The entire world : Japan

The entire world : Japan

Sudacas : Japao

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Matese bobo hijueputa weeb de mierda

Estos chinos de medio metro si son chistosos lol

In Chile we call them Nihon to be exact

Vai tomar no cu seu merda seu retardado vai se foder

it's japon in french and I don't think it's japan n japanese either....

i downvoted your post

chingo chongo wingo wongo

speako englisho retardso

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Me obriga seu olhozinho do caralho

estás buscando el avión todavía, pibe insecto?

It's nippon in japanese

mira malaria, o te suicidas o te pelo vivo.

mexeu com a galera errada fdp

it's pronounced Ahn-e-may

Me disculpo. Los japoneses llaman a su pais nippon

Its Yaponia, you dumb amerishart muzzie

I'm going to skin you alive, fucking retarded frog poster piece of shit.

Actually, it's Yamato.

Not even the japanese know how call their country. They call it "Nippon" or "Nihon" deppending or what are talking about.

>gets tongue cutoff for chewing gum

Mudslimes are son funny


>My lay 12a

in NZ we say Jappers m8

shut up malayshit

such an honor to be skinned like you grant monkies before you stew them


We call then javs over here

based javaanse jongen

Menudo maricon de puto playa







Notice how they all sound retarded? How do you think Japanese people feel when you keep saying Japao over and over in your sudacapo americo? Except for Mexico you all need to APOLOGIZE

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I love the sound of Japao


it's Japon not japan


What’s Japao? You’re wrong kiddo we call it Zipangu

Do you say mexico or mehico?

You make fun of Asians saying R's instead of L's but why do south americanos always end their sentence with the letter 'O'?

Japan = Japao
Latin = Latino
macaque = sopa de macaco
putang ina mo = PUTO
Trump = Trumo
Port = Porto

Atleast people understand us when we speak engrish but ending every word and sentence with O is more autistic tbqhwyf

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It's JAPÃO actually, chino burro


You are a legit retarded

t. argenchino

Que te follen

t. canguro

voy a saltar en la bolsa de tu madre


Here we call them Dai Nippon Teikoku

dont blame us for that horrendous portuguese colony called brazil

based American

that's pretty good

Brazil is literally the only one that says japão. In Spanish it's Japón.


Words have gender in latin languages. "O" for male and "A" for female.



>be far-east asian
>but also muslim
what did they mean by this?

El único que salta sobre su vieja onions yo, paleto marsupial

I thought nihon was the language.

You must be a complete retard to think other people cares about how foreign languages work.

Panchitos basados

It means Islam is a superpower.

>why are the most peace-loving human race in a most peaceful country embracing the religion of peace?

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>muslim chink

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