Mexico always beat their asses tho, so they should try harder I guess, if they become far superior than Mexico then they will have at least the level of England.
Yeah... I'm thinking they're back
It works for Real and Barça in La Liga.
Burger, your knowledge in football is showing, Sevilla and Atletico de Madrid have won the Europa league countless times, Sevilla is the one that has won it the most, showing that non Barca-Madrid teams in La Liga are still far superior than other teams in Europe
This, and I think Mexico and USA should join CONMEBOL to improve their shitty level.
Mexico and cuckland stay in their shitty conCACAf
don't ever say that again, bitch
Obssesed commie argechino
based hermano
lose weight
>europa league
Beating bundesliga relegation fodder and russian literal whos does not make you a quality opponent. How could anyone logically support a europa league champion when the eplels weekly shitshow aka chelshit won it.
Must be nice being a sudaca commie who doesn't have to work cuz gibs so he can sit on his ACTUAL fat butt and spam "dude lose weight lmao" all day.
Commies are actually worse than niggers. At least niggers don't bother you if you leave them alone.
God, amerimutts are such massive cucks, that's why nobody wants you, you transform everywhere into an African shithole with your media influence, just look at the youropoors, they trusted the USA and now they are cucked just like you