. So parallel to my interests that I won't hear about her for the next 4 years or hopefully ever.

le some men just want to watch the world burn incel Joker wannabe


>Support her because it'll create massive butthurt among groups like /pol/ since she already made Trump butthurt.
Supporting one extremist just to spite another extremist really isn't solving anything, you know.
That's how we ended up where we are right now.


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she hates drumpf so we have to hate her


Stop being a little bitch,
These two prove it's already causing butthurt

Laughing at you for sounding like a limp wristed incel is not butthurt. Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.


>this clown posted the word butthurt 3 times in one post
obtain a thesaurus brainlet

Notice the tiptoeing effect, lifting the glutes to give an accentuated look to her ass, much like wearing high heels.

In other words, there is little ass there and you suckers are getting played by some skinny rug muncher who knows how to pose

>there is little ass there
There's actually lots of ass above her neck.

Stay butthurt

this but unironically.

boy oh boy I can't WAIT to see what Trump says to a dyke who kicks a ball around around a field poorly while he's fucking with the G20 and meeting Kim from Best Korea at the DMZ tomorrow, I can't wait to tune in.

You brainlets belong on Yea Forums getting worked this hard.

drop the "have to"

That's dumb.

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This one right

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"your" you ignorant redneck

germany vs sweden in 1 bong 30 bings

Female, no.
Athlete, no.
Soccer player, yes.