How the fuck can he recover from this?
How the fuck can he recover from this?
>tfw still waiting on my wall
After that debate last night he already did for another 5 years.
Comfort eating big macs whilst sat trembling on the toilet angrily tweeting, the usual.
whats the back story is she anti trump
Most winners are.
>America wins
>somehow Trump lost
lol this dumb motherfucker voted Hillary
wat hapen frend
Democrats are retards and self-cannibalizing their party beyond control
>US wins
>Everyone talks politics
Such as?
based desu
one less plane ticket taxpayers have to buy
Democrats reminded the general public they are insane as per usual
At least when we talk politics is funny, when americans talk about politics is lefty cringe or some cuck shit.
By the fact that most every democrat is proposing a return to school busing, outlawing private health insurance, and giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants they've just decriminalized.
What is school bussing btw?
I watched a Daily Show clip today and they showed this black woman candidate talk about it at a debate and apparently she BTFO Joe Biden with it, but I have unironically no idea what she meant by that.
sit on a pile of money, wipe his ass with $20 bills, fly in his private jet wherever he wants.
meanwhile she will fade into obscurity in 5 years and have a net worth of like 500k maybe.
It's the practice of enforcing racial integration in public schools by literally busing in black kids who live too far from an entirely white school. In the 60s it was used to keep southern states from using geography as an excuse to segregate. Now it's literally "hurr no black people live here so let's bring people from miles away"
Ok, thanks
So the Democrats basically want to force black kids into white schools, no matter how far away they live?
Would then white kids also be forced to go to black schools?
It's an old concept where they 'bus' kids from the ghetto to relatively well off areas and have them go to school there (because it's a better school than the ghetto). Since ghettos and rich neighborhoods are at least a little ways apart, kids were getting bussed for like 2 hours and their parents complained.
>Would then white kids also be forced to go to black schools?
No. Bussing only works one way, because it's only about destroying the good schools, not making the shitty schools any better.
End goal is the standard Democrat end goal - make everyone equally shitty and poor.
are there any studies on bussing
How it affects academic performance or anything?
portuguese media are seething after the response he gave to putin
He'll literally never recover he'll never get be president now its all over for glumpft
He can’t
Yes, many in fact. The most recent are from Minnesota I think. Generally black kids do better in school and actually learn to have goals to get out of the hood other than rap music, selling drugs and sports. The kids who don't get bussed stay as shitty as possible
I know this will make me sound like a monster, but wouldn't it just be easier to not always be spending all of our time trying to help black people just be average non shitty people and instead focus on improving conditions for people with better genetics? What is the merit in constantly wasting resources on blacks? What actual benefit is there to the country to trying(and failing and wasting billions of dollars) to bring black people up to speed? I can only help but wonder how much greater this country would be if they didn't bother.
I'm a Christian and I believe in bringing all communities closer to Jesus our Lord and Savior no matter what cost
Don't worry you spend billions on Israel anyway
I'm an atheist/nihilist and I genuinely think it would have been better to just execute the slaves or ship than back to Africa than carry the burden of trying to modernize an inferior race and lower the overall quality of the gene pool.
The country doesn't bother. Black people are left behind. Lip service and pennies on the dollar mean nothing. Don't worry, your superior genes, which I'm sure you're using to their fullest potential, are perfectly safe.
It's just butthurt right wingers projecting.
(((((portuguese media))))
I'm not. Don't worry, I'm not delusional thinking that white people are inherently better or something. There are plenty of black people that are superior to whites in a practical sense, regardless of superior genes. Also, white people aren't really the most superior race, just superior to blacks. Every race is superior to blacks.
And they aren't as left behind as you think. People waste effort on them constantly and it results in nothing because they're largely incapable of taking care of themselves.
By sitting on the sidelines and laughing as Democrats engage in a dick-measuring contest of who can promise the most free shit to non-American citizens.
Based Rapinoe
Trump btfo!
The last debate made it evident that Democrats don’t even care about pandering to blacks anymore since Hispanics have become a larger part of the electorate. The amount of cuck white voters will still remain the same regardless of which particular minority group you pander to, thus it’s become more advantageous to focus on border hoppers.
Imagine having one retard president after another instead of one strong leader with clear vision for 20 years
She said she wouldn't go to the White House if they won the World Cup and Trump, being thin skinned as he always is, attacked her multiple time and brought up the NBA and black people just because he could.
Given how he just sucked Putin's dick again at the G20. It's not like being against Trump is being against America.
I want to tell you to fuck off, but you're kinda right. Even though the circumstances behind Putin being in that position are pure shit.
he was buttmad on twitter about rapinoe rightfully not wanting to visit the white house for big macs
I don’t think anybody denies Putin has been a great leader for Russia, just like I don’t think anybody denies that great monarchs and dictators have existed throughout history.
The problem is what happens after they die. Putin can’t live forever, there is gonna come a day when Russians are gonna have to live in a world without him, and that’s a world they’re far less equipped to handle than western Democratic countries.
The irony is that Trump actually does like soccer and always has
They out-insaned the 2012 Republican Debates.
I hate how our National team decided to be political. Doesn't FIFA make rules against players being political like what happened with the Serbia team last year?
Except Russia is in shit shape under Putin given the amount of resources the country has due to the fact he's run the country as a kleptocracy (Funnily enough, this is what the Republicans want to turn America into and have been trying to for the past 40 years.) The only reason their fortunes have reversed somewhat is they just barely managed to drag themselves out of the Russian financial crisis, and hit the jackpot by being able to install a puppet like Trump to further their own interests. Economically they are not suited for anything past oil and some other materials, so they are going to be left behind like Venezuela was. The reason Putin's remained in power is because he rigs his elections, while murdering and imprisoning the opposition.
voltem para o /pol/ labregos filhos da puta
Wow I never thought of it like that before, but it's true. Everything Putin does is bad and he's a bad leader for Russia. Right wing leaders are all bad. Interesting!
t. retard
>Tramp stamp Italy is mad at the truth.
Shit Soccer Team, Shit Economy.
>while murdering and imprisoning the opposition.
what opposition is that? the only people who hate Putin is the laughable minority, the kind of people who roll for Green Card every year, onion boys and dumb teenagers
Putin is pretty much widely supported here.
That's for provoking the opposition. Provoking yourselves is ok.
Alexei Navalny gives his regards.
and how is he imprisoned? Putin doesn't give a shit about him
How do Leftists simultaneously believe Russia is in shit shape but also masterfully hacked our elections and have our president on a leash?
Navalny has been arrested many times by Russian authorities. He received two suspended sentences for alleged embezzlement in two separate cases, one in July 2013, and another in December 2014, for five-year and 3.5-year terms of imprisonment, respectively. Both cases are considered to be fabrications in retaliation for his political activity and violated Navalny's right to a fair trial, according to rulings by the European Court of Human Rights. The Memorial Human Rights Center considered Navalny as a political prisoner. In February 2014, Navalny was placed under house arrest and restricted from communicating with anyone but his family.
In December 2016, Navalny started his campaign to run for President of Russia during the 2018 election, but was barred by Russia's Central Electoral Commission in December 2017 and the Supreme Court of Russia rejected his appeal and upheld the ban. He and his supporters have been arrested and become victims of attacks on numerous occasions during the campaign. In May 2018, he was sentenced to 30 days in prison after being arrested for attending an unsanctioned protest against Putin in Moscow; he condemned the verdict.