Pakistan defeat New Zealand.
/cric/ket World Cup
Other urls found in this thread:
first for OYE HOYE
>pull out calculator
>fiddle with it for a good 30 min
>find out afghanistan cannot make the semis anymore
wtf ICC?
What happened to the nz user who put 100$ bet online for NZ to win?
For me its Tuc
Those 3rd and 4th spots are up in the air lads
I still remember your 212 all out prediction for pakistan. Cannot trust your calculations m8
Munro, Latham, Henry OUT
Doullie 100% right as usual
He's swingin
Why does this Thot have a Nigeria flag on her cheek, does she like the BBC or what
mate my IQ is 69 why would you believe me
Aussies gonna give us a hidings. Shan't be here.
Is every post from India rude as fuck to everyone? I'm gonna shit up this thread so bad when England turn up and beat the pooinloos, I hope you're all prepared.
I hope you thrash them.
Because they are undefeated and have bragging rights
That pajeet is seething
They’re all manlets that guzzle cow piss what do you expect mate
new zealand btfo
>englel beating anyone
Also it'd seethe more pookis then us if >you beat India you brainlet
>Nandos is over priced trash
how’s that rude
>the undefeated India
Feels goodman ;)
Realistically will England make it?
India is full of manchildren, what do you expect.
I would be called a self loathing liberal and a paki terrorist for stating facts like these.
nazar math lagaao chutiya
Nah they've to win both of their games which looks impossible now
hoping for a glorious west indies victory over pajeetdia tomorrow
As long as it makes the POOnjabis seethe :)
Its 50-50. Pakistan will beat bangladesh, england can beat both india and nz but it will be really tough
thanks for your insight based muslimbro
I hope pakis face us in the semi final or the final. I want a satisfactory revenge for champions trophy.
will england score a century next game?
Beat Ind in the semis and Aus in the finals. Yeah, I'll take it.
Imran the Hijra is typing his threads as we speak. Fear him...
>you now remember the depressed Paki that wanted to be like Napoleon
That's what I've been sayin
really? we're clicking together, a repeat of the champions trophy is not unlikely.
who qualifies for the semis if both England and Pakis win both their games?
>I'm gonna shit up this thread so bad
Why? Are you Indian?
>india - windies tomorrow
Bangbros will beat you, they're better team than yours
Nice, looks like it's gonna be India after all who will end up table topping.
England because they're a point ahead
India, mate
india, but i think it'll be close
My team to beat Aus, please r8
1. Guptill
2. Nichols
3. Williamson
4. Taylor
5. Blundell (wk)
6. Neesham
7. De grandy
8. Santner
9. Southee or Sodhi depending on conditions
10. Ferguson
11. Boult
Heart says windies...
Who do we face in the semis if we win all the remaining games?
so are nz, sa and england :)
Logic doesn't matter when you have josh
>My team to beat Aus
that delusion kek
William England PhD is Director of Strategic Partnership for Value Chain Solutions in Charlotte, North Carolina m8
I think Banglas has some Josh. Also it is Shakib bro so they win
ur mum
imagine if afghanistan would be the one to knock out pakistan..
England or Bangladesh
Pakis win either way
We should be thanking based sri lanka for opening up the tournament.
Pretty decent
>imagine if afghanistan would be the one to knock out pakistan..
this doesn't slip now
love malinga
literally 10/10 at this point
Munro can't play again this WC
neither can Latham, complete failures with the bat.
Give Blunders a blast, give Nichols a blast, give Southee a blast, they'll be fizzing
You already beat them once, wwyd if you beat them again?
and you got rekt by this dire nz bowling lol
Mass suicide in pookistan, no pookis in /cric/ ever again
Feels God man
Allah suar ka bach hai lol
steady on mate, they're actually pretty good if you'd watched any games
Still not good enough to overcome that mental hurdle of having never beaten India in a WC. That was NZ and Englel's downfall as well.
>Pakistan vs Afghanistan
>Australia vs New Zealand
>England vs India
Kino weekend ahead lads
elite gayle century on the cards to bootyblast the streetshitters
i only watched the windies game other than this, you were getting rekt before the collapse. And they still almost win
go to the icc page on facebook and laugh at pakis probably
new zealand are finished
Pak, if everything goes as planned.
>i only watched the windies game
Yeah I'd call you a cazzie and your opinion does matter
made me chuckle
*doesn't lol
Hmm bit of a cazz opinion then m8, best kept to yourself perhaps.
Won't mind this timeline either.
You spelled England wrong oh nonono
Pakistan is haram
this unironically.
yeah they talked about a streak in icc tournaments before the ct final. If we have momentum, watch out, it won't be easy.
i did warn you a pakistani win was by no means out of the question
yeah, the bowling wasn't bad and I feel santner was unlucky. Babar and Haris too good
>m-muh undefeated kiwis
>m-muh pakis can't chase
>m-m-muh tough pitch to chase on
Still mad at Hafeez
>he hasnt seen a faroe flag before
You forgot table topping new zealand kek
so fresh
/cric/ is a DC board
Could you imagine an India vs Pakistan final? The ratings would be huge
>comic book movies
Yeah no you manchildren
streets would be left shitless all across the subcontinent
for one day, no more grooming gangs and acid attacks in england
call support centres would experience a worldwide shortage of staff
women's insta pics would be left with little to no horny comments
Did the kiwis really think they could beat THIS?
it could happen if india lose tomorrow
Finns piss in the woods and indians shit in the streets. Are indians our long lost cousins?
Nah you chinks
Pakis look like THIS?
And this theras would still be a whole who is whiter discussion
I'm gonna have to agree with the bong, Indians are rude as fuck
Remember frens, I care about you all. Take good care of yourself
Reckon we can smoke Afghanistan by a 100+ run win to get our NRR in order.
just banter haha, are you still playing cricket though finbro.
any other classic rivalries in cricket besides india-pakistan
australia-england has that ashes thingy
I reckon australia-new zealand also is some sort of rivarly
Yes we are
that must've been some other f*nn
they are in a rude phase politically desu, anything to stir up people and get votes. I've met a few hindus and sikhs, good people.
oh i think he doxxed himself too, couldn't remember his name.
Por selection at the end of the day. NZ missed a trick.
It was just one guy dude...
>pakistan talking about other country's political situations
now I've seen all. time for bed.
Bangladesh-Afghanistan is developing into a very spicy affair.
No it wasn't. My posts in that bongs post are only 2 or 3. So it's definitely more than one guy.
They're unironically coping manlets
Yeah they suck.
>imagine the seethe when India win the WC
hope you guys don't kill yourselves ;)
Should be one with Pakistan/Bangladesh since they had a freaking war (in which India helped Bangladesh)
But dumb banglas suck on paki feet and hate on india
>seething imran khan hijra paki is back
who is the kill bill looking fellow next to putin?
we've moved on, most people here feel the banglas were horribly mistreated and deserved independence.
We do that with UK and France tbf
Imran Khan?????
>i breathe
>some random pajeet starts seething at my presence
god i love how easily triggerable you retards are
>pookistanii army even raped around 250000 bangla women
how could banglas still support them beyond me desu
>Imran Khan
Imran the Hijra is seething already
>he's shitting up the thread with his imran khan faggotry now
Reminder this guy gets bullied by indians and punjabis
>>pookistanii army even raped around 250000 bangla women
hmm maybe bengalis don't fall for Indian propaganda and realize that reality is probably far lesser than that number(maybe ~200 at best)
>he spends all his time on this website
>only to make thousand variants of the same India thread
Yeah sister totally
Business idea : shit in the thread when there's an india game
this unironically. I mean it was over 50 years ago. Let it go and focus on the future and FUCK india.
Kek he’s here. Guess he’s not being a butthurt on /int/, what a psycho lad
imagine being a paki soldier and raping your way thru bangla... my cock is hard af
gee I wonder who's behind this post
>game ends
>Thread devolves into south asian political shit flinging
>Janny deletes each post individually after finishing his lean pockets
Kino cycle
>During the 1971 Bangladesh war for independence, members of the Pakistani military raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bangladeshi women and girls in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape.[1][2][3][4] During the war, a fatwa in Pakistan declared that the Bengali freedom fighters were "Hindus" and that their women could be taken as the "booty of war".[5] Imams and Muslim religious leaders publicly declared that the Bengali women were gonimoter maal (war booty) and thus they openly supported the rape of Bengali women by the Pakistani Army.[6]
absolute (failed) state of pakistan
>P-Pakistan are the good guys
t. SIvaramakrishnan Ramprakash
FUck off mate with your fake propaganda statistics. This is a cricket thread.
Damn now I understand why that Bangladesh poster hates these people
back to Indiachan pajeet
>spend the entire thread talking smack about Indians and bongolis
>get butthurt when you’re hit back
Mental midgets
THey hate you much more except that brainded incellah retard.
>the truth makes them seething
now wonder pakistan lost the war
too busy fuckin bangla aunties to actually fight
It's always the Indians
>Bangladesh and Indian sources
Of course it's horrible, but it's war, what do you expect. It's not different from Hindus torturing and raping muslim girls because that's what they've been told to do. Hatred is stupid, primitive . And it also stinks up all of these threads. Kindly keep your political beliefs to yourselves and discuss cricket
>pajeet politics
>Pakis will literally call anything fake propaganda if it doesn't support their narrative
Holy shit
t. actual midgets with little benises
Looll look at the complain, didn’t this guy post pics from wars in the previous threads? Wasn’t it about politics then. Crybabies, man.
>h-hey Hindus match for Kashmir ? W-what you say?
I was being sarcastic m8
>Less than 70k soldiers around Dhaka raped 200k-500k women
Sure thing buddy
>According to Indian sources India killed 300 terrorists in Balakot
>According to literally every single non-Indian source on planet earth India didn't even hit a bird
Yeah sorry, can't accept Indian propaganda. According to most neutral sources there was rape in 71, but around 200-250 women were raped at best, according to neutral sources.
Commiseration New Zealand, but at least you've got a hot PM.
I'm not the only one who thinks Jacinda is bit of a spice right?
The Banglas fell for snide Indian propaganda so hard though. Even made a film about it
not attracted to her in the slighest
would still fuck of course
uf cheesi
I wish we had qt leftist leader, but he have to settle for grandpa Bernie
Kek every single time
>Pakistan living in pajeets' head rent free 24/7
Everyone is civil and discussing cricket until the Indians arrive. Really makes you think.
Oh no you’re gonna make the tranny spam int again lel
I thin wiki points to some neutral sources
why not?
lmao'd hard when I finally spotted him
Stfu retard. It's the Imran hijra who started it. We've been here all the time.
>Ah, yes Civil discussions about cricket that involve Kashmir and then crying about Napoleon after losing
>uf cheesi
in english?
c'mon this aint even punjabi m8
I have posting for years desu lad And I see only 1-2 pakis are regular(a stretch). You are the ones who arrived here
>conveniently start talk about politics even before the first Indo-pak game
>spend your entire time on this site spamming threads about India
>outed as a self hating POOnjabi that gets cucked by other Indians and Pakis
>cry and complain when you’re hit back
We helped our banglabros to gain freedom from the oppression and genocide of the evil pakis.
It's the Indian man's burden.
We are literally the good guys of this subcontinent.
Oh no politics.
>good guys
>caste system
>barely help tamils in sri lanka
Dude this imran paki spammer literally started this and all these pakis constantly whine about Kashmir.
I think the pakis in this thread even believe that they won atleast one of the four wars lol. hoe delusional you could be
why is it called the graveyard of the empires?
you know they assassinated our PM right?
Pakis lying as usual. Pitiful some of these niggas have aunts or relatives that’ll be begging for medical visas on Twitter. Insipid cunts
I'm really happy with how >we have managed to recover from quite a few really bad situations in this tournament. in the past I remember losing a few early wickets and knowing we were over already, or setting a below par score and knowing we wouldn't defend it but that seems to be gone nowadays, no matter how badly we play it seems like we can bounce back and we almost did it again. I just hope we can get off to a good start with the bat for once. every game, apart from sri lanka, has been an underperformance.
>dabs on multiple persian empires
>dabs on multiple turco-mongol empires
>dabs on the british
>dabs on soviets
>dabbing on nato
What your team needs is quality bowlers or to chase instead.
no I didnt
I think our bowling has been really good, maybe second only to india
look it up m8
You forgot the Marathas+Sikhs combined
lads notice how much better things are when that faggot janny isn't around?
If you had quality middle over bowlers you could have defended the score ngl
Why are you Indians obsessed with me? Bet you felt real good seeing your 'enemy' in a moment of weakness. Look beyond that, these arbitrary divisions are unimportant.
fuck that overzealous janny
now that the game is over, I'd rather have these hilarious flame wars than the thread being dead
Pakis are literally the ones who are obsessed with India thogh. Just look at this Imran hijra.
Will Drumpf bomb Iran lads
Yeah dude we’re the ones who are obsessed. Not the retard that brought up Kashmir or the retard that brought up Bangladesh. Get a grip man.
my shit splurts out my bunghole hehehe
cheesi = hottie in lahori slang
I know "good losses" are a meme but this was about as close to a good loss as there is. They were content running Munro, Henry and Latham out there and thinking it was working, when really they had two massively close games that they only won because of Williamson. Now they've lost another narrow contest (though I think the score made it seem closer than it was) you can still see how a few changes would've pushed them over the top.
I still don't think any of the top four are going to miss the semi's. England will beat India, Black Caps will lose to Australia but the path to five wins for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka goes through India. And Pakistan vs Bangladesh will eliminate the loser. Since NZ and England have big leads in NRR ties don't help the outsiders much at all. NZ vs England will probably wind up just being for seeding.
I wish Sri Lanka or Bangladesh would make a run for it but I frankly don't see it.
please keep these kind of posts outside of /subcontinental politics/ please
You know by all that I also meant to shatter this paradigm of hate. At the end we are just people who are so similar, it's just politics that separates us.
Can't you just ignore it? This is getting tiresome, every day. Those white posters are right, these curry hours are absolutely grim
yeah, breaking that partnership could've won the match, but on the whole I don't think anyone had a bad spell it was just one of those games I guess. you're right though, we need to bowl first. if that was the first innings, the run rate would've put pressure on the batsmen but there was never any pressure.
Reckon New Zealand will beat Australia. Will be an upset mark my words x
Logically is simply isn't feasible. As Napoleon said, history is a fable agreed upon by the victor. Atrocities that were committed by the Mukhti Bahini were then attributed to Pakistani soldiers, even though they were either not in the area at the time or already engaged in other fronts
By a group you created
Talk about shit backfiring on you
Remember, NZ chased better than they defended in this tournament
The greatest Indian empire ever yet Indians today all hate this guy. Guess why?
>still talking about politics
Alright, that’s enough. He she they started it now we can finish it together :)
Southee gets a lot of shit but he's better than Henry. Hell, I'd take Wagner even.
Cool didn’t know that
Australia are in NZ's head, no way that result doesn't go Aussie's way.
What happened to the youngsta beauty who used to bowl 155kph. Can't recall his name.
Ah, yes. Aurangazeb the great ruler of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Must be we kill our Muslims just like the rest of the vadakkus. What an awful post.
Honestly surprised southee wasn't playing any particular reason?
Pretty sure mauryan was bigger m8
If Aurangazeb had an actual foothold over the south, we’d be speaking Hindi and Urdu, as well as give in to the BJP’s communal politics since most of our temples would be ruins like the north
See, now you’re making me talk about politics too. Then blame that I brought up politics.
Need more specialist spinners for the middle overs.
you southies are alright desu.
Then why do bhakts bitch about Kerala becoming Muslim majority by 2050?
Was this the greatest world cup song of all time?
Does Hyderabad count as south? Because they have their own dialect of urdu
They never got into kpk/baluchistan/afg
Only empire that was surely bigger was the Raj
Glad the Kiwis lost, not just for comedy but it puts a cat among the pigeons with the evil Pakistanis being so inconsistent.
ricky martin is the best singer of all time
fuck brexit
the UK should stay
>2:20 am
>craving Makkan peda
They did kiddo
Would this happen anywhere else?
MODS ???????
Dhramsala, Mohali
Maybe Feroz Shah
Yeah and have people lynched outside the stadium. Remember this was two months before Kargil too.
Scratch that, they’d get lynched right inside the stadium in Delhi.
If he was called the Nizam Of Hyderabad, why is his empire being drawn all the way past Tanjore and near Kanyakumari.
Who the fuck comes up with these retarded maps wtf
Eden Gardens maybe
really want to see a Ind-Pak test series. fuck that '99 series was perfection.
Likely not due to pic related.
>Eden Gardens
The same stadium that threw stones and bottles onto the pitch and had the stadium vacated because of crowd autism?
>muh meme charts
where was the '96 semi between ind and sl where fans burnt down the stadium?
Yes I posted my dick in that thread to back the stats up.
The "Dalit bvll" guy?
>Borders changing over time
Kolkata :)
lol. okay. guess chennai is the best then.
The rape scenes looks kino. Has anyone watched it? Is it any good?
just watch irréversible
they always do
>Who the fuck comes up with these retarded maps wtf
dont like this pic
at all
Agree with the Paki. Irreversible has the best rape scene in movies.
wtf is wrong with french people?
based taste
monica belucci is mummy af
genuinely need me a MILF
anyone still here? give me a (You)
Can't wait until India gets knocked the fuck out in the semis. You lot are the most fairweather, low quality posters on/cric/. You manage to outdo the English posters who drop by when their team is winning.
just woke up lads, how much did New Ze-
any tip on india/windies lads?
after tomorrow were gonna call them losedies
India to bat first and collapse for a record score. Windies to match said record score by collapsing even harder with brainlet t20 shots from every one but Hope, who goes on to make a muscular 22(57) before being cleaned bowled by a spinner. Quote me later when all of this happens.
cringe but redpilled
awful fucking thread.
fuck off then
mfw England fails to pass the group stage (again)
>oceanians are waking up again
yeah epic
my dear bro
>real antipoodean hours
i wish the sun just wouldn't rise
Pakistan is the best chance to advance, if they win against both Afghanistan and Bangladesh while England just have to lose against one of India or New Zealand
have a feeling england and pakistan will win their remaining matches
wait so by your own calculations won't pakistan replace England if they win their next two games?
Then Pakistan is out and England in
so true
How much faster would he bowl with a Moustache?
they're not french
and they're not people
so true
>pajeet """"humor"""""
2018: I started posting in /cric/
2019: I continued posting in /cric/
2018: I got
I got
elite me predicting the future with this one
Reddit and humour don't exist
New Zealand will win WC, they have so much XP points with pressure situation, they can fuck off with Henry and put SouthFee or Sodi, and that's it. Neesham clutch, Williamson clutch, bolt(dog) clutch. Will be a good final
just woke up
welcome dearbro
based kiwis
it will be absolute gold if england don't make it to the semis
Same haha
Haha yeah we threw the game aha
just woke up
yeah, so did I and this lad
>scroll up
>/int/ and /pol/ garbage
nice have a good sleep?
want to believe this. fuck england
yep, had a dream about Arnott's milk coffee biscuits
Gayle to bully Chahal tonight
thoughts on cricket lads? for me it's that cricket is based.
HAVE to believe this
Nice contribution fuckhead.
Been hiding from /cric/ all day lads
Why what happened m8
should have let Australia A play instead of south africa we're just that dominant once again
right proper cunt
Don't like it when the brown people say mean things
wanna hug and let me cuddle u?
Not sure how getting a hug from a fat greasy cunt will help anything
Thanks m8
fuck off i'm brown too haha gottem psyche *dabs* l8r kiddo
>septic tank bant
Table topping Australia
India playing tonight fully expect another grim thread
thoughts on a non-pajeet only thread???
I blame the cunts who went to indiachan. Some of those poos came over here and haven't left because they love us cumskins so much
nah it's always like this when the Indian blow ins rock up
regulars are fine normally, quite like them actually
It's just that one /pol/shitter who starts everything
well pakistan lives in your head rent free so it's the same thing but you're just worse
I like how you faggots can't stop thinking about us even when we're not here.
>I like you faggots
Yeah it's this paki imran khan hijra.
>tfw no Zainab gf
You are here though. You read every single word I type. You are obsessed with my posts, you love every single one and imagine you are me, living my life.
You're worse
what did he mean by this
How? This Imran hijra and these other pakis literally can't stop whining about Kashmir. This faggot brings up Indians in everything. He started whining about bangladesh all of a sudden.
misread that post
Is poopeland win the /cric/ world cup?
Nobody likes you mate, and I mean literally nobody. Just like your personality, your posts are not interesting, funny, insightful, or relevant.
Shut the fuck up Imran hijra. You're a faggot.
Yes mate it's all going to plan. Every move we have made has been for maximum psychological cooking
I have no idea what that insult's supposed to mean, but sure. But let me reiterate, there are literally 0 redeeming qualities in your posts or your personality. You post here 24/7, so I'm assuming you don't have many friends or stuff to do outside the internet either. Kinda feel sad for losers like you tbqh.
Serious semi-related question: What's your height and weight?
Nice fucking projection Imran hijra. You have literally been whining about Indians on here and on /int/ all fucking night. Just woke up and witnessed your butthurt.
>semifinal 1: 1st vs 4th
>semifinal 2: 2nd vs 3rd
Australia vs ???
India vs New Zealand
India will be 1st though
peppermint tea did the trick thanks lad
Get help, buddy, you're definitely mentally ill and have serious personality defects. Unloving parents? Bullied at school? Raped?
Oh yeah, so that means Aus face NZ again kek
300 grams of prawns for lunch with some sauce i found which is basically knock off big mac sauce
what a time to be alive
Lads there's free full highlights on Willow
Much better than the 2 minute bullshit "highlight" videos ICC puts up
Nice go black caps kiwibro
You're Still projecting I see.
yeah, just gonna start ignoring this nutcase.
just ate 2 spicy mcchickens AMA.
Reminder that this faggot literally gets bullied by Indians and Punjabis.
He's literally projecting his shitty life on others.
My fellow incels
Babar Azam, first of his name, the Unibrowed, Cousin of the Akmals and the First Down, Lord of the Karachi Kings, Protector of the Wicket and Beater of poos
Long may he reign
The lads at work were seething this morning, absolutely based pakis
I take that back
The Congress and Samajwadi Party have opposed the orange jerseys that will be sported by the Indian cricket team when they play against England in the 2019 World Cup match on June 30.
Muslim MLAs in the Maharashtra state assembly condemned the orange jersey that will be donned by Team India.
Abu Asim Azmi, a Samajwadi Party MLA, suggested that the government was behind the decision and said that the jersey was part of growing saffronisation in the country.
"Modi ji wants to saffronise the entire country. A Muslim was the one who designed the Indian Tricolour. There are other colours in the Tricolour, why choose only orange? It will be better if their jersey is based on the Tricolour," Azmi said.
Echoing the sentiment, former minister and Congress MLA Naseem Khan said that the Modi government was playing saffron politics.
"Ever since the Modi government has come to power, it has been playing saffron politics. The Tricolour should be respected and national harmony should be promoted. This government wants to saffronise everything," said Khan.
Faggot politicians should stop whining about colours and do some actual work.
Looks dire
yes they should use green colours because they want to be like based pakistan
>Muslim politicians
imagine losing to pakistan lmfao
Yes all laughs and giggles till the day goes by and you are back to reality, realising you're Indian and you're short sweaty brown and ugly and the whole world thinks of us as a joke. Also winning the cricket world cup is the equivalent or winning hand ball or hockey world cup nobody gives a shit ;_;
>Indian politicians being faggot
More news at 12
>implying Hindu ones are any better
Feel like having a cheeky sub
At the doctors lads.
Shitting myself 2bh
lmfao do austarlians really think there white??
>there white?
Had a good yarn to the work lads about selection issues but no one was genuinely pissed. Losing 2 more might be a different story.
Learn English before you attempt "bamter" you subhuman
Why you going to the doctor? You should have just posted your symptoms on /cric/ and we'll diagnose you and offer the correct course of treatment.
I will next time
Getting a steroid injection
Gonna be RIPPED after this
Thanks for the (You)s, retards. Get tricked ;^)
got my speaking exam today, shit nervous
Just bee urself
Good luck
Protip: don't autisically bang on about Sachin Tendulkur
That's the plan
Thanks mate
>paki cornered tigers meme is actually real
>Babar Azam is the first Pakistani middle order batsman to score a century in a worldcup match since 1987
holy shit. how hard are they sucking his duck right now in pakistan? he'll be an instant legend if pakistan makes it into semis
BASED webmlad
Eh, not really much of a stat that’s being cared about, it’s just this innings was really good, finally a match winning one from him that’s got people excited. they won the 92 world cup without a middle order batsman scoring a century and got into the 99 final without anyone scoring so honestly means little.
Loser samefag
Nope, im an eternal phoneposter, don’t even know how to post webms
The absolute STATE
how do you cope with the fact that there are players younger than you playing the world cup when you had accomplished absolutely nothing in the life yet? this is the first time I'm experiencing this and feeling really depressed of late
Cricket's pretty decent desu. It's no NFL or RWC, but it's good. And top 3 for the colonies. dw bro, indian women are manlets too so you're all set
>tfw blokes I played cricket against now playing for Australia
>tfw still living at my parent's home on government benefits and yet to graduate uni
we're gonna make it m8
Indiachan migrant here
Who is sebbo
I wish afl Guernseys changed a bit each year like epl clubs
gets pretty boring having the same jumper 20 years in a row
they only thing you'll be making it to is death by 35 fat cunt
I don't
like the heritage like the unique designs footy has
coles spicy calabrese pork sausages
yeah, guessing this is cringe
What were they thinking
>casual pookis are gone
Good we can discuss Cricket today
you know i'm already well past there you fucking halfwit
rent free
This shit here pisses me off. Southee shouldn't even be in the squad and no he is not better then Henry. Yes he is a better death bowler but we dont need him to be a death bowler. We have Lockie and Boult and even Neesham for death over pacers.
Since to 2015 world cup Southee AVERAGES 45!! And that includes minnow bashing in home conditions against unprepared underdog Asian team. The guys CAREER average against Australia is 62.
Dude has been living off that 7/33 against England for so long. Well that was a dogshit England team who would be lucky to beat anyone at this world cup, and the pitch was literally the perfect surface for him.
Bet we pick him against the Aussies in the Semi-final and he goes 1-81 off 9.
based redditbombs
seething Henryshill
AFL is so gay and shit; people who watch it are garbage
>that spacing
>obsession about averages
>doesn't even know they played aussies in the final
Yep réddit
ok Henry or Sodhi then you big baby.
Agree now?
homophobic and racist mate
what does sex feel like?
t. virgin
nothing more revealing of a brainlet than a reliance on statsguru'd averages
Imagine being this ashamed of who you are. Hate people like you desu
bags of sand
feels like hitting a six down long on
Because they don't really watch cricket. All of their cricket knowledge comes from stats
You now remember this guy
who tf went to indiachan and plugged /cric/?
the actual fuck is wrong with you
poor man's Dion Nash
based retard
Some Aussie spammed chinks there and they're spamming here now
>Dion Nash
yep now that was a player
i fucking despise aus/cric/ ngl
Brandon mccullum
Ross Taylor
Kyle Mills
Daniel Vettori
Jacob Oram
Nathan Mccullum
Shane Bond
Grant Elliot
NZ has had such based players. Now they’re just fucking gay. Such a shame
by chinks do you mean Asian gfs?
Ok, Southees economy has also sucked and he is incapable of bowling consistently and providing pressure in his spells.
I don't even have a reddit account, the spacing is because I moved on to a different point, hence a new paragraph you uneducated fucks.
I'm not a Henry shill at all. The big brained selection is Hamish Bennett. Henry should be riding the pine but he is clearly better option between him and Southee.
Sodhi if its spinning Henry if it's not. I'm just annoyed that Southee has had a free pass for year after year due to his close personal friendships with other senior players when we could have developed other players and have a battalion of in form fast bowlers like we did in 2015.
how did based Tim Southee hurt you?
Australia is /cric/ freshcunt there has literally been no NZ flags on /cric/ for half of the history of this thread
>for half of the history of this thread
>this thread
>others are freshcunts
except they're not, threads were the same before and after indiachan
they actually are to intelligent for cricket there apparently
blundell WILL win it for new zealand
By being a 'prodigy' who throws away game after game and minnow bashing to save his reputation while benefiting from nepotism. It is mentally taxing when you are a cricket fan who wants the team to do well. It's like being a Pakistani fan watching Hafeez and Malik get selected or an Australian fan watch the Darsh brothers get selected again and again and again.
>to intelligent
based newcunt
Southee is legitimately horrible thouhg
who's that, your victims?
you're literally describing henry
Henry was never a 'prodigy'. Henry has been 12th man as many games as he has played, almost always to accommodate Southee. You don't know what you are talking about.
Not interested in watching another Henry, Munro or Latham chokejob. They need to go
You cannot separate cricket and politics
the chad incel pedo
Imagine an era when these two are the Messi and Ronaldo of cricket. Biggest rivalry with the best batsmen. I'm teary eyed boys.
*separates cricket and politics*
Watch out you'll get 30 day ban. Sebbo is very influential
he wouldn't dare
Even the dog is disgusted
thousand-yard stare
samantha hayes lads
absolutely thick
alexa show me pictures of samantha hayes
Post your world XI lads
1. Rohit Sharma
2. David Warner
3. Virat Kohli
4. Kane Williamson
5. Haris Sohail
6. Shakib Al Hasan
7. Jos Butler
8. Shadab Khan (need a leg spinner and he’s the only decent one who can also bat, debated a lot about this one)
9. Mohammad Amir
10. Mitchel Starc
11. Trent Boult
Guessing my list is pretty elite
1 2 3
Don't watch tv3 at night tb h
Have you seen matt henry?
25-run over when the pressures on? Kek
Just gotta use him like you use Kyle Mills. No bowling him after 35 overs.
the incel pedo richo
A world without septics.
follow the rules and you could have one too
>be underage bogan from brisbane
>be a pedo
>molest a quokka
>have hundreds of megabytes of photos of fat men on your hard drive
really, really grim
Matthew Hayden
Adam Gilchrist
Ricky Ponting
Damien Martyn
Darren Lehmann
Michael Bevan
Andrew Symonds
Bradd Hogg
Andy Bichel
Brett Lee
Glen McGcrath
Guessing my list is pretty elite.
please can a non-australian make the next thread
reckon i should start baking lads
Shan’t be posting in the pozzie thread
reckon this might still be the thread lads
Someone copped based janny's wrath