Why are they so likeable?

Why are they so likeable?

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cause they're chil-ly

I feel like we are hated by most south americans.

they're a bunch of faggots

>el chileANO

I don't like them.

Likeable? Their only redeemable quality is that they are good at football

Chilean frens:
El paraguayANO
El brazilANO
Nicolás Maduro

Anyone else?

but muh south

We Yea Forumsnime

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Yeah, Texas is a good state.

>tfw technically second generation chilean
not sure how to feel tbqh

>el gordo Camilo q no sale de su casa kek

i love u chile-san

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Thank you based Peruvian you're the only good immigrant our country has

>Why are they so likeable?

it's all in the fingers

You should feel as a Bicampeón tho.

I m technically double third gen argentinian

prepare the fucking lube Santiago

Some of us are alright

so you are basically white then

no one likes us no one likes us no ooooooneeee liiiiiiikeeees us we don't care

you witnessed your NT (Chile) win something m8, be happy

Basically the Australians of South America.

Because they’re the spiritual Texas of South America.

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Alexis Sanchez

Both things are true. Texas is the Australia of the US.

Igór Bogdanovo

are they?

>genetically chilean
>living in Argentina
Fucked up on both accounts. Sorry lad.

pic unrelated

Rooted for Argentina so I lost any rights to do that, rip
Oh it's easy to look good in Buenos Aires with all the triracial goblinos walking around
I've thought about moving to Chile before, got plenty of familia there but idk how much bullshit should I expect for my accent and argentine habits

It's because no one understands your language

PeruANO yesterday say ChileANOs have complex like they think they are center of universe. Well him is totally right....

Because you don't have them as neighbors

Fuck off Texas

Speak properly

friendly and contributing posters

You are correct

we love you bro

Wna que brutal

Based Perubros!

>be colombian
>your only life choices are become a sicario or drug dealer, women are all prostitutes

seeth more choke artist

stop eating pidgeons

just stop stealing culture lands of your ¨brother¨ countrys of South America and stop fucking selling your country to european (specially UK) and north americans cucks and u will be accepted fucking chileANOS you are nothing more than an england colony in XXI century

Most of mexicans like u, some still hate u cuz of the 7-0, but we are ok

You seem sorta mad, mate.

They're disgusting mapuches and horrible human beings. Nothing good can come from Chilean guts.

fuck u culo roto I am working out just to fucking kill chileANOS here in my country I have been raped 5 chileANOS the last 2 weeks and I will continue to rape chileANOS in my barrio LOCO GAAAAAAAAA

I'm sure UK had investment in both sides of the pacific war.

bueno pe causita webom viva mi perusito webom carajo

>" I have been raped"

>I have been raped
>I plan on raping more
Make up your mind, paloma bro.

Fun fact if your family is from lima, then that mean that you have chilean heritage, because when the chilean army invaded lima they raped every woman like there was no tomorrow, it was .

honestly though we gave you shit because a lot of you came here but retrospectively and with a lot of colombians and venezuelans we are starting to like you guys a little more

not much really, besides memes we don't give other people too much shit

explain, wtf is wrong w their dialect

we shorten words and use words other spanish speakers can't understand, plus we talk fast

Habla despacito que no entiendo.

Loh chilenoh son máh conservadoreh.


la wea fome qliao

jesus christ sounds retarded

xupa pico wn ctm

Pero Colombia es conocido internacionalmente más que Chile, una franja arrinconada en el fin del mundo.

someday we'll get to the elite of football, I'm hopefull lads. A new maracanazo is step one to unlimited respect.

>Pero Colombia es conocido internacionalmente más que Chile
just like Syria is known more than Colombia, for all the right reasons right?

this is most likely true, lel

por ser la cuna del narcotráfico?

well, at least there's one chilean with self-awareness

all your country produces are narcos, sicarios and prostitutes so you would know.

Conocido por vender drogas

>doesn't know the difference between famous and infamous

colombian education

Can you stop sending drug traffickers our way? We are doing pretty fine on or own, thanks

ChileAgoniza found Yea Forums

tricked by the beady eyed anglo

Also we use only one word to virtually everything.

De que wea estai hablando weon

Because they don't think darts is a legitimate sport.

>tfw lived in Chile for 10 years then moved back to Argentina
>hardcore alcoholic and can't stop drinking pisco

are you kidding that it's considered a sport?

>I have been raped 5 chileANOS
You sure can take a lot of dicking

In terms of Yea Forums posters, they are some of the best. A lot of good meme threads are started by them (see BOSS), they make funny posts (avoid generals and you will see what I mean). For me it's Chile. For me it's Texas.

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Living in such an isolated long strip of land forced us to develop our lenguage in a different manner in comparison to the rest of rhe continent

>why are them so likeable
>90% chilindio posters

hahahaha lmao it's like one of those political polls
where 100% of the interviewed are are the exact target of the interview

>make a poll about uruguay
>they dont know english or have internet

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Not really. Only your neighboring countries hate you

lel COPE
we probably know more english
and DEFINITELY have better internet

we're not their neighbors but we don't hate them
we kinda pity them
it's kind the sentiment i get about them when working a interacting with lots of people


why do you assume having indigenous blood is an insult? at least we're an actual nation with an identity and history, not just an argentine province

cmon bro, they're in the same tier than Colombia
you gave them relevance because you suck at penalties
it should have never been but you, that are their neighbors, allowed it
i mean it's now your fault and you get to carry it like The Cross

go back to the tree ape.

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if a chilean stays in argentina for more than a week, it becomes assimilated automatically, so you are an argie in our eyes

fact: final will be chile vs argentina, penalties shoot out, and chile will rape argentina because we have cooler minds and a clear purpose, and argentinians are little maricas patagonian iceberg chests.


Chile will forever be a good country because of Pinochet

what the fuck did conmebol mean by this?

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This poster is correct, sick of chileans in Yea Forums (I'm Chilean myself)

The Copa Centenario was a tournament created exclusively so that Messi could win something with niggertina