What's stopping him from reaching the level of Messi or Ronaldo?

What tier is he right now?(Neymar, Mbappe or somewhere along the level of Hazard, Van Dijk?)

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Kev De Brev is the 3rd best player in world.

*in manchester city

Better than nerman?

Neymar and Mbappe are shit.

that's not an achievement

Nah, when he is not injured he is by far their best player. Who would you put above him? Silva ?

De Bruyne

So who do you consider to be the third best player in the world and where would you rate KDB?

I think you're overrating Hazard a bit too much desu.

Kev Brown

Hahahyhahaha being this fucking stupid

Third best??

Ok I agree... 3rd best city midfielder lmao

Behind David Silva and Bernardo


He's the best player in the world when fully fit, unironically. Messi is a choker and tsu just isn't that good anymore.

*knees explode*

Reus is the best glass bones elite player around


Cringe. I thought the french were supposed to be smart and nuanced.

Smug and smelly, they're smug and smelly.

when he's fit he's the best player in the epl

>fucking Indian of all people calling us smelly

Don't be fooled by their advertising. They eat rotten cheese and torture geese. They are animals just like the rest of christian europe.

Best in Lancashire maybe

The Brit called you smelly not me.

>rotten cheese
You do know that cheese is basically mold, right
>torture geese
I dare you to taste a good foie gras and still disapprove of gavage feeding.
And the chicken slaughtered for yiur tendies don't get any better than those geese believe me

I think he was calling me an dirty, filthy, stinking street shitter, my friend.

That's what I said

unironically Pep Guardiola, he can't coach, he's just there because muh CLs with messi and iniesta. ibrahimovic already exposed him as the mental midget years ago

Neymar is better than Ronaldo.

>unironically Pep Guardiola
Pep is by far the best coach working today. Evidenced by how his players play like shit for their NTs. De Bruyne had a great season under pep before his injuries.


Forgetting Klopp there, m8

Tuchel could be up there, too, but he fucked up by not going to Bayern (and Bayern fucked up by not signing him)

he knew bayern's boomers would expose him

I SERIOUSLY hope you dont rate that diving always injured faggot Neymar or Kylian " i dribbled myself for 90 min against Man U u19" Mbappe above the brave and strong Eden Hazard

It's literally impossible to choke the Bayern job as long as Thiago is fit. That guy destroyed Leipzig all by himself.

Kovac won the league and he's still being bashed because he didn't win it by a 20 pts margin.

>still being bashed because he didn't win it by a 20 pts margin

When the mould is blue and infested with maggots it's time to stop eating it. And placing your tastebuds above the treatment of the animal is exactly why your kind and muslims are savages. I'm veggie (of the type that gives sacred honour to the animal that fed a civilisation with her milk). Think about that: the only mass civilisation that asked it followers to become veggie for PURELY ethical reasons.

>Think about that: the only mass civilisation that asked it followers to become veggie for PURELY ethical reasons.

Cringe. You're killing animals if you're taking part in any aspect of human civilization. Even your farming requires killing of animals. Your everyday luxuries are often made by human slave labour.

If you're a Hindu Indian in Britain spouting this crap, I suggest you kill yourself you worthless scum. Veganism in Hinduism was basically an attempt at gaining moral superiority over the Buddhists who came up with kindness of animals first.

Regardless Indians reducing meat consumption has ruined our fucking genetics at this point.

>the only mass civilisation that asked it followers to become veggie for PURELY ethical reasons.
what's an """ethical""" reason to stop eating animals? you type like a woman

Cringe on deez nuts you gimp. Google how foie gras is produced, it's savagery without compare. The biggest, most henched animals are veggie, not eating meat is not why indians aren't hench.
India was a land of meat eaters necause that's how we all were. The point is the didn't become veg for selfish reasons, only because they raised the animal above just being a lump of flesh to consume. That's a purely ethical reason.

Also note that scripture doesn't force vegetarianism, it's a choice lile everything else. Plenty still eat meat of course. But let's make this clear, they do not force feed geese to the point of obese death just so they can slice up their liver on a plate for their so-called "haute-cuisine".

Imagine being such an imbecile you think Guardiola isn't the reason City are a machine.
Everyone pretending he bought all stars when everyone has mocked most of those players
Cope harder, faggots

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>they raised the animal above just being a lump of flesh to consume
that's what farm animals are though

>The point is the didn't become veg for selfish reasons, only because they raised the animal above just being a lump of flesh to consume.

Indian Hindus became veg because it was being BTFO by Buddhists.

>The biggest, most henched animals are veggie, not eating meat is not why indians aren't hench.

Compare humans with other humans or atleast animals with similar digestive tracts. Dog's digestive systems are more comparable to humans than herbivores.

Various studies have shown how vegans even in rich countries with access to more varied and quality ingredients, who put more thought into their vegan diets are often nutritionally deficient.

This thread once again proves that there is nothing more pathetic than Xth generation diaspora "clinging" to their "roots" while shitting on the country they live in. Fun fact: it's also where most suicide bombers and shit come from.

Look at how Indian Pajeet put the Birmingham Paki back in his place, yet he still argues. Stupid cunt, if you want to shit on the cultures you shit on then the Vedas say plants and trees and shit are living organisms too, if you want to show how "trve" and hardcore you are, you must only survive by sucking moisture off rocks (and cocks).

An elite midfielder will never be as decisive as an elite striker, so as long as there will be elite strikers, KDB won't be the best player in the world.


>*has two first 11s*
ah yes, the magic of guardiola

all of europe is christian, mohammed.

Where would City's B-Team rank in the PL?

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laughed and mocked constantly for being shit and now he was always world class
all you paki bums pretending who you knew who he was all along, considered a pace merchant
>gabriel jesus
from the brazilian league and literally who to everyone but brazilians
ruined by injuries and fat, no top club wanted to take a chance on him and now he's top level again
brainlet, lunge in card happy defender who no one rated
pace baby who is still one because he's another brainlet
>david silva
everyone pretends they rated him all along but never really seen as elite by you savages. Mata rated high for a lot of years in your shithole
everyone laughed that was spend so much of a sure flop
never called up for the NT and no one aside from la liga fans thought he was decent, now everyone pretending he was a ready made star
hard working player never really considered anything elite and now everyone claims he's a top 3 holding mid and always was
great 9 who got lazy as shit and is now improved ten fold because of his off the ball play and creativity as pointed out by LVG recently
absolutely awful first season and everyone was laughing and now the best player the league this past season
>de bruyne
pic related

Meanwhile united paid a ton on supposedly proven pogdab, lukaku, sanchez etc and got what?
COPE kek

Attached: wewewe always rated him we swear.jpg (639x811, 159K)

Based, Hazard and fit KDB are the 2 best players in the PL and the 2nd and 3rd in the world

jog on you spic no one is reading your drivel

Bunch of retards who don't even watch the games because you're too poor to afford the sport packages getting your views from youtubers

you can't even speak english. go mow some lawns you greaseball.



Seethe more, assblasted poorfag

2nd behind Liverpool

Zinchenko is average

how much money did pep spend again?

>I'm veggie

Absolutely based

Mong cope. Face it, if it was the other way around you say indians were savages for eating foie gras. Nowhere else is so cruel for food. Argue that.


He's right tho lad

That's so retarded I was sure it was posted under a US flag.

He said Europe though

What level of cope is your reply? Add Paris and London too.

>Mata rated high for a lot of years
Tell me 1 (ONE) person who rated Mata higher than David Silva