Well Yea Forums so what have you done to make the world a better place today?
Well Yea Forums so what have you done to make the world a better place today?
I stayed at home on my computer all day, thus not subjecting the world to my presence
made a girl smile, and girls run the world so a woman that feels better is a better world :)
I said hello to someone
donated to my favourite twitch streamer
she even said my name :)
lmao same
who is your favourite twitch streamer?
i like every white girl streamer with ASIAN boyfriend
I work in civil service so that's all I do each day.
I studied russian for one hour
fapped to Taylor Swift.
i fapped to a shemale, so im fighting for equality
based rashid
shit pants peepee poopoo
Took care of some "infidels"
Pretty low key fucking based and redpilled
I gave wrong directions to a gay couple of tourists
This pic and quote make me sweat
made 2 tay tay threads on /pol/
inshallah my brother
She's so perfect user
Every single taylor swift thread on /pol/ is the same
Some niggas worshipping her
Some niggas mad cause niggas worshipping her
Some niggas saying shes been blacked
Some niggas saying they want her to be blacked
and foot fags
donated blood
>the ones where the caption asks you to do something gay
haha like no one would every fap to something that stupid right hahaha
fucking jews won't let me donate blood because I'm on bloodthinners. Who the hell wants thick blood anyway like shit man what the fuck
>go to donate blood
>hi sir, thanks for coming
>before let me ask you some questions
>first, how many sexual partners have you had in the last 6 months?
Respect man. Keep at it. As someone who needed blood donations when I was in chemo for cancer, this pulls in the heart strings. Donating blood is a million times better than donating money. The money is used to pay wages but the blood goes directly to the person who needs it.
Well, I did knee an Indian guy in the balls
Because you could die you moron
>giving your blood to Jews for free
Top goy
literally never met a jew
Lucky you
I know, I was posting in jest
i told another poster to have sex