Why are they so unlikable?
Why are they so unlikable?
Better than Americans
Better than Britons
little brother complex and third world shithole complex
Better than Americans
Basically this. Canada feels compelled to perform well beyond our means because we are next to the US. We do exceptionally well in most sports for a country of our size but it is never enough. It becomes annoying living with the "never good enough cause US is better" mentality across all national teams.
Canada wants to be australia and fails miserably, also we are based and you should lose weight.
Canada is the second son who is a teacher and does well for himself. America is the elder son who is a millionaire surgeon.
You're alright when you aren't constantly talking about and comparing yourselves to us. Just pretend we don't exist and things would be much easier
Canadian women are mean and bullies, men are faggots
Brazilians are low iq
Americans are dumb and fat
and portugal is basically irrelevant on the world stage
>Canadian women are mean and bullies
sounds like somebody wasn't man enough to handle a french canadian girl
INSECURE america shakes with FEAR seeing two other HUGE nations in the continent
dominant at their primary sport. don't give a fufk about your shitty sports.
But WE are better at sports...? international hockey is not even a competition, and that is the only real international sport in the region. we also have many times medalled better at the winter Olympics.
What I find most annoying about Canadians is that it's generally really difficult to distinguish them from Americans.
low level asperger's. they haven't developed good autism yet.
Finally someone said it!!
One is a Ching Chong shitposter and the other one is a monkey