What is her fucking problem

What is her fucking problem

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it was her turn goddamnit!

No father growing up

Life is hard when your a twink homosexual boy stuck in a womens body.

Dykegrass is not a sport.

>what's her problem

she's a dyke. end

Ahm... Since when being a strong woman is a problem, shitlord?

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She is afraid to get tazed by Pence.

She along with some other players, started a new clothing line. I don't think it's a coincidence that she suddenly became more controversial, while her media exposure is big because of the world cup.

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Unironically would, she has a nice bunda

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Based brapinoe

I REALLY want our thots to get humbled by France. I enjoyed watching them in the last WWC but it seems since then all they've done push sticks up their asses.

annoy you incels

cute CUTE

Why would you mention the White House, when you haven’t won yet ?

Get pregnant

Yeah for some reason I didn't care this year even before the cellys and political nonsense. Now I want them to get 7-1'd.

Live a happy and succesful life without thinking of killing yourself

Someone should saw her off at the knees or ankles next time she pulls something like this.

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Hope you don't get robbed and shot

Learn to cook

Lesbian bed death.

I don't want them to get 7-1'd I just want them to lose. They think winning is a foregone conclusion since Rapinoe (the fucking captain) is talking about not meeting the president after, and I'd love to see them crash down to Earth getting BTFO by the host nation with a late goal or something.

She's a true winner, a real American. Unlike...

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Hell you could compare them to the men's team, T&T were the team that knocked us out of the WC so this was sort of a revenge game and there were calmer celebrations for the 4th, 5th, and 6th goals lmao.

Lesbians are boorish scolds. They're the least fun people you'll ever meet because they are insanely self-hating

Ugly dyke on her perma-rag.

she looks like she beats her girlfriend

Only a women could get me to root against my own country.

She’s a dyke. Dykes are always angry.

Literally this, I was initially rooting for the sake of america but after the Thailand game. I hope these dykes get fucked.

Fuck that dyke I hope they fucking lose.

>she looks like she beats her girlfriend

I know dykes are never that angry to anyone.

WTF I love the USWNT now.

How fucking fragile are Trump and his cultists? What a bunch of triggered snowflakes.

>people conveniently dragging politics into this

I hope they win to piss off the Frenchies and everyone else.

Fuck this cunt

you are

We're not going to be pissed it's just a sport. But if YOU lose, my God, how pissed you're going to be, it seems like Americans need to compensate or validate themselves by humiliating others.



Our women team is good and the women are modest and likeable, we are proud of them whatever happens tomorrow.

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this is the most redpilled webm this board will ever produced

> What is her fucking problem

white cishet humankin men

blazedlily? more like BASEDlily

>Serves Israel
More american than apple pie lad

Trump drags himself into everything because he's the worst kind of drama queen. Schoolgirls who think they have BPD can't match his need for attention.

She needs to always have her hair like that

Wanna know how i know that you are a repressed homosexual?

>too incompetant to war Iran
Is he finished?

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>seething this much

Nothing, what is yours

>"Captain" of the USWNT
>Can't even stand for the flag
>Wants more pay

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Eh... I would.

>wanting a war just because prez you don't like pulled off
Are you retarded?
Oh wait, you're a tripfag. That answers my question.

i think i saw the commercial for that during last game. apparently they have a "gender neutral" line.
i really wish i didn't see it.

what did she do now?

I've known 3 lesbians...all of them are mentally fucked up and hard core lefties.
So dude is just the norm.

Woman goes head-on into the wall having not had children, doesn't feel good and boom...feminism. Many such cases!

As I was trying to click on this thread, I misclicked the banner advertising /hm/.

Why are there clicky links to nsfw boards on Yea Forums?
Fix your shizz 4channel.

take a shower

i used to work with two dykes who were in a relationship and i am positive the butch one used to hit the decent looking one. she was always being a cunt towards her.

I actually am starting to understand why these people kneel for the anthem. Sure they kneel for retarded reasons over police and America not being gay and brown enough. But I’m starting to realize this country is pozzed and completely compromised by kike influence. Our nation isn’t free. It’s totally owned by corporations and Jews.

Love your country not your government

She looks like Eddie Redmayne

Not surprising....seen that more than once. There is always one that mimics an abusive husband.

>i'm not a millionaire fucking bitches and shit cuz jews and big corp
>jews made me drop out of college and now i gotta work at applebees

you're just realizing this? the USA hasnt been a country for a long time, it's just an economic zone

Sounds like you’re projecting. I’m a civil engineer. You’re actually willfully retarded and blind if you don’t see what’s happening. Actually fuck off and never reproduce

I mean I did say I’m just starting to realize but I’m starting to realize why people kneel. This country is gay and we are debt slaves. This country wasn’t a consensual nation since the civil war. It’s just been a boot holding half of it down.

me on the left

yeah, i've heard domestic violence is a big problem in the lesbo community

That's pretty bad.

He has been here for a long time, what does that make you?

wanna know how you are way too intimidated to fuck any woman over 150 cm?

>American “women”

>What is her fucking problem
A couple of incels in their moms' basements disagree with her views on based Trump.

Pixie cut >>>>>>> elbarsinson cut

The anthem has nothing to do with the president. Bitch should be banned from USA for kneeling.

so what happens in the best timeline? They get btfo 10-0 in the final and trump dabs on them?

Yeah, the First Amendment is only for people who agree with us. Am I right, fellow enlightened gentleman?

Imagine thinking this way whenever someone does something you dont agree with. Its almost as if there was something in our constitution that prevents that.

If you're not willing to defend the rights of those you disagree with, even on a fundamental level, you are not an American.

>Freedom of Speech
>Freedom from Consequences

Liberal brainlet spotted

>anything I don't like is liberal
Oh wow.

If she's playing for her MLS she can kneel all she wants. If she hates Trump so bad she shouldn't play for Team USA.

Did you love America when Obama was President, or is your patriotism contingent entirely on one man in the Oval Office?

Yea I did. When you salute during the anthem you are saluting the people that died in WW2.

>When you salute during the anthem you are saluting the people that died in WW2
the state of jewmericans lmao. no wonder your masters keep mutilating your dick

she will never crush my head w/ her thighs

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Based 007. Rolling

Based Santiago. Zipperhead btfo

I don't know about you lads, but I'm kinda disappointed she doesn't like the D. :(

This is cherrypicked af, and you guys very well know that.

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love trump more than anyone here but you are breaking his cardinal rule that any media=good media, in other words stop fucking caring about this 33yo grandma and ignore her


i challenge you to find ANYBODY, not just men, whose celebrated like that after scoring a 9th goal

She will be memed to death tomorrow via France assblasting her team. Is what she gets for shitting on based Trump

See, if she looks like a horrendous, flatchested bulldyke with absolutely no femininity, but you still would because she has a nice ass, you literally might as well start fucking guys.

Not enough dick tbqh. Goes against nature. If women don't get enough it messes with their emotional balance(dyke on dyke isn't quite the same thing).

Fuck liberals

Lesbian relationships have a pretty insane rate of domestic abuse.

Product of an American culture that coddles women and inflates their self esteem to critical levels.

i remember that dyke who was starved to death by her girlfriend

>hating trump
>still being comically american in demeanour and attitude

>shout out to mammer jammers for keeping the senpai fitted fresh


Someone who actually has sex doesn't watch women's soccer, that's for the lowliest level of orbiters.

>dragging yourself into this because of him
Yikes. You are the worst kind of shitposting (You)queen

None of that has anything to do with them kneeling. Kneeling is just a symbol of the politicosocial takeover of America by the elites that created the debt-exporting hegemony. You are an actual political brainlet if you associate that "protest" with anything but support of the new system unravelling. You are the antithesis of antiestablishment with that retardation.
>muh boot
YOU are THE BOOT in this era of neo-fascist social policing you utmost cuntery.

>went for smart
>showed up with cringe
tried too hard bub....

>This is cherrypicked af
It really isn't. That's what's sad. The USWNT were doing elaborate dances to celebrate their 12th goal against a team of amateurs from a developing country. That sort of thing is unheard of in the men's game.

He's right. Imagine believing the kneelers are kneeling for something meaningful, fucking lol. They're just malcontents angry the country still isn't communist enough and wh*te people aren't killing themselves out of racial shame. It's a joke.

she is cute

any pic with long hair?


was the decent one cute? date her for fun

why is this dyke so fucking hot? Wanna smash her badly.

Low IQ

in her country

she has no problem, you have a problem, she's world champions, you're nothing. sit down be humble.

I am a human, you are a mudslime, you're nothing. sit down be humble.

spot on. what a bunch of insecure try hard children.

>I am a human

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Imagine the amount of brain damage it takes to be a Trump supporter. Imagine.


>any pic with long hair?

Imagine the amount of soi you need to consume and the amount of anal sex you need to receive from your wife's boyfriend to not be a Trump supporter. Imagine.

she's the female equivalent of a manlet low T beta. everything that makes women attractive and interesting to men wasn't given to her by the gene lottery. this lead to a resentful life of frustration and faked lesbianism

She's fucking disgusting

dicks, she hates them

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how could a burger dyke compete with european cuties?

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This is so funny because I'm gay, the only difference is that unlike you I'm not closeted.

don't they beat up their wives more often than niggers?

i want her to beat me up

of course you do

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Fuck Drumpf! which also means 'a big dummy' in german, john oliver said so :/


Yeah, I'm thinking she can sit on my face.

Fernando Torres?

When did Tim Roth get a dummy thicc booty?

only children or psychopath are against trump

"""Empowered""" degen leftist roastie

I fucking hope US wins to finally end this forced feminism in the media.

it won't end. they won't stop, they can't progress on the male market anymore they only have the women market to grow

Childless. Dyke. Californian.

>He thinks appeasing these types won't lead to them becoming even more shrill and demanding

Oh, user

Yeah, I also love Israel.

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>he thinks that feminist harpies stop screeching once they "win"

Lmao this is why France is right up there with us at the top of the cuck competition. The first thing they will do if they win is make a political statement on the White House. The second thing they will do is go on a nationwide tour to all of our media propaganda outlets to demand equal pay to the men even though everyone has already told them a million times that they get paid what they make because the amount of profit that they generate is vastly below what the men's tournament generates. She already has an entire month celebrating her gayness. She has the same rights that everyone else has in this country. How many more privileges do you think we should give this grown little girl who got rich playing a children's game?

>calling trump a Russian puppet didn't work
>I know! Let's call him a kike puppet again!

He denied your bloodlust for a war with Iran. You wont get it no matter how much you screech.

>revenge game against Thailand
Based retard

uhh maybe just pay them in line with the men and they will not be so 'uppity'? they do the SAME job

She's a rug muncher so mental illness obviously.

>be amerimutt
>be replaced by mexicans and africans
I sleep

>someone ignored their mutt anthem

funny how the orange buffon made her more popular with a few tweets

what a dumbass

This argument coming from Brazil, ok.
1. We aren't being replaced by Africans, unlike you and Europe.
2. Mexicans look like Indians, which there is still some sympathy for. Southerners remember that Mexicans (Tejanos) fought alongside them at the Alamo. Northerners aren't impacted as much. The Southwest got frog boiled into their situation by always have Mexis around.
Civnats aren't crazy about their daughters marrying Ernesto, but they are 1/18th Cherokee so their grandkids still kind of look like them. The real reason Trump is successful is the Neo-libs exported all the working class jobs while importing more working class workers.
A native backlash is a natural and completely expected response. The media's braying about the racism of it all misses the mark entirely.
3. Disrespecting the anthem is one surefire to rile up civnats. They are convinced the US institutions are powerful enough to make people forget their race, and this is very jarring for them. In fact, the anthem protests and the neo-liberals embrace of them probably redpilled many younger civnats away from Civic Nationalism. Couple that with the media meltdown over Trump saying the same things HRC and Obama said about immigrants, and you have redpilled many centrist women's soccer fans under the age of 40.

post more like this

>This argument coming from Brazil, ok.
Brazil is lost anyway, it's just kinda depressing to think US will be Brazil 2.0 in 100 years.

>We aren't being replaced by Africans
err, okay.

>A native backlash is a natural and completely expected response
There won't be any significant backlash. You'll keep voting for republicans until you lose because there are too many mexicans. Even Texas is turning blue.

>In fact, the anthem protests and the neo-liberals embrace of them probably redpilled many younger civnats away from Civic Nationalism
I don't think this is statistically significant.

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You guys think she'll go?

Do laundry

>You guys think she'll go?

She'll likely pull one of those "either him or me" deals in the locker room and try to guilt as many people into not going, even if it means destroying the bonds that made the team great to make a hamfisted and pointless political statement

What the hell do you expect from a bunch of country-club-bred, half of them dykes white bitches? The fucking surprise would be they were decent human beings.

Lack of cock


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Again, How did she hurt you op?

The fun thing about her is that she did a "coming out" to explain the world she was gay, as if it wasn't fucking obvious.

Gays are the most selfish people on the planet

have sex: the thread

user, you're the retard

Give sex

How my gf reacts when she sees my D

she becomes gay?

What she did to your national flag and anthem?

This is probably tge worst post in an incredibly awful thread...
She's unironically one of the best looking female footballers in her prime.

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She disrespected them

But how? Puke on flag or what?

She kneeled during the anthem I think.

Wow. Biggest thread of seething incels i've seen in a while

Nah. She just kneeled during the anthem, which pissed off a lot of boomers

There's no equivalence dummy. The women's team are favorites to win the thing.

What the fuck does it has to do with the topic ?

if you don't get it, you're probably one of them

Ok incel

His point was that the American men's team didn't celebrate as hard in a match where they arguably would've had reason to, while the women were still celebrating from 5+-0 onwards against an amateur team

Imagine her tying you up to a bit of wood and kicking you, spitting on you, and calling you a piece of shit. Imagine her slowly jerking you off and only allowing you to cum when you admit that Women's football is better. Haha wouldn't that be crazy!

Found the problem.

I don't get why you guys are acting like such pissy women over the US Women's Soccer team celebrating like mad lads. I think if the Men's team did it you would have laughed your ass off. Who gives a fuck if they were dabbing on shitty farmers? Humiliate them back if you hate it so much.

The truth is they made women's soccer relevant by doing that shit because now you fags are all talking about them.

looks at least like 45. And its not only that picture or the white hair.

Attached: Megan-Rapinoe.jpg (1024x512, 47K)

>The truth is they made women's soccer relevant by doing that shit because now you fags are all talking about them.
So did Cameroon then ?

Based retard

The men's team he's referring to is the one in the webm. How could you think he meant the US men's team? The revenge point is nonsensical since the USMNT, a comparatively below average team that aren't expected to do well, lost a fair match with no controversy against T&T whereas the USWNT are expected to reach the finals and even win the whole thing.

yeah she literally looks like a guy in his 50s, that skin is rough to look at, at least she has a good brapper

She's looks like a cunty middle-aged science teacher from Missouri.

What a cunt. This is so disrespectful to your opponents.

cant wait to see this cunt cry on tv when they lose

Never got a good dicking. Sad!

>humiliates opponents
>disrespects america at every opportunity
>is the captain
why do people support these bitches

It would be sweet if it were a Germany-Brazil tier collapse where they start crying during the game.

Millions of people would love to go to the White House. These athletes get the opportunity and look how they react. Shame.

I hope their bus crashes

>people still willingly misinterpret kneeling

What is the interpretation actually ?

It's a sign of solidarity with the NFL kneelers who did so because given the US's lengthy, storied, and ongoing history of cops using lethal force on blacks where it's not warranted, they feel American ideals and virtues don't apply to them. Hence the kneeling; they're basically saying "This anthem doesn't apply to me, so I'll sit it out."
You can argue all you want that they have no right to protest police brutality because something something welfare something something niggers be scary, but trying to write it off as "Oh they just irrationally hate America and everything it stands for (and also >muh trewps!)" is just lazy and dishonest and there's no excuse to confuse the message of the protest like that given how long it's been going on.

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Didn't read lol

2 of the worst characteristics combined: American and lesbian.

>It's a sign of solidarity with the NFL kneelers who did so ...
She's a white american woman, literally the easiest existence on earth, if I were a nog I would feel insulted by such a """solidarity""".

In my opinion, it is lazy and dishonest to suggest that the African American population is some put-upon, beaten-down subset of your modern day society.

But I think you know this. I think you know that some types of people are innately different than others. Even if you don't accept it, you still probably know it, beneath the media conditioning.

Good luck out there, friend. I hope you make it, hope you see some sense before it's too late.

She's based and CUTe, what's your problem?

>if I were a nog I would feel insulted by such a """solidarity""".
Solidarity doesn't mean "Dude I know EXACTLY how you feel, we're BASICALLY the same! Being white woman is JUST as alienating as being a black man!", it means feeling that you're on their side and empathize with them, so I don't get how you'd think that would be insulting. Never mind, I already know the whole "Well if I was them I'd be insulted!" cliche is just another lazy way to dismiss the protest while pretending you actually care about black peoples social interests.

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>In my opinion, it is lazy and dishonest to suggest that the African American population is some put-upon, beaten-down subset of your modern day society.
Based on what fren?

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>pretending you actually care about black peoples social interests.
lmao, I wish they go extinct soon, it's precisely the privileged whities like this tranny who pretend to care about nigs, they just seek for attention.

>the cop that shot him is still working for the department

Attached: frightening.png (1280x720, 507K)

*record scratches*
Yep, that's me you probably wonder how I got these digits.....


Imagine basing your identity on who you fuck

lmao it's way easier being a dude.

So close

Dumb bitch

if innate differences were the primary factor, regression analysis across our states (and across countries for that matter) would show much stronger explanatory value. anyone who isn't retarded has to recognize that there are a myriad of variables that influence behavior, and if you're the type of person to care about society-level issues, then you should want to rectify an inequality of opportunity.

Does no one remember the 2016 Olympics? Oh right... Well the Uswnt did lose, and they threw bitch fits of ridiculous proportions. Their players even cried that the other team didn't play the way they should have so they could win. It was class A outrageous.

Men are the first victims of violence by a cosmic margin.

Yeah because the victims are partially culpable more often than not


Tits or gtfo

It doesn't make their life easier.

>american reading comprehension



I remember that thing he got it out once and I laughed so hard it's been 3 years since it's been out.

just like rape victims, right?

>replying 6 hours later on a proxy

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Do you think she’ll have my babby?

>Choosing to be a combatant means you have a tough life


Google Hope Solo Rio Olympics. She made the comments and there were people defending her on social media.

She cries about losing to a team that parked the bus. Like most the faggots in here.

>one of the best around in her tier
>makes incel freaks on Yea Forums absolutely seethe

what is not to like about her?

She’s a dyke user. She’s not gonna fuck you. I’m really sorry.

>whiteknighting a lesbian for sex

True, the amount of triggered increls is amazing

nice try


Honestly a lot of crime happens to vulnerable people and people often choose to make themselves vulnerable. Most rapes are “date rape” meaning they are already out with their attacker making themselves vulnerable by meeting them in strange places and drinking to the point of incapacitation.
A lot of non-sexual violence happens to people who are drinking too or taking drugs. Or people involved in organized crime.
So there are certainly precautions available that most victims don’t take. Precautions that are widely regarded as common sense.

disregard, it's just the two cockroaches being pathetic faggots

Case and point isn't a saying. Retards like you are a diamond dozen

you faggots seriously need some new material

She's an unlovable dyke bitch ass ho

That would be very petty.

virgin, degenerate, worm, cockroach... pick your poison

You see it too??

how about "projection"

The really retaded thing about this whole discussion is that most people entirely forget that serious racism and slavery in the USA is still only one generation or so ago, some with first hand experience still being alive. It literally takes about 5 generations of equality for the trauma and resentment at the deep injustice that occurred to be overcome, but everyone pretends there is no memory, it's finished now, lol, why you still so hung up on it.

You think the Germans are all over the injustices of WW2? You know the jews aren't. Do you think the Japs don't resent the murricans anymore, even though it was just a one off thing, not years and years of injustice?

Maybe not lazy and dishonest but stupid and small-minded, yes, they are falling for a seriously dumb and deliberate media trap. 99% of homicide deaths in their communities are non-cop, with the lion's share coming at the hands of their "brothas."

Jews are the richest and most prosperous single ethnic group in the US by a mile. And coincidentally, they've been persecuted and oppressed their entire existence here save for the last few decades.

Brits oppressed Irishmen forever, who proceeded to hop on boats, land in America, and make a name for themselves in a matter of 2-3 generations.

>hundreds of posts over a woman celebrating a goal
>yo-you're the one projecting!

Oh fuck that's it, it's because she's celebrating, not because she's being a petulant bratty little bitch who's putting her politics above her country and dignity and looking foolish as hell

Imagine unironically whiteknighting a lesbian on the internet, you must be a special kind of smelly little basement monkey

>being this full of shit

I don't get your point, Irishman generally hate the english if they have contact with them, in US they got to be entirely away from them and start a new life. This does not apply to african american slave descendants.
Jews are obviously different, just used it to illustrate the point of how much gibs you can actually unlock if you are good at demanding "reparations", African Americans 40acres and a donkey, affirmative action or whatever are miniscule in comparison (jews got a whole country fully funded by european and US taxes, plus complete diplomatic immunity, etc.).

I'm talking about American Ashkenazi Jews, the richest people here. My point is that it doesn't take 5 generations to get moderately wealthy, Vietnamese refugees can jump off a boat and do it in 1 or 2. Blacks are stuck in way deeper cultural shit than you're alluding to and it isn't about slavery anymore, it's about a degenerate, dependant mentality from top to bottom.

Neither jews nor vietnamese were systematically raped, murdered, socially destroyed and the very strongest literally owned as property for several 100s of years, up until barely over 150 years ago, with deeply ingrained racism and social disadvantaging continuing in the US up until about 50 years ago.

It is literally worse than the holocaust and entirely incomparable to what happened to the Vietnamese or some traditionally wealthy and succesful sub group of Jews. They have experienced a sustained degradationg, derooting and cultural destruction that is incomparable to anything in known history.

Of course they latch onto the most shallow and idiotic modern cultural trends and display absolutely retarded and degenerate behaviour, plus physical superiority, aftern several hundreds of years of debasement and genetic selection.

I am not arguing that their culture is good or behaviour should be encouraged, I just hate how ignorant people are to the obvious link it has to the abuses and horrific crimes they have suffered at the hands of europeans, and later american europeans.

>99% of homicide deaths in their communities are non-cop, with the lion's share coming at the hands of their "brothas."
Yes, and? Why are cops being held to the same standard as gangbangers?

I guess that is why Japan is hated still in all of asia?
But in contrast to USA or Germany, they dont seem to give a fuck.

black cops are more likely to shoot a black suspect than a white cop is.

They also don't give a fuck about diversity. Kind of funny really


They picked those two games because they were just a day apart

She should date Courtois

>her tier
that's the issue here, athletes who need special categories to make a living only deserve contempt

>championship or bust?
what kind of retarded fucking question is that? no shit moron, that's the motive for anything competitive. god it must be so fucking easy to be a sports "journalist"