Name a more overrated piece of shit to have ever played professional football

Name a more overrated piece of shit to have ever played professional football

Attached: ronaldo-brazil-selecao-jump-fat.jpg (1280x720, 54K)


Oh look, it's this bait again

Not a country

Fuck off, kiwi

I have a list of them

Roberto baggio
De Bruyne

>t. poomer

ooga booga to you too you fucking animal

Forgot to add.


You should have been in the mosque that time you piece of shit

He is fat lol

stick with cricket

Chris Sutton

You forgot Cristiano Ronaldo


If half of those are overrated
Cristina is criminally overrated

Literally kill yourself

Poo in loo.

>only won 10 senior titles his entire career
>his biggest achievement (winning the world cup) was done with cheating and everyone knows it
>only had success in argentina and napoli lol
>never won a european champions cup ( only a eufa cup to his name lol)
>only stat padded dribles and did nothing else
>is only known because of 1 game (argentina x england in 86)
>is a cocaine addict and a manlet

new zealand

Im sorry, no football nation is gonna take your shitty opinion seriously

wynton rufer

>only won 10 senior titles his entire career
>his biggest achievement (winning the world cup) was done with cheating and everyone knows it
blame the game not the player
>only had success in argentina and napoli lol
that was super impressive at the time
>never won a european champions cup ( only a eufa cup to his name lol)
>only stat padded dribles and did nothing else
muh stat padding is a meaningless term
>is only known because of 1 game (argentina x england in 86)
maybe to football casuals
>is a cocaine addict and a manlet
and? only projecting manlets dislike people based on height
have seks


Attached: Troy-aikman_1996.jpg (641x700, 91K)

when will brainlets stop the "whoever has the most trophies is the goat" meme

you forgot Gerrard

to be fair, in played in 4 major finals and scored in 3 of them


>PSV (2 seasons)
averages 1 pancake per game
wins Netherlands Eating Cup, ending a 6-year drought
top eater of the league in 1995

>Barcelona (1 season)
averages 1 paella per game
wins Spanish Eating Cup, ending a 7-year drought
wins UEFA Eating Cup, ending a 5-year drought, scores in the final
wins Spanish Super-Sized cup, eats twice in the final
wins 1996 Balloon D'or
top eater of the league in 1997

>Soda America 1997
wins, drinks 5 sodas, named best calories gained

>Inter pre-diabetes(2 seasons)
averages 1 pasta bowl per game
wins UEFA Eating Cup, ending a 4-year drought, eats in the final
wins 1997 Balloon D'or

>Soda America 1999
wins, scores 5 sodas, ends up top calorie gainer

>gets diabetes at the beginning of the 3rd season at Inter, misses the 4th season entirely, comes back at the end of the 5th season

>World Cupcake 2002
averages 1 confectionery per game
eats twice in the final
amazing eating comparable to Pele in 1970, Maradona in 1986 and Zidane in 1998
wins 2002 Balloon D'or

>Real Madrid (5 seasons)
averages 2 paellas every 3 minutes
wins 2 league eating titles
wins a Spanish Super-Sized cup, eats in the final
wins Intercontinental Eating Cup, eats in the final
top eater of the league in 2004

By the point he makes it to Milan he had lost a knee to diabetes and was basically done with his career. Not going to include his 1994 World Cupcake win because he was dieting. Not going to talk about his career in Brazil because nobody cares about South American eating competitions. Let's leave it at that.

>10 seasons in Europe at top eating form, including his first year at PSV
>averages nearly 1 sugary snack per game
>wins 3 Balloon D'or
>top eater of the league 3 times
>wins 2 league eating titles but also 4 domestic cupcakes whilst eating in the finals
>wins 3 international eating titles with his clubs eating in all the finals
>wins 1 World Cupcake and 2 Soda America while being top eater

Maradona is literally considered a god in Nápoles, that's a testament to how sublime and influential his football was. He managed to turn half of Italia against their own country when Argentina and Italia faced off in the 90's.

*wins anything possible*

italians fans are retards desu, any players their club bought is the goat and any players their club sold is a goat to them.

>using and? when you have nothing to retort


>using and? when you have nothing to retort
No, they are literally non arguments, but you wouldnt understand as a football casual/american


Either Ronaldinho or Rooney


Him is literary Nike® boy baby. You gringos don't rate Romario so much just because he comeback to Brazil in him prime and spend the rest of him career in Brazil. Not saying Ronaldo is shit, but Romário is being much better, him have literal nickname of "genius of box" when Ronaldo with about 33 years ending him carrer in Corinthians, that team just playing to him score get this fat shit, Romário in him 40's still being fit great goalscorer. Just compare, Ronaldo have Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Cafú and Roberto in 2002, Romário in other hand have only Bebeto, and Zinho (you guys maybe don't even know this underrated player because him never played in Europe) Romário like Maradona in 1986 win a worldcup almost alone.

Attached: 1395697532_612993_1395697825_noticia_normal.jpg (300x222, 12K)

Oh believe me here in europe football fans rate romario just as high

But Maradona was different, is thanks to him Napoli won some titles and the guy touched political matters about how the south of Italia was neglected, couple that with him and his team defeating top tier northern teams and the guy made a heavy political statement just by playing football. The guy was an icon.


weak bait, try again

aww its a little baby macaco trying to speak english for the first time! look at his shit-skin face its so cute !

fake Ronaldo
literal meme

Everyone ITT is retarded

>only Bebeto
yeah because bebeto was a slouch right? fucking idiot

>comparing the 90s Aguero to a GOAT like Ronaldo

>No Pelé
Dumb pajeet

Truth is, despite being a very good footballer, R9 was a fucking mongoloid incel, a fat retarded Messi, lots of skill, but no passion or personality. I r8 Romario, R10 and Adriano the Emperor, much above him.

unironically this


fuck off bitch

Yeah and Preben Elkjær won the serie a with fucking Verona, was made an honorary citizen in the city, which has never happened to a foreigner before, but you don't see anyone claiming he was biggest there ever was because of this.

your sister's cunt

Romario is great at his peak Ronaldo was truly complete forward, the best ever.