Who else here is ready for the USA to BTFO the French YUROPOORS in their own country at their own sport en route to our second consecutive World Cup Championship?
Soccer is like the 8th most popular sport in America, yet we still DOMINATE. The humiliation for the French will be epic and the stupid Euros in here will SEETHE. Why are Americans best at LITERALLY EVERYTHING?
PS: To all the seething euro mudslimes (reminder that Europe is NOT white) who will come in talking about how women's soccer doesn't count-- soccer is a female sport and thus the woman's tournaments are the only ones that matters. Only cucked feminine men play/watch mens soccer.
Not even sure what this pic is/means. Regardless, fellow the_donald ameribro, it feels good to be a fellow citizen of the greatest country on earth. We are the master race
Asher Torres
Soccer is a men’s sport.
Basketball was invented so girls could learn to work together as a team. That experiment has failed horribly, resulting in apehoop.
they could unironically lose mate if it weren't for a generous foul call they might have to spain on penalties
Isaiah Murphy
What happen if you lose?
Ethan Richardson
sub-human amerimutt
Adam Gonzalez
Justin Jackson
I’m hoping we lose to spite that cunt Rapinoe
Leo Hall
> Americans "not caring" : make hundreds of threads claiming they don't care, are in every match thread claiming they don't care, are obsessed about Europeans while claiming they don't care
> Europeans not caring : not a single European going in Handegg or Luckswing thread, you'll never see a single European start a thread about an American sport
Lincoln Williams
my national pride just barely edges out my hatred for the SJW nature of this team. hoping we win, press plays instead of rapinoe, and rapinoe retires after the tourney.
i'm hoping they win to spite sperglord virgins like you
Sebastian Cooper
France: 2 world cups USA: 3 world cups
Cooper Watson
They get free food when they could get nothing at all like most of the time? That's pretty sweet. This "controversy" only made the opposition look like dumbasses
Dominic Moore
>Being hosted by the president >Get served fast food because he's a skinflint One of the players rightfully said 'i thought this was a joke'.
Sebastian Hall
LOL. You can't be serious. If obama did this, zero percent chance you don't shit on him for it. It's a fucking joke to serve fast food to our champions that you invited when you probably have the best chefs in the country on call
Julian Morales
Well, let's see what Obama would have served them espn.com/college-football/columns/story?columnist=maisel_ivan&id=4981683 >The program called for no food to be served >They paid $3,000 of their own money for Chick Fil A to their bus after the visit Yep keep making that Trump visit a "controversy" it doesn't make you look like nutcases
Samuel Flores
This desperate and utterly pathetic level of cherry picking.
>The program called for no food to be served, yet White House maitre d' George Hannie, resplendent in a tuxedo, stood in front of the State Dining Room. It means the host was still there just in case plans changed.
>The day cost Alabama at least $85,000 -- including $79,000 for the Delta charter round-trip flight from Tuscaloosa to Reagan National Airport, $1,700 for four charter buses in Washington and $3,300 for box lunches (including a few extra sandwiches; this was, after all, a football team) delivered by Chick-fil-A to the team after the visit. >delivered by Chick-fil-A to the team after the visit. >after the visit. >AFTER the visit. So, Alabama buying sandwiches for their players after the visit, somehow translates to Obama serving them fast food in Trump world. twitter.com/DarrenMHaynes/status/1084958995025195008/video/1
Ryder Murphy
people dont really watch "womens sports" right?
Jeremiah Lee
This is based you fucking idiot. No one likes Trump he's shit
Jace Williams
Jeremiah Anderson
I wanna hug her and tell her it'll be okay
Christopher Gutierrez
Jack Cook
You dominate because your country is the only one that cares about women's football.
Also the idea that it's the white houses responsibility to use tax payer dollars to pay for food for the players when the sports programs by and large are way wealthier
Angel Sullivan
God I'm so bored without /wwc/ tonight.
Adrian Anderson
>letting women fight your battles
James Watson
So you're still admitting Obama didn't feed them, which was his original point.
It seems your blind anger has affected your reading comprehension.
Robert Myers
That's only for niggers, shooting heroin is number 2 for whites.
Grayson Perez
>not watching womens watersports and scat-play ya virgin
Grayson Stewart
just 24 more hours and you'll be ok lad
Thomas Walker
>Get caught in a lie >Try and backpeddle As expected. nice projection too about the anger. Also it was 2010, Obama was still trying to pull the country out of the Bush recession. If we're more prosperous now than ever has Trump claims, why could Donald get Clemson something good?
Jaxon Morris
Seeing as body dismorphia is a metal illness, studiwe like this back up my original claim:
Mixed race children have a slew of metal and other health problems. If you have a race mixing fetish do your unborn children a favor and get sterilized.
Robert Gutierrez
I wasn't even the original poster, and now you're just deflecting the argument and moving the goal posts.
I don't care for Trump at all, I just find it absolutely cringe worthy when people regurgitate the media propoganda that's been spoonfed to them as if it's some super woke take.
Jayden Powell
The federal government litetally has access to unlimited money, what the fuck are you talking about?
Alexander Powell
Is this bait or are you actually retarded? Serious question
Yeah this is exactly what I said. Alabama had to pay $3000 for food after the event because Obama gave them nothing, I'm assuming you just wanted to solidify my point and I thank you for that
Henry Jones
SHUT UP. She is American, patriotic, and not a dyke. You're just an alt-right moron still living at home in the basement. Go wave your little flag while the adults work to feed your sorry ass, which probably needs a good wipe with the toilet paper we are paying for, unless you use you average rock or sock or even wipe at all, as this is suspect.
Hunter Roberts
will repost this in every subsequent thread, thanks bro
William Thomas
Hudson Bailey
Caleb Ramirez
aren't they also pretty fucked when it comes to having organ transplants as well?
Hunter Wilson
my half sister who has a very dark irish look doesn't like that her blue eyed blonde haired daughter looks nothing like her.
Jeremiah Taylor
bitch you're a skinny white girl with frizzy hair why the fuck do you make such a big deal about it >america oh, that's why
Kevin Stewart
this is honestly the most embarrassing and classless thing about his presidency
Jordan Smith
It was a bunch of college football players. They've been on fairly strict diets for the past 4-5 months, if you read any of their interviews they fucking loved the fast food buffet.
Samuel Parker
Your country cares more about women's soccer than the rest of the world combined.
Stop trying to make it seem like America is good at women's soccer without caring, you pumps tens of millions into title IX and youre the only country on the planet where women soccer players are household names.
Christian Lee
jesus fucking christ suck his dick harder why don't you, McDonalds isn't a fucking treat for adults and it's preposterous. There's a fucking chef on site for fuck's sake.
Logan Smith
I hope this squad gets rekt by france
Jaxson Perez
Imagine being this wound up about food somebody ate. They all seemed to love it. You're the only ones upset.
Adam Smith
t. Trump cockriders who would defend him even if he fucked a dog and would unironically become trannies if Trump said trannies were cool
Christopher Wood
Julian Howard
>Proceeds to lose the next game because one player talked shit to based President Trump. Memes just make themselves. Also cap this
Carson Baker
That some pretty good shit right there if you ask me. Rather have this than be severed whatever Obama was serving years ago.
Josiah Turner
Seethe Libtard Cringe with a mother fucking capital C
Michael Cooper
So that means people like Jordan Peele have mental illnesses. I mean his movies were shit, but damn son.
Daniel Miller
Owen Thomas
She has the facial features of a black woman, it definitely looks strange.