Which world cup titles would not have happened if VAR existed back then?
Which world cup titles would not have happened if VAR existed back then?
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I can't think of any where you could say they definitely would not have won it even without VAR. Controversial decisions have decided finals but the winning team was always well placed to win it anyway.
Dunno, but the last world cup title would not have happened if VAR didn't exist then.
England in '66
Probably all of them. Something decisive in every single game would be changed by VAR
Like they wouldn't just conveniently say "ayy no need for VAR lmao" for those kinds of situations
but we're saying the complete opposite to each other
*knows what you're saying*
1966 is the obvious answer
This shitposting Patty could bantz real good
And that is the story of the Lep in the hood
>house of pain in the background
All of Brazil's world cup titles.
1966, this guy knows it, which is why he instantly tried to damage control despite OP's pic.
All the bongs know it, and they will not complain about hand of maradona because of it.
We have entered a new post-var paradigm, gentlemen.
Portugal would've won that shit.
most of Brazil's, most of Germany's, probably both of Argentina's. Hell everything would've been VAR'd. Even Messi would have an international title if VAR existed just 2 years ago.
With or without var, Argentina would have won '78 anyway. Ref would just ignore it, because he would have been thrown out of a fucking plane if they lost that final. Dutch players from that era have said that even if the match would last for 3 hours until Argentina scored, the ref would have allowed it. If the choice is to blatantly cheat or die, it's not that hard.
If VAR existed England would have won the 86, 98, 06, and 2010 World Cups, as well as Euro 2004
Haha yeah 1966 was the only rigged world cup guys xD fuck England too
How convenient
Brazil 2002 for sure.
Marc Wilmots goal would be allowed at Round of 16th and the team would crash the plane with no survivors there.
based and %100 true
too lazy to check why, tell me why for each dates
>Dutch players from that era have said that even if the match would last for 3 hours until Argentina scored, the ref would have allowed it.
Sounds like a huge cope m8
Quite a lot of them. However, Spain 2010 is one that comes to mind where I can't think of any VAR call that would have been made to prevent them winning the WC. If anything it would have made winning the final a lot easier for them.
that nog kicking alonso would have probably been sent off, and puyol would have been sent off too, as if fouled robben as the last defender in a clear goal opportunity scenario
Maradona handball, it's right there in the OP
Campbell's perfectly fine disallowed goal + Beckham's red card
Ronaldo would have been sent off for trying to get Rooney sent off
Lampard's ludicrous disallowed goal against Germany
>Euro 2004
Campbell's perfectly fine disallowed goal
2010 = Lampard's goal was invalidated against Germoney
Yes, because the Argentinian regime in those times was totally not capable of doing this. Right?
Nah, they were huge faggots
this is no a el var sinson thread
el var sinson dice se repite el penal
Unironically true. Pretty much every knockout in my memory (Barring the last two) had some bullshit in it that led to them getting destroyed.
some insanity right here, if it happened in the semifinal, ok You can claim you might have won the world cup before that you still had to many games to choke to
Autism at its finest
>Disadvantageous ref decision in an earlier round automatically means they would've won the whole tournament if VAR had already existed back then
I don't recall refball that could have been fixed with VAR in the euro 2016 desu
meant to say 2018, I didn't realize it was only a year ago
>fouls ricardo in the small area
>thinks its fair game to score
fuck off we beat you fair and square like we always do
You're delusional if you think you would have won against Spain.
campbell fouls ricardo
rooney would only get sent off faster with var
stop whining, you can beat us
>buying the south American hype about 1966
VAR would have just shown the same as it did in 2018, that Latin American teams are dirty as all fuck and the endless sendings off were legitimate. Go look at the noise Colombia made when we knocked them out last year about bias and cheating, when their whole display was completely embarrassing. VAR would not have changed England playing all their games at Wembley.
*proceeds to post wikipedia captures about some 17th century naval battles against spain*
you literally refballed and bribed your way to the finals (most obviously in the results of the last groupstage games)
Just accept that you have no legitimate titles
>England would’ve won all of it with VAR
The absolute state
Italy don't cheat their way past Australia's golden generation.
The handball on Kewell against Serbia would've been rescinded.
My man
Would VAR have disallowed Spain's winning goal in the final?
no it was a legit goal
2010 Spain
ForCHAD got robbed of the chance to bring it home when we got refball'd af against neverlands
But there was a clear and obvious error in the build up to it
netherlands game was fucking rigged
How? I don't remember that at all.
If tomorrow they make a rule that the field has to be 10m larger is not like every game played until then doesn't count anymore. This thread is retarded, bye
I don't see any problem here
bad comparison
Had VAR not existed back then, Italy would not have won the world cup in 2006
Dutch should have had a corner instead of a goal kick which started that play. I don't think VAR would have disallowed it because there has to be a limit to how far back you can go to correct a mistake but you'd still have people clambering for it to change
it was red card no matter chat
rougepilulé comme baise
what you are talking about? I only remember about the zambrotta tackle on malouda if I remember well
It was a corner, but a wrongfully allowed or disallowed corner isn't something the VAR with the current rules is allowed to correct. That actually happened in the Dutch cup last year, Ajax scored from a corner that wasn't supposed to be one, but the VAR couldn't do anything about it.
ah ok, then you are right VAR wouldn't have disallowed it. that's a good point tho', VAR should deal with cornerkicks, but that would take long to check everything, hopefully in the future the AI will take over
actually VAR technically existed because the referees didn't see the foul, they saw it on the replay in the big screen
For starters, Van Bommel should have been carded several times or even sent off.
Ref made 10 decisive bad calls favoring you guys, including offsides where there wasn't any, failed to give a clear penalty on Cavani and even a non existant foul that gave you that amazing (first?) goal.
You think if VAR existed in 2002 South Korea wouldn't have got to the SF? They probably would have won the whole thing. FIFA is corrupt as fuck, VAR is just another tool for them to use
Sry got confused. I ment a clear foul from Van Bommel on Gargano that he didn't call and resulted on your first goal
Turned the video off after the first three "examples"
>Cavani got called offside when it wasn't. Ball was going towards the corner flag
>Throwin awarded the wrong way in unclear situation. What a disgrace!
>I guess an example of a terrible foul by Van Bommel? Didn't even hit the guy
I've seen enough, apparently Uruguayans are retarded, good to know from now on.
refs can't see everything, public pressure is the desicidng factor most of the time to decide what to do, also they're humans they tend to convince themselves that some players flop, especially when the player fouled lost posession of the ball and can flop or dive to stop the action.
>video is 12 min long detailing the key moments of the match, be it good or bad
>"I think I had enough with 2 minutes"
What a fucking retard. So glad your NT went crushing down to it's rightful irrelevant place after that game
Dude the ref missed a hand on the edge of the penalty are standing 3 meters away. He was dude lmaoing in uruguayan players faces while making the wrong calls. 2nd goal was clear offside. What are you talking about?
Suarez doesn't get carded and suspended in 2010, Uruguay wins WC
>a hand
lmao it's is fucking upper arm aligned with his body, how the fuck is that a handball?
Low quality bait. No (You)s for you
He raised his arm forward above his shoulders while blocking a shot on goal. You damn well know ANY ref would have called it
Italy wouldn't have gotten past Australia
Suarez should have been kicked out of 2014WC for trying to eat Chiellini
Tbh, that one shouldn’t have happened period.
You have two line refs and a field referee & no one saw a goddamned thing? I don’t believe it.
Messi wouldve won 2014 desu. Neuer shouldve been redcarded for the knee to piguains face
It shows that the video is biased and not worth watching. You cannot be this delusional. If something was actually unfair I would gladly admit it, like Robben's dive against Mexico, they got screwed. There was nothing wrong this match, you are just sad that you lost and are making excuses how it could have happened.
Sudacas have always been the worst cheating scum and they won't even admit it, and now you feel you can whine about some trivial stuff that's not even true as well? You're no better than niggers, fuck off.
it was a penalty desu
>Robben's dive against Mexico
that was a legit penalty
Maybe, but he didn't have to go down. It wasn't very sportsmanlike, he even admitted that.
Bitch, the video even shows a bad offside call on kuyt when it by miles wasn't. The video is part of a movie made by a famous uruguayan artist that lives and has his family IN your country. Just shows you didn't take the time to watch it, you stupid bitch. Don't even know why I even bother
No I didn't watch it and I never will because it's not worth my time, it's just gonna be some biased bullshit and deep down you know I'm right.
he has to go down, they always have to show they've been fouled, if they don't the referees who are almost never sure of anything just ignore fouls
First off, we were dominating that game anyway and would have been likely to score the next even if that one was disallowed. It's not like that goal saved us.
Secondly, it's at least close and a reasonable error to make considering how hard it is to actually tell if it crossed the line in real time.
Finally, there are literally no genuinely controversial moments in England's favour before that goal. South Americans being animals and chimping out is not controversial, every rational human being can see they deserved what they got and maybe more. That's why the card system was introduced for the next WC, everyone saw how barbaric they were and knew a better discipline system was needed.
>sudacas always cheat
Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are on of those basedboys who calls what ratking did against ghana "cheating" lmao. Ironic coming from the country who gave us a fucking diving icon only surpassed by neymar
Sure buddy. What ever makes you feel better
I feel fine, you are the one that is still angry about some game from 10 years ago. And the funny thing is, there is not even a reason to be mad, chimping out is just in your genes I guess.
Don't bother trying to argue with sudacas about this shit, they literally only see what they want to see, never how they cheat and how wrong decisions are made in their favour.
The state of the united arab kingdom.
It's just like talking to little children. Sad.
England 1966 the most shameful title in history
>topic of the thread is what wouod have happened with VAR in other WCs
>present arguments for one instance I think would be different with bar
>aquafresh thinks I'm seething, mad, chimping, etc
>VAR would not have changed England playing all their games at Wembley.
You were meant to play Portugal at Goodison not Wembley. You changed it at short notice to give yourselves an advantage since Portugal were in Liverpool and had already played matches there.
>studs up challenge and thrusts his shoulder into Garganos face
>not a foul
okay seems like you are the idiot here