Where do England fans buy all there flags??
Is there a big shop where you can get Union Jacks with "AFC SMIMBLEY-ON-HEATH FC" and "DEANO AND JEZZA ON TOUR"?
Where do England fans buy all there flags??
Is there a big shop where you can get Union Jacks with "AFC SMIMBLEY-ON-HEATH FC" and "DEANO AND JEZZA ON TOUR"?
I bought one at my local Wal Mart
>buy large white sheet
>buy smaller red sheet
Do you really think those are union jacks?
nice ironic paki thread mister ironic paki poster
I want to know this myself just because. I love looking at flags that have support from the lower leagues
usually someone's mum has a sewing machine
Shout out to the guy who just has 'bollocks' written on his flag
Genetically predispositioned by years of conquering the world, the Anglo will take his flag everywhere he goes. It is a right of passage that on your eleventh birthday you are presented with the cross of St George and should you ever forget or lose your flag you are condemned into becoming either Welsh or Scottish
>Union Jacks
The absolute state of this proxy-faggot of an OP.
I Like how the English (((medias))) agenda has zero effect on English supporters
Based mommy
see, that's what I like. now can anybody answer me this. do rival fans who show up with their flag just start bantering each other or even start fighting? like say somebody comes through with a liverpool flag and a man united guy is next to them? or I'm just overthinking this
Damn media always putting so much pressure on the players
Is wife-beating even considered a crime in Ireland?
The English flag is offensive desu. When I was in England, it reminded me of their colonial history and their oppression of my people.
Thankfully not
Nah, or very rarely. I've seen fans of my own club fighting each other on occasion.
I know you only used them as an example, but Liverpool fans kind of don't really support England, if you look they never make flags like these and often say "Scouse not English la".
Indeed, most England fans are actually from real clubs, not the big plastic ones. Look how rare Arsenal or Man U flags are.
>union jacks
>england flags
I paid £6 for a pint in Dublin the other week, that's fucking oppressive.
>english anons proud to wave their flag
>can't show it on Yea Forums because m00t and gook m00t don't give a shit and lump all britfags together
Even on /pol/ meme places like Cascadia and Catalonia get flags.
Based Irish publican charging in sterling
The worst part is Jocks and to a lesser extent the Welsh using it to shitpost while pretending to be English, which is pathetic.
The fact that we put the Union Jack on so many other countries flags and because of its long standing association with naval supremacy it doesn't leave all that bitter of a taste
I like how Scots and Welshman pretend to be English after a bad England lost and create "how come WE suck so much lads?" threads.
ah shit bad example and I should've known better after watching a few seasons of premier league. but yeah, that's pretty cool to know.
I don't actually mind that, it's the bit where they act cocky with our flag that pisses me off.
The Bollocks Mob are pretty based
It’s not as bad as when Americans go around saying how they are 1/674th Cherokee Native American.
>t. Welsh transplant
Why do Huns show Union Jacks at Rangers and not the Scottish flag? Even when their ex club played in Europe
We wuz victims
It's their flag too mate
England =/= Britain
But we are all kind of in the same boat desu
I actually have a Union Jack on my state flag too lol
Union Jack is England Scotland and N Ireland flags together
>a quarter of the English
aka every single Abdul, Mehmet, and soiboi
Literary wat
They are all posting under the Union Jack flag, which represents England, Scotland and NI
To fuck with celtic
you make them yourself you fucking spaz
Most people who support Liverpool arent in England
idk why this is making me giggle
Because the scottish flag is represented on the union jack and it makes catholic Irish mongs seethe when they see it
>right of passage
That doesn't look quite rite to me, fäm.
England flag is nice but the Union flag is just very aesthetic.
based hawaiian bro
Irish women are self entitled cunts. Its important to remind them that they are not invincible or they will treat you like shit. A little bit of tough love is a sign that you care about her enough to give her a backhand or 2 and she will respect you for it. I peronally don't "beat" my wife, but I do give her a bit of rough handling now and then to keep her at her best. Easy to get complacent in a long term relationship and it's important to add little reminders to keep things on the path. I can agree emotions from football can add to it but it's not a bad thing all an all so increasing it during the big football competitions isn't definitely bad either.
Either way it's a private thing between a man and his wife so really people should keep their noses out of it anyway, I don't tell other people how to make their marriage a success
Fucking mini-america right there, no grace.