Why don't defenders look like this anymore?

Why don't defenders look like this anymore?

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his ear and eyebrow kind of make the pirelli p. commitment to the brand lad

this is a brilliant post which deserves replies

this guy looks like the average portuguese person

how do we go from this

To this

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imagine being man marked by this guy LMAO

you could make top 30 defenders in history composed only of italian players

The jews have put onions in our food. Making our men look more feminine. Hence Muslim countries have these high test cave men. Becaus (((they're))) not in control. Show me one zoomer that looks like this. You can't.

Onions boost testosterone, Ahmed.

This, soi in food and estrogen in our tap water.

>negative iq post
Šõý becomes onions my macaco friend. Read the context.

>he believes this

You have to be fucking kidding me with this post.

>Šõý becomes onions
In the sense that whenever you write śoý it becomes onions

look the hue is a newfag

what the hell happened here


Attached: 220px-Giuseppe_Bergomi.jpg (220x316, 14K)

i shave my unibrow

Dont shave it retard. Burn it with a lighter.

I like Zappacosta who plays for Chelsea because he reminds me of an early 90s Italian player

my man Nigel having a groovy friday are we?

My uncle has eyebrows like that, pretty cool to look at desu.

He reminds me of Luigi from Super Mario Bros.

because he looks fucking ugly. that's why. get with the times fag.

>muh onions in food
>muh estrogen in water
>muh jews
>muh brainwashed women
>muh white genocide
Have sex

I remember bergomi. The guy played till he was 40 or something. I remember a game between inter and ac Milan where he was substituted in the 80th minute or something. He ran to the middle for the sub, all the way across the field in a sprint that no 40 year old has.
A true legend.

but they do

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you have sex first nigggggger

Footballers fashion taste is top tier cringe

Birth control in the water supply fucking up everyone's endocrine systems

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Eat pigeons