>89 Frenchmen are playing at this Africa cup of nations
you guys realize that French football domination is just starting right? they produce so much tallent that they send the acsess to the 3rd world. french ghettos will be producing most of the next best players for a long time to come
"white man burden" was a French philosophical movement. so it explains it. Although from whatever I read the implementation was way off since French colonialism was unanimously hated.
Asher Murphy
wtf if they are born in France, how do they play for africa?
Over 23 players, propably 17 or 18 will play for an African country and they are a lot more in Ligue 1.
But it is not a problem, they are just suckers, we give our trash to trash countries, it's just simple and clean in my opinion.
The saddest think is when a elite player like Drogba or Pepe "choose" Africa just because they didn't wait to be selected or to be workship like a God in they parents countries
Remember that we could have a u21 team with Pavard Mbappe Dembele Hernandez Coman...
Charles Moore
All according to kikekaku
Nathaniel James
Don't worry user, your female Nbugu lefrogue will be shipped to you in no time.
Angel Robinson
How can other nations even compete
Joshua James
By waiting
Noah Barnes
>tfw you are becoming a neo boer I never asked for thid
God, being trash talk from Honduras... A country where you have more chance to get shot than find a decent "hospital". Giving Internet to shit countries was a mistake
Blake Stewart
I hate them so much, lads
Cooper Reed
I mean I'm not opposed to dusky gals but Isn't bmwf a more common mixed race pairing? Are there any good biracial footballers with nubian mums?
That's literally the ethymology of Netherlands though.
Sebastian Scott
we're simply too good at this sport
Kayden Brown
Yeah the """French""" domination really showed when they got dismantled 4-1 by Spain in U21 EUROs.
Lincoln Gonzalez
>Isn't bmwf a more common mixed race pairing
I looked at the US statistics and it's yes and no. For American blacks BMWF is more common while for immigrant blacks WMBF is common. Definitely more American blacks though.
Jaxon Ward
Only the best stay in the A French Team. That's is the very purpose of Espoirs, it enables us to only keep the cream and give up the trash.
James Ward
irrelevant tournament, we qualified for the next olympics which is what really mattered anyway, also if we actually cared we would align our best ngubus of age to fit the team which we didn't.
Thomas Jenkins
until this year we literally hadn't qualified for this mickey mouse tournament since 2006
Eli Bell
Same in France. Native Female Blacks are fucked because of this. Except you are a top model, neither the Whites or the Blacks wants you. So they have to find a Black immigrant
Bentley Jackson
Are you speaking from personal experience? Aight let's forget immigrants for a moment. Let's say a group of women of different color and backgrounds (but all of them born and raised as in France) Who would you say would be more open to courtship outside their ethnicity?
Wonder how many are at the Gold Cup, bet its at least 40
Jack Cooper
Julian Powell
The Whites for sure with ethnicity. Then the Black but only with Whites Then the Arabs with Whites and Blacks Then the Asians with Whited Then the Jews
Colton Bailey
Are there any names? I can only think of Ziyech and Mazroui
Liam Miller
wesh maghrebis mix with blacks? maybe just moroccans they look similar
Aaron Green
Tunisian women are literally addicted to foreign (African and white) cucks
Tyler Gray
Not sure how it is elsewhere, but yes, over here Nafri women (and also Turkish women) quite often go with black dudes.
Note that we don't have that many black people here to begin with and most Nafris just date each other, but on a per capita basis, nafri girls are the most open to date black guys, no doubts about it.
The reason for this is simply because nafris grow up in the same neighboorhoods as blacks. We don't have any black neighborhoods/ghettos over here, so blacks usually just live in the low-priced neighborhoods where most Muslim migrants tend to live as well.
Kayden Russell
Hmd les algériens sont pas comme ça.
John Lee
I have never ever heard of a black-Turkish couple here. The girl would most likely be kidnapped by her family and send back to Turkey. In general pretty much all interracial pairings here are between whites and non-whites.
Jackson Miller
well idk coz here marrying a black person is a tabboo like in south there is some black communities they got their own buses and they are not burried with non black tunisians
Sebastian Adams
France has been training african nations players since the 80's their training centers have a giant reputation over there , the senegal squad that had beaten France during the 2002 WC had all their players except one trained in french centers
Juan Garcia
>giving a shit about the U21 or any U-team its rare to have even half of them make it to the NT
Nathaniel Fisher
All in all, it's rather rare here as well, because of the lack of blacks. But it is not sensationally uncommon.
Example: Jerome Boateng's wife is Turkish (they knew each other since childhood, growing up in the same neighborhood in Berlin)
Migrant populations are oftentimes quite different from native ones.
The US is already mexican, etnographically of course then the license lovers got there
Juan Martinez
Fuck niggers
Carter Perez
Continue being blind
Alexander Lewis
how is the maghrebi diaspora in germany? many of tunisians there are actually student so i think not as bad as our diaspora in france or italy
Landon Peterson
Morocco=Marruecos I can't think of more right now
Joseph Cook
Well blacks aren't rare at all here yet they hardly ever date Muslims, it's a big taboo in their families
Ian Brooks
In France a large part of maghrebi women go with blacks, they're called "beurette à kheld " and Arab men are super butthurt about it for multiple reasons. Mbappé is the byproduct of a beurette à khel.
Aiden Williams
Is this why ISIS is so strong in France? I'm sure once beurette a khel becomes a thing over here we will have weekly attacks
Parker Reyes
Mbraap is part arab?
Christian Russell
half algerian
Adam Cooper
Depends desu
Egyptian Copts for example are doing quite well here and are extremely redpilled (they hate Islam on the same level our right-wingers do) Then there are also like you said the well-educated, secular Nafris who work as professors or scientists (from my experience these are also mostly Egyptians).
However, there's also quite a lot of Nafri scum here desu Our Nafri minority is not as numerous as the one in France, Belgium or Netherlands, so overally they aren't as much in the spotlight, but in ghettos of the bigger cities they are known as troublemakers.
Most of the shitty ones are Moroccans though, while Algerians are almost non-existant. You Tunisians did get a bad rep thanks to Anis Amri though, the guy who drove the truck into the christmas market in 2016, he was Tunisian.
But overally, people rarely talk about Tunisians, which is a good sign I guess.
Mason Morales
true. this millenium will be a Chinese one.
Jonathan Allen
Sexual misery of young arab men is pretty ordinary here. Generally they marry a girl from the "bled" (back home) when they're older instead of remaining incels forever.
William Barnes
is it cause of their parents or traditiions or because they are not accepted into the french society and not liked by whites or just because they are too ugly
Adrian Sanders
i never met a tunisian here desu although there is a somewhat known gay youtuber here who is ethnic tunisian, he was born and grew up in my city
the worst nafris/maghrebis are without a doubt the moroccans the problem for you is that people here don't really differentiate between the different nafri nations, so your people just collctively get categorized as "nafri"
Adrian Sullivan
Do ethnic French men fuck beurettes or are they too full of STDs or something?
Lucas Jones
Probably. But only around Paris. Blacks seem allergic to the countryside.
Ryan Green
So that's why he's so fast. That Algeria-Germany game in Brazil is still fresh in mind. Possibly the best game after the huelocaust. If not for neuer going full ham you guys would've definitely taken it Imo.
Daniel Green
Our government put a halt to that practice a few years back (you can now only import wives if you can afford them) so now the situation is even more desperate. That said I think marrying people from your home village is more of a Turkish thing than Moroccan
Joshua Anderson
Fucking hate neuer bros
Brody Peterson
A bit of everything you said. One of the major factors though is that they have /pol/ tier opinions of their own women in France because they copy the same behaviours of the native.
Also the girls perform much better academically and end up in middle/upper middle class, from that point they often go for white men they meet in college/at work (social hypergamy) while the lower class ones sometimes go for black men (because they live in the same urban locations and they are much more attractive than black women).
All of that results in an unbalanced pool of potential partners, so they marry a girl from Algeria and Morocco then the cycle repeat with the next generation.
Kevin Gutierrez
Lands of Nether
Luis Reyes
>Also the girls perform much better academically and end up in middle/upper middle class, from that point they often go for white men they meet in college/at work (social hypergamy) This is a problem over here too. Muslim girls are told to do their homework, get a job, do the household and keep their mouths. The boys however are above their mothers in social standing and can fuck around for their entire childhood. As a result the women are much more likely to end up in university and don't want to date down. Hell I know a 9/10 Turkish girl from a very serious Turkish family which ended up with some complete beta male turk accountant because she didn't want to date a mouthbreather and her family forbid her from not dating a turk
Zachary Walker
it does happen if they are secular and educated but not very common, whites and blacks mix more both way
Caleb Clark
maghrebi euro girls are top tier tho but mostly just look euro
>The saddest think is when a elite player like Drogba or Pepe "choose" Africa just because they didn't wait to be selected or to be workship like a God in they parents countries >an African playing for the country of his origin, the country that all his ancestors are from is somehow "sad"
Robert Campbell
yes because they used french resources to be the players they are
Jace Brooks
Damn I didn't know that Arabs are getting cucked too
Nicholas Allen
>there any good biracial footballers with nubian mums Mbabu
Samuel Sanchez
it's sad actually, if you take algerians or moroccans that were born in france and now play for their "real country" they can't even speak the same language as their team mates, even ziyech only speaks english or dutch, other only speak french, others only arab, what a fucking mess
Cameron James
Our Mexicans though are breeding with whites so we are gonna look like James Rodriguez-tier people.
Chase Martin
>instead of being happy about the fact that there is space for a non-african French player you actually cry about it Can't even call this shit escalation anymore.
we formed players so they can be relevant opponents, that's completly weird
James Walker
Thats what microsoft did with apple when they were about to go under.
William Turner
No, it isn't. You literally take anyone and have a history of doing so as well. In much more serious matters than fucking entertainment as well. Just look at the French Foreign Legion. In fact, it's not even that strange in the 21st century for a first world nation to be training potential terrorists and enemies. Not to mention the historic education of foreigners of the middle east in universities of European cities.
Dual citizienship is a thing in a lot of countries and unless you've played a professional game with one of the national teams you can really do whatever you want. You can't have all this diversity bullshit going on, different people with a trillion passports, and not expect minorites to leave and follow "the call of their own blood".
Wyatt Barnes
Arabs in Europe are the biggest incels correct? All the arab chicks get bagged by africans or the chad arab in town. This results in the incels joining some islamist group? In the end white people somehow get blamed and killed as a result.
Nolan Flores
"FRENCHMEN" LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lincoln Phillips
most of those players were actually formed at clairefontaine, the national team center formation, they played for french national youth teams, it's not like if they were regular africans coming to be formed in france
Matthew Lewis
And your point is?
Jackson Garcia
Then it is your fault for wasting your resources in Africans
Camden Scott
my point is we formed players born and raised in france, pay all their formation, give them a chance to have a decent life and at the first occasion they go play for the country of their grand parents, that's weird, what makes you want to keep forming players in the best possible condition for them to become your opponent at the end of their formation.
Leo Perry
It already told you, it's not weird at all.
Oliver White
it is
Levi Bell
>or to be workship like a God in they parents countries there is unironically nothing wrong with this if you have pride for your ancestry then you have every right to represent them
Aiden Cruz
Raise crows and they will take your eyes out
Mason Lewis
use your resources on players who can only play for France then?
Isaiah Diaz
some asked that, they were called racists, welcome in modern era
Robert Peterson
that would be discriminatory
Logan Wilson
Why would you rather have foreign ethnicities representing the french people on the pitch rather than able French men representing France?
Gavin Rogers
because we pick the best of the best regardless of the skin colour, why don't you align a 100% white basketball team for olympics ?
Owen Reyes
We already have, retard
Zachary Brown
France is also the european country with most jews.