Blumpf is angry again
Blumpf is angry again
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Yep, we definitely need another thread for this!
The 10 previous ones weren't enough obviously.
Why does trump type like a middle aged soccer mom on facebook.
He doesn't. You're just biased and looking for something to criticize.
yep this is a based from me dawg
Fukken saved
trump is funny
>orders an attack on Iran
>cancels it "at the last second"
Give this man a peace nobel prize already
because it's probably a women who writes his tweets
he was until about 2018
>trump tells mexicans to deploy their army to stop the central latinos from entering the US
>mexicans actually do it
Why are you guys so subservient to the guy?
bitch got rekt
without us their economy is a toilet
the rare good brazilian post
Fagtano just BTFOed Trump
Why does he write like a five year old?
i'm sure the local mexicans aren't too happy having floods of people in their cities either
>more honest than every other president before him
>gets constantly harassed by the (((media)))
umm no sweaty he's a pathological liar
>sees tucker carlson's tv show at 8 PM
>decides to call it off
>more honest than every other president before him
>t. Jacques Dreyfus
what a guy.
she talks utter shit and he invites her and all her friends to the white house regardless. balls in her court now...
But he is right, tho
IF they win. this invitation was always going to happen, he's just announcing it early to embarrass her. which is based.
Based from brazil
I actually think that the goverment wanted to do this since years ago but the political backlash would be too strong.
Trump fuckeries just gave them a free pass
We needed an excuse and Trump was in perfect timing for us beaners to slaughter some centre americans which are the equivalent of niggers in usa.
>french fans dress up by wearing chickens on their heads
>england fans dress by wearing crusader armour
why are the french so gay?
based too
hi racist, go smoke some weed and get laid
Its funny coz the crusaders are french
english fans are retarded, those stupid clothes have nothing to do with football
Fantano also openly admitted that he didn't care about how the border crisis was handled or massive deportations when they were Obama policies.
If you are watching the women's world cup you're a virgin. End of story.
This dude stopped being entertaining in 2017. Can it be 2020 already.
obama didn't separate families and torture children, which is what's going on now
>torturing babies
>to own the libzzzzz
Wow I sure can't wait for this to "start a conversation" about equal pay.
Just another episode in the neverending "liberals don't understand how the basics of economics in the entertainment industry work" saga.
it is me when I realized I made a mistake
>citation needed
Can't even tell if what libs write is supposed to be a parody or not.
protip: not even ISIS tortures babies.
He literally did. Most of the pictures you see are from his term
boy did the american media do a good job on you
The only tourturing of babies going on are the ones that are forcibly killed in the womb because people can't take responsibility for their sex
genuinely have sex
lose weight
Based and redpilled
Basado muchacho. Get the job done.
Only virgins post like this
We all see right through you
>No rebuttal, just buzzwords
I take you admission of defeat
Fascists and extremist will never understand that criticizing your own country and your own laws is what makes a free country great.
>Our president spends all day getting triggered and lashing out on twatter
The absolute state of USA
>Only beta-orbiters post like this, their tactics haven't gotten them laid yet
no, you're just mindlessly parroting the lies of your cult leader donald trump. in reality the obama admin. did everything they could to keep families together. the trump admin. on the other hand specifically separates toddlers from their families (as opposed to children who actually fit the definition of an unaccompanied minor). and now they're refusing to even give them soap, nutritious food or toothpaste. it's simply horrific and anyone who defends trump at this point should be ASHAMED
There's a difference between criticism and outright lies perpetuated by false data and reporting like almost all criticisms of the Trump administration are
go ahead then, criticize norway and the UE some
>more honest than every other president before him
user, I...