Blumpf on suicide watch!

Attached: megan-rapinoe-smile-circus-usa-france.jpg (1300x724, 93K)

Minus his trade war bullshit, I unironically believe Trump is doing a solid job as your president so far.

How wrong am I?

Oh and his subservient attitude towards the Saudis and Israelis is also shit I guess.

But other than that, not so bad of a job so far

>more immigrants than ever
>wars for israel
>spreading homosex worldwide
>abandoned his base

Of course you like Trump, he's a strident white supremacist and misogynist.

go back to Yea Forums tranny, we don't want your kind here

You're angry, even if you don't know it yet.

i like trump

Not a single feminine feature in her face save from the hair, and its still pushing it.

He's fine. Not the change we hoped for but there hasn't been anything to upset life and things are going fine.

You aren’t wrong. People keep bringing up the Zionist puppet and Iran stuff as a reason to hate him, but the fact of the matter is, he has not actually put us at war with Iran, nor Syria, nor any of these other countries that people constantly say he’s about to send us at war against.

As far as I’m concerned, he’s the least war-mongering president we’ve had in a while.

post checks out

He should literally resign after them embarrassing tweets about Megan and the team while they keep killing it

If Trump is a white supremacist, then Obama was a black supremacist.

Backing out of the Paris Accord and completely backing down from sanctions against North Korea are my biggest issues. Otherwise, he's the same as any other president where he does nothing besides talk and people focus on them instead of Congress where shit actually happens.

Barry was chill. Trump is a fat senile retard

He has a solid staff around him to keep his more retarded impulses in check, which isn't the same as being a competent president.

this. trump's a pussy

>He has a solid staff around him to keep his more retarded impulses in check.
They all got fired or resigned.
The only reason we're not at War with Iran is someone at the Pentagon got to him before the attack was launched against the Iranians.
Do not forget, the National Security Advisor, Head of the CIA and the Secrety of State (The guy who's supposed to find a DIPLOMATIC solution.) are all advocating war with Iran and the military strike and if Trump is not dead set on something (Defending Russia and the Wall) He'll just repeat whatever the last person said to him.
And this was caught on camera multiple times where he'll take the democratic position on something in front of everyone, before doing a 180 the next day because someone else talked with him.

He's between average to slightly above below average to me. The last greats we had were Truman and Eisenhower in my opinion.

If it wasn't for the entire country (world) constantly trying to block everything he does and get him impeached I really believe he would have fixed a lot of problems.

>fugly lesbian that looks like a dude
>stupid childish hair
>bitches about getting "equal pay"
>can't beat a 15 year old boys team
>rude to POTUS
And people wonder why the nation doesn't get behind womens soccer?

White people aren't the only white supremacists.


>backing down from sanctions against North Korea are my biggest issues

just get here from reddit?