>dominates Euros at their own sport.
heh, nothin personal, kid
Dominates Euros at their own sport
The sport of doping
What did he win?
Tour de France a heap of times but he had the advantage of only one nut and superior drugs
How come nobody else could do it?
>0 titles
Because he was the only rider with one nut. It helped with his cadence.
Jan Ulrich with two nuts struggled year and year going up hills.
Wouldn't that throw off his rythm though and be a disadvantage? And then there's all those yuro "men" riding around without any balls at all, so how does that work?
I'm not posting my balls, weirdo
Daily reminder Armstrong did nothing wrong and USADA are a bunch of dirty kikes for sabotaging their own athletes.
highest peak in autism a human being was able to put into sport so far
>Armstrong did nothing wrong
If if you don't include the doping this isn't even close to being true
>Never won the Tour de France
What a fraud
>0 titles
Imagine being mad your doped up bike rider couldn't beat another doped up bike rider
>your doped up bike rider couldn't beat another doped up bike rider
I've never understood this shit. Euro biking was, and probably still is, THE number 1 "doping" sport on the planet. NOBODY does the stupid shit those fuckers do to try to get and keep an edge.
Armstrong won 7 times. I don't care what kind of dope you take, you're not going to win the TdF 7 times unless you're a bad ass.
The yuro scum just couldn't stand the fact that Lance bent them over and used them like his bitch 7 times, so they did whatever they could to take him down, which is IGNORE all the other dopers in the tour and focus on Lance.
This is why I will never give a fuck about the TdF or bicycling ever again.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and no clue about what Armstrong did. I'd rather not have retarded Americans in my /cyc/ threads though, so please keep it this way and fuck off.
Amerishits are the most blatant dopers in this world, yet they have no shame to put their fingers on others (especially Russia and China) and try to exclude them from the competitions.