>caption - enjoying the vacation
Caption - enjoying the vacation
100% certain penaldo buy bots to spam this shit
lose weight Pedro
>flexing THIS hard for a normal picture
this guy is legit mentally ill
imagine how depressed he finna be when he has to retire from football, he might ki himself
funny how the two biggest stars in this sport are both mentally ill. an autistic pecho frio and a sociopathic narcissist
Is mental illness nesesarry to play at that leve?
>it's not enough to flex my abs
>i must also flex my pecs and my triceps
probably even flexing his calves to tiptoe while sitting (if you can believe it)
Imagine how insane he'll go when he fails as a manager.
hmm, you're talking about GOAT level? pele is also a narcissist, maradona is an addict, zidane has rage issues, but cruijf was not necessarily that crazy, just simple minded.
if you're talking about a very high level and not GOAT tier, you have guys like nerman who act like your average zoomer and arent mentally ill
Haters gonna hate.
You hate him cuz you aint him.
Have Sex.
>alone with junior
jeeez Ronaldo, you don't need to be fucking flexing in every photograph you fucking narcissist
but Messi's mental illnes doesn't seem dangerous to himself or others. Ronnie's though...
Peepee hard
i read sarri crashed his vacation to ask him about 4-3-3 and false 9s
and few creep shots of georgina
is there any doubt that penaldo has sucked a dick in his life
T. Coping twink boi
of course
every great athlete is a egomaniac or an autist or a sociopath or insane
though every now and again there are just some turbochads that dominate
she's so nice
>Me, a virgin
Why is Ronaldo leaving his Russian top model for some random thot no one has ever heard of?
>Ronaldo, the GOAT
Watch this, kid.
He made the right choice. Gerogina is the GOAT wag
everyone ITT needs to have sex
>living vicariously through rolando
almost as bad that faggot from Yea Forums who's obsessed with kevin nash
do you post this in every ronaldo thread?
because you reply every time
u have to respect his commitment to flexing in every single picture
this is the first time ive asked
>entering into puberty with a stepmum in her late 20s
That kid's life is gonna be a living fantasy/hell.
looool wtf
>37°C here
>no sea around
feel jealous of Ronnie desu
Currently sitting on a bench in front of my house topless and imaginig jumping into the river, because the heat is making me slowly lose my mind
I should clarify that I live by a river
Didn't Bradley Cooper just dump that Russian model too?
Who will she be a beard for next?
you really didn't have to
>Currently sitting on a bench in front of my house topless and imagining jumping into the river
>I should clarify that I live by a river
Yep, that's a German posting, alright.
You forgot to add homosexual.
good thing he realized that you don't have a wag that has a career of her own. georgina knows her role and is grateful. also funny that ronaldo dumped irina immediately after slighting his mom. i'm sure her dick sucking lips were wide in shock.
lay off my husbando, user
>struggling with 37ºC
>not being white