France U21 vs Spain U21 Matchthread

come cheer our ngubus on

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Team full of negroes
>We release /ournegro/ Junior Firpo as counter measure
Based, we got this.

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A quel heure, mon ami?

40 bings

Spain vs Tousart and his merry band of ngubus. Hmmmm.... for me, it's simply going to have to be Spain.

of course CHI

For me it's Spain

You don't want to see the future international players of Mali, Senegal, Algeria, Ivory Coast and Guinea?


For me, it's Dabga.

How can France shamelessly field a team full of Africans? Disgusting.


rootin' for france fuck /pol/degenerates

suck my cock faggots

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>"Ngubu I'm sorry but despite being born here growing up here, learning football here you can't play for France U21 because some people on a chinese bartoon imageboard decided that national teams aren't based on nationality but on ethnicity. sorry Ngubu."

same ways you field white chaps when it should actually be abos

poor ngubu

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Ngubu, what the fuck man. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the game?


Always rated Romanians

White French players are usually shit

Ngubu should go back to his own country and leave europe.

Do you even know what degenerate means?

*bang bang*
*bang bang*

yes it's when you beat your little dick to transexuals 24/7 and use whatever in between time to shit up Yea Forums with your mental illness

for me, it's Dani Ceballos the eternal sub21 prospect

Projecting a bit now

they're usually spoiled soft coach's sons


That was fast, good luck in the final France

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TMI, dude. No one wants to hear about your gypsy filth.

bookies say spain are big favourites

Good, we win when were the underdogs

How can France shamelessly capitulate against the Germans and letting the anglos and russkies do the job for them?

then gb2 to reddit, I'm sure there's a sub where you can cry for the 500th time about the colour of the french NT

> Vallejo

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Dude just fuck off already.

Why do you want me to leave? Need your own safe space in order to cope with life?

When is the last time France U21 actually performed? They got assraped by the based Swedish Empire in 2015, and 2017 I can't remember but Germs won it. They should do a lot better considering they have a lot of niggas who look like 27 yo but are actually 18-19 yo.

>Lost Italian supporters

who has a stream for this fellow spaniard living in the ausland?

It’s over

>No delanteros
Posesión > Goles

Go to for a german stream

>Mfw our ngubus are used to high temperatures

Aouar la salope qui chante pas mdr

This one's in Spanish.

kek check out this smug motherfucker, how can spain even compete?

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Even Spain have a token ngubu

Are you cheering for the destruction of western Europe because Germany knocked you out? C'mon man we can be friends.

>mutt talking about sports
don't you have a world series to chew on?

For me, it's the same final like last time with the same outcome like last time. Therefore, go Spain!

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>2 and a half whites

You guys were based. I'll be cheering for you in the olympics too.

he's from Benin to boot lol

cheers m8s

one of them is coming from Spain
one of them is coming from Italy

Are you aware of the temperatures in Spain?

jesus, even worse.

Jesus Christ Upa

So similar to the first team?

This, Ceballos can defeat kenyans in a 50ºC marathon challenge.

Depends on where in Spain. Mallorca is hot as fuck during the summer while Gran Canaria is cooler than Sweden. I can also imagine that Galicia and other northern areas are quite cool this year, at least not much warmer than for instance Portugal.

Algún español que me pueda explicar por qué José Antonio Luque sigue teniendo trabajo como narrador?


>ballo toure

was that a handball by Ngubu?

based VARnce



balli ballo

based referee

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>around blacks never relax

Era. He was looking at the ball the entire time.


fucking lol, we bought the var and the refs

remember belgian congo dirty racist!!!!!!!!!!

The one nigga in Spain give the nigga team France penalty

Feels gud being a chatteux

This was about the handball btw. No era for the diving ngubu.

> UEFrance

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litterally Deschamps'd

Thing is you can give a penalty for that, although often penalty is not given.

Are there any whites left in France?


based Pierre

feels like you are frustrated user

10 years time Spain's U21s will be made of Dominicans, Moroccans and Venezuelans


get a job


Nope, doesn't look like it.

you have a lot of senegalese too, they're already coming to your basketball youth teams


odd for Spain was at 1.77 pre-live.
But they are losing against a team of mostly blacks and can't even be superior to them tactically.
Spain's golden age is long gone, it's time to admit it.

I'll take that as a no. Whoever wins, the real losers here are ethnical Frenchies. You do have my sympathy.

Nah, Dominicans and Venezuelans are for the Baseball NT

goddmait why i have to say shit fuck dammit fuck
I shouldn't have relaxed

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What a fucking retard how do you break your ankle like this

still frustrated I see

most are just passing through to France

Ngubu ded
Ngubu in

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The french don't deserve any sympathy. Thy are turbo cucks.

We have a baseball NT?

Shh, it's ok. This is France's new face now.

still frustrated

you're coping too much

Seething Spaniards killing our niggers

Our nigger is clearly om their side.

why are you being mean to French people?
You think they like seeing their teams filled with Africans? Stop bullying them!!!!!!!!

>Men World champs
>U21 Euro champs
>Women World champs

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>You think they like seeing their teams filled with Africans?
Of course they like it.



What about whites who aren't ethnically French? Can they or can't they play in your retarded /pol/ logic?

hon hon hon ça rentrera pas

What a bunch of retards

the fuck is the deal with french keeper? he look like the father of barthez.


Ballo toure is a fucking nigger

It seems you are an eager boy, calm down.

btfo hon hon hon


They have all been eaten by african cannibals

sit down be humble

We will

Look at this thread. This is Yea Forums and yet they are hesitant to admit they've become an amalgam of Africans. They're utterly lost.

They celebrate the goals of their negroid overlords, and pretend it's just Frenchmen.

Reminder that Barthez is the second worst goalkeeper to have won a world cup

wow I dont know a single african plate.
I guess neither do they now that I think about it.


It's not like you have one or two non-French; you basically have 90% blacks.

Mud cookies and fly patties mate.

Why do they all have Kunta Kinte names

delete this

this is Yea Forums you fucking spic, always baiting talking about unrelated stuff, politics, race constantly, you behave like a nigger unable to stay on topic you piece of shit.

whites play rugby there :)

>the topic
france being 99% black?

they are french ;)

Those are rightful French names, you intolerant racist scum.

Faggot, learn to spare insults, subhuman.

Don’t even reply to racists man, it’s a waste of time.

This Cameroon team is really strong.

And handball, the French are strong at handball.

Imagine watching this game

those manlets are fairly shit

It's French.

zoomers' opinions are worthless

> Pablo Divenals

Ah, yeah, the new and improved "French". They did succeed in ethnically substituting you.

there's nothing else

I'm watching Saint Julia vs Europa FC.
Just here to see the discussion

Yes, and it's absolutely BASADA. Taken from a couple of articles online:
>Mazzotti dirige una curiosa selección en la que sólo hay un jugador nacido en España
>En Panamá, España estuvo representada por un bloque formado por 15 venezolanos, cinco cubanos, tres estadounidenses, otros tantos dominicanos y un mexicano de nacimiento.
>Ninguno de los cuatro encuestados supo decir el nombre del presidente del gobierno (Mariano Rajoy) y uno de ellos cree que Don Quijote fue un «explorador español».

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I want to take this opportunity to remind every frenchmen in this thread that you have to shower EVERY DAY. I've travelled through almost all of Europe and in no other country I have felt disgusted for so many people. The stench of those cunts is unbearable and also they dont seem to know that you have to clean the tables in bar and restaurants. The first thing I saw when entering France from Biarritz was a billboard advertising a 72-hour lasting deodorant. They literally had a product designed so you don't have to shower in THREE (3) days. Truly a different and disgusting race from the rest of Europe.

Ah, yeah, the same and retarded "Spanniard". They did succeed in still being absolute crap.

then do something productive with your time

or watch WWC


>Niggers buying the Bulgo ref

I hope spain wins and then goes full reconquista on the german turks.

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>then do something productive with your time
i worked all day long
>or watch WWC

you are aware you are exposing how butthurt you are right?

> Avoiding the question like a little bitch cause you can(t handle it
And that's another dumb ass /pol/tard I've just BTFO today.

you lost vs Germans bro? :(

>he bought the every day shower myth
Keep paying up, you cuck

>i worked all day long
what job?

These crosses


Nbugu was born in Nigeria, his parents traveled to the "city" until he was 5 yo and inscribed him until then, even in my country the federation puts the black players more young than the actual age they have.


>women *sports*

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Yep they did us in like we did the anglos 2-2 and then 2 goals in the last 5 minz.


Have hygiene

better than this shitty game lmfao

damn wish that was my dog

hotel, i do receptionist, i clean rooms, repair stuff, manage reservations etc, kinda cool job actually since you really have 3 to 4 effective hours of work, rest of the time you stay at the reception or in the office.

Haha that dumb nigger didn’t pass

These two teams would absolutely destroy a women's NT, even the niggers.

We lost the last Euro U21 final against them 1-0.

any interesting stories?

Negros are obviously helped, of Nbugu wins the world cup then Europeans will have to accept them because they make their football teams "better" and also women will spread their legs for the athletes that brought them the wins


Jesus Christ that nigger.

Thank god that nigger sucks

he was offside anyway

Waldo Faldo Geraldo.

there's a lot, niggaz bringing girls at 2am, parties with polish drivers, migrants making barbecues in rrooms...

where is this being played by the way.
I'm not watching the game, haven't watched any of the competition really

Diving faggot

> this fucking ref


lmao is this a fucking joke? get slightly touched in the back, hold you foot in pain wtf

>this ref

lol next time let's make a toss coin it will be fair


Niggers and migrants bossing you around. Can't make this up.

> Bulgarian refereeing


literally useless shit to rig games

of course you cannot know real world you neet ;)

Most beautiful country in the world

Should have just given them the handball pen I wouldn’t have been mad then lmao

That was a clear penalty, put your glasses on niggers

Both penalties have been obvious dives



This. Handball was era the other two are retarded.

I'm fucking sick of penalties ruining every game

Reminder that it's wrong to be French.

>doesn't defend on 1st goal
>gives away pen
good defending potential for the senior NT, the spiritual heir for kos, varanne and umtiti


It’s Konate that gives away the pen. Although it’s a bullshit pen.

you're just crazy, the last one was sheer simulation

my gf :)

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Anyone has a stream? There's nothing covering this here.

Yes, of course.

what do you mean by that?
you think she is pretty? I love her and to me she is the most beautiful girl in the world !!!!

Tha Gwendoozeh needs a good aircut, looks lahk a pooftah

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she's a whore

What’s the point of VAR if they never check that shit

you are a terrible person!
racist and rude!


check the thread

why do you need to be that edgy ? is your life that shit you need to report it on an anonymous board ?

Lurk more

moar, fag

Te dió calabazas, eh?

rate my gf guys

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Imagine having Amian and Ballo toure as fullbacks


this is my gf

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would not bang

pretty and sexy, you are lucky

Cringe and bluepilled
You dont talk about women like that

The highest IQ kickoff ever



That was a nice goal.

Where was Pogba?





c'est fini



Viva la guardia civil


gn poltards


>fuck Italy
>get rektangled
lmao get fucked Gypsies and Frogs




ah, well, they were already lucky to be there in the first place anyway

Omg shit players


I am glad for Spain!

I thought France we're good lol

Based irmão

france is proof that big names dont mean much in the end. perhaps only england is worse in that regard.

What big names

rofl pink socks for the ref team! what were they thinking?

Spain and Portugal should be one country.

Change my mind


>I thought France we are good lol

amo a mi mujer
amo a la virgen
amo el orden y la ley

odio a los gabachos
odio a los musulmanes
odio a los negros

asi de simple

Mainz legend Mateta

omg you sound like a poofter from /int/

Back to forocoches


Pride month, user

How do I say "janitor" in Spanish?

Wtf tousart was playing well for once

ikone, aouar, guendouzi, tousart etc.

very based

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>Tousart off
Kek, literally not a single Frenchman on the field. Jesus Christ.


Portugal is the only people in the peninsula that deserve to be independent instead of a part of Spain.
They proved to be great allies in the battle of Rio Salado.
They proved to be able to rekt us in Albujarrota.
They proved to be able to not let little disputes led to confrontation in Olivenza.
Overall based country and the only brother nation Spain has.



venga a africa de vuelta putos negros



(lo hace gratis)

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Anyone knows that watches them knows they’re shit

espana moar leik asspana lmao

Odio a los fachas
Pero odio mas a los putos gabachos


Quite frankly I am of the oppinion that we will see a splendid final


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that bein commentator will have some serious problems

watching on W9, what did he say?

Aouar is cancer

care to elaborate?

>tfw we're just gonna dab on these shitters

It's tough being the best.

france is so shit lol

Hey we have a Ngubu too!


tfw no big nosed spanish gf

>odio a los fachas
>pero mas odio a los putos gabachos




the job is done bro, qualified for the olympics

Ahahahahahaha the absolute state of this """French""" team.


Africans btfo

gotta say tho that past me was a faggot. back then i said spain lives from hype and from having a golden generation but they shit out genuine talent like a machine. not hyped up instagram garbage but the real deal.

get fucked nigglets


do you think we will win against Germany lads? they're so good

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Hahahaha ballo toure You fucking nigger

"I'm not black I'm Dominican"

Is Spain dare I say it elite




Fornals is such a great player. Is a shame West Ham had signed him, he deserves something better.

v*scos > g*iris > p*nchitos > m*ros > g*tanos > c*talanes > g*bachos


This French side feels really limited

me gusta un pinche cruda jajajajajajajaja xddd


i want to know too

what does la furia roja mean

Black players losing their emotional control, this is sad to see.

Please Spain be kind and graceful in victory!
No more goals!

It’s over
The ngubu gene has taken over

>implying every French flag ITT isn't a nigger

I just realized the French keeper is bald. This is a U21 competition ffs, do people really lose the hair so soon?

>g*tanos > anything
Now now let's not get carried away.


lol casual, you all are so over emotional for kiddie football

The tourist trap

you can play if you participated in a u21 tournament before 1974


He said the 1988 team with Sauzée, Cantona, etc... aka the only one the won an Euro, was extremely gifted, and now French accademies have chosen other criteria , and that's you can see it on the field were the Spanish team is utterly outclassing the French one in term of technical skills, tactics and maturity. And as they're seething about the absolute lack of technical skills, Spain just scores a goal on a master cross after immediate reaction on a new stupid French turnover.

blacks are stronger and faster than whites this isn’t supposed to happen

Bit racist

Does he mean criteria like pace I wonder?

that sounds problematic and racist!!!
It's a French commentator?

pretty much a white final with some niggers sprinkled in

i almost regret France robbing the Victory against bongs. this team doesn't deserve to be in semi.

"other criteria"

Camaron was p based

are you serious? we have 3 actually good players that may make to the senior team

this france is more worth than 60% of bundesliga clubs but plays like ingolstadt lmao

That victory was deserved though


he did everything he could to not say it directly

jorunalists are retards, always winning about Ngubus in junior tournaments yet they shut their mouth when you tell them that the last 20 years France A has been in 7 finals in the 13 competitions they took part in.

what should I bet in for the rest of this match?
no more goals?

what could he mean by this...?

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t. manolo

Not once did he even mention race. You linked lack of skill with niggers. Es-tu raciste contre toi-même Ngubu?

what did you bet before?

if you've already won a bet, stay quiet


yet another casual

you only have one nigger don't you

France drawing

I love those racist Luis Enrique memes

P sure Dembele is 29

2018, 2016, 2006, 2000, 1998...

2001 2003

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Thuram Jr is quite bad

I only remember 4 nignogs playing for Spain ever tBh. Senna, D. Costa, Williams and now Junior

Why did Martín get a yellow?

lmao aouar

Aouar is cringe

Senna wasn't a nignog, he was based as fuck

Catanha, Ngonga


Costa isn’t a nig.

He called Bernardoni a nigger.

he was decent in the other games to be desu

so france's only job in this tournament was to cuck out italy. great.

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Donato. Now that was real quality! *burp*

Donato too and probably engonga, not sure


Algerian NT in the next 3 years

no, it was cucking the Bongs
cucking the Italian was just a colateral consequence

>Costa isn’t a nig.

it was sad, italians were so emotional about this tournament, it was like a revenge on destiny for them.

Senna was a nig but he earned his place.

pic related if you count sub21

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>mikel merino

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Senna it's a good nigger

Senna is a honorary spaniard, he doesn't count.

Guendouzi is absolute trash

I dont use terms like nigger or nignog as derogatory, its just a manner of speech typical of this site.
There is literally nothing wrong with being black.

he's an arsenal player

Nice architecture. Where is that?

I meet personally his brother Moha when he was in Córdoba

>no, it was cucking the Bongs
based, every part of the /HEE/ does its little job for the grand cause.

bring back the Spanish Empire

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>Arsenal players

shut up cringy american

Palais Garnier

say jugador de la racia negra

Gibs Florida then

Did the ‘French’ players sing the national anthem?

they can keep that shithole

We dont want Florida, trust me

There is nothing wrong with being black, but being a nigger is wrong. You don't have to be black to be a nigger by the way. For example, Senna is black and Sergio Ramos is a nigger.

Nigger is easier and more fitting


First game im seeing from this tournament
how did france get that far? they are absolute shit

make me faggot frog

Holy shit ballot toure did something

You don't want Floridamen around, trust me

ramos it's a gypsy

you had to see england lol. watch the highlight, one paki of them went full retard and got a red.

Basado y negropastillado

spain bribed france

That means you need to return Puerto Rico, Guam, California, Texas, Florida, Nevada, etc.

eeking out wins and cheating

La chatte a sylvain

be careful what you wish for

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Right away. Please, I insist.

At least I won’t have to listen to W9’s dreadful commentary anymore

Good night lads

they were lucky the Bongs had an even shittier defense than them, and they still needed an own goal to win
they got an early goal against the Croats and did jackshit after this
the last game against Romania ended with a draw where the almost created nothing once again and got lucky with the var, and that was enough to qualify

>germany-spain: the tournament


no such thing as luck in football

how all football tournaments should be


There will be no trouble because this issue was discussed many times before
French academies are solely looking for speed and strength from a young age
Technicity is overlooked and you can easily see it in the Ligue 2 players that are in the 18-25 years
They're absolutely terrible at football, I've literally seen 13 years old on the street with twice their skill, but they're absolutely physical
You just have to look at the starting world champions to notice it
>Griezmann : trained in Spain because no one wanted him
>Giroud : started in 3rd division
>Kanté : literally unnoticed played in 5th division at 19
>Matuidi : started in 2nd division
Everyone else is either tall, strong or super fast (Hernandez is a special case and was trained in Spain for other reasons)

I think having wild floridamen roaming around Spain would be a great addition to the chaotic shitshow we have atm. Would be like crashing a boeing 737 into a burning apartment complex.

>mfw it's a even more dabbing version of Pogba

double trips of truth!
>regular football
>boxing between drunken German tourists and Spanish bouncers on Malle
Also there should be no other sports

Digits confirm

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choose one and only one you dumb commie

*sip* ah, those were the days. When we gave the nationality to people like Donato, Pizzi and Pier Luigi Cherubino

>this Ngubu meme team is the French next generation

>crashing a boeing 737
That shouldn't be hard.

Probably not even 3 of them will reach the senior team
French youth teams are a meme

basado y rojopastillado
ave felipe

so now that stacking the team with paceniggers has failed, what's France's next master plan?

shut up hans

Attached: based franceee.jpg (1920x1020, 713K)

Like every other country the good U21 are already with the real NT

even more of them

pathetic cope jean-pierre

Rubalcaba was both republican and madrid fan, fanon.

muscleniggers aka the best of english and french football combined

and he ended up dead and disrespected by Pedro Sánchez

the game was very close, sadly we got refballed

And thats the reason he is dead

You now remember that between Butragueño and Morientes, Spain's strikers used to be people like
> Manjarín
> Fran
> Pizzi
> Salinas
> Txiki Begiristain

we’re going to lose

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>Onions el presidente del Gobierno, acompáñeme

there's a reason why grandpa bombed away the republic, commie.

wtf how old are you? those are some elder boomer tier names

>> Salinas
>> Txiki Begiristain
Both Cruyffbabies

>you now remember 2017 when people said exactly the same

that was staged as fuck, Obama did the same shit to gain popularity. Those papers were in black and its literally impossible to get inside ther with all the security.

waldi and richter in topform = 6:1 victory
waldi and richter in shitform plus baumgartl and eggestein playing = 0:5 defeat

>forgetting based Kiko


The NT in the 90's was shitty as fuck but pure kino at the same time. Molina playing as a left winger, those players (Christiansen! Farinós! CELADES!)...

I'm 32, my grandpa bought me my first football sticker album for season 92/93, back when Lleida was in Primera División. Although the first tournament I remember consciously watching and understanding was Euro 96. I liked England's team with Ince, Shearer, Sheringham, Seaman etc. If you're a zoomer don't be fooled by Beckhamfags or Rooneyfags; Gascoigne was the best English player in history.

(this guy).

Attached: Albert+Celades+Italy+U21+v+Spain+U21+International+d2mN4zTzbqSl.jpg (399x600, 63K)

Ahh, those English players who were able top play good matches while being drunk and/or punching people on the face were based as fuck: Collymore, Roy Keane (I know, he was Irish), Vinnie Jones.

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Unfortunately Kiko didn't play as often as he should because Clemente absolutely HAD TO start Lezama players every time.
We used to have very talented midfielders (Guardiola, Mendieta, Caminero, Amavisca, Guerrero...) but lacked in everything else, from Zubizameme to Clemente's magic strikers. The first truly great Spanish team was assembled for Japan/Korea 2002, with a safe goalie with a good replacement (Cañizares/Casillas), a combination of experienced and brave defenders (Hierro, Puyol, Nadal...), pure untamed talent in the midfield (Baraja, Mendieta, and the best player of that generation Valerón), and three actually scary strikers (Raúl, Morientes, Tristán). Even the bench was top tier: Joaquín, Javi Moreno, Tamudo... I'm sure that generation could have fought for the title against Triple R Brazil if cat-eating subhuman insects hadn't stolen the tournament.

Germany did have 1 day more for resting. Still got dominated untill 3 faults came into play

All those were electable for the U21
Yeah must be cope

why wasn't ndombélé in the squad?

Because he was called up by the NT

but chiesa and ceballos get to larp as U21s?

Why isn't there a laugh at France thread? We must shit on the smelly garlic breaths at every opportunity

good question. you got a thread that reached 500 replies lel

Because they're not England, French posters aren't nearly as obnoxious as English posters.

>Pier Luigi Cherubino
he was born in Tenerife iirc, guy doesn't even speak Italian.

No ones have the right to mock World Champion team mate

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Because there was only one Frenchman on the field and he was subbed off so there aren't really any Frenchmen to laugh at.

because we don't give a fuck. germany won the last U21 and got fucked in the ass by south korea.

I chose two. Also viva españa muera el rey referendum si independentistas no

obsessed. you won the last WC and got fucked in the ass by turkish coal miners.

You know it's hard when your enemy has the home advantage...
It must suck if you have to ask grandpa what it feels like to win the World Cup.
>invent sport
>suck at it

>let me bring up this irrelevant game to undermine your relevant achievements

there wasnt a single player from the U21 squad in our world cup squad tho (probably one of the reasons why we sucked so much ass)

bullshit, they were goats herders

>lose to turkey
>dont qualify for euros

we're top of our group, you can't say as much though, can you?

Attached: pepe1.jpg (900x900, 61K)

Youth tournament don't mean any shit, m8.

The only U21 team that ever won the Euro, aka the 88 generation led by Cantona, has been pretty much the shittiest French team of the last 40 years, even worse than the 2010 memestrike team, failing to qualify for 2 consecutive WC in 1990 and 1994. Actually, the absolute failure 1993 was the lowest point of the NT over the last 40 years, and this failure was the event that triggered the overhaul of the system that directly led to the results of the last 20 years.

reminder that before this year we hadn't reached the semi finals of the U21 euro since 2006

why do you bother answering to americans in football threads? those are always the most retarded ones, the smart ones stick to american sports threads

how the fuck did Dinamo brought Olmo?

Catanha rekt Valencia at their 100th anniversary.

He hated Barcelona and wanted a challenge

do french people even support their team when it's representing africa? Honest question

Do the french actually have no shame?

no, fuck poltards

Have sex

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Technically he doesn't have black skin, but he's a bigger nig than all black players combined.