
-Knowing Quater Finals brakets this week
-No VAR, No Assistance, CHIcanos only
-More Cubans disappeared, can't handle the shame of -17 record
-the virgin tico vs THE CHAD LAST haitANO
-Remember to never invite Nicaragua again
-use #collage so our bro can add your image


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Other urls found in this thread:


B R A C K E T ~

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This isn't /oro/


>He named it /LigaMX/
Absolutamente basado


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based 2 year janny showing his muscle

how hard xicos gonna fuck ticos?
also im betting haiti to beat canada, canada defense sucks dick

:( sorry, I fucked up

someone makes a proper thread pls

I'm looking forward to an exciting QF against our Haitian friends. May the best team win and advance all the way to the final!

all according to keikaku

are you fucking new

I told my gf to meet me in /oro/
she couldn't find it and now she's broken up with me

this is what your mistake has done


Guanaco or butthurt 0-8fag?

07 Gold Cup and their general over aggressive behaviour.

Granted our last two exits from WCQ don't exactly sweeten my opinion of them.

ill be ur gf(dick)

>07 Gold Cup
I'm way too drunk for this shit.

>makes me look up the 2007 Gold Cup
Fuck you

why are you namefagging?

I take off the name when I leave /oro/ or related threads.
I just want my identity known as a real Guatemalan otherwise my posts would get confusing.

how come guate isn't at the gold cup? i googled and the wiki just said suspended but not giving reasons

I remember the good old times (2014)
what happened

Sorry man. I guess I've just channeled the source of all my continental hate to 2007.

Probably missed the deadline to apply for the competition.

You got old.

>Brayan Jimenez head of our Fed was a huge corrupt bastard, and was taken down as a result of FIFAgate
>FIFA installs "normalization committee" as our official Federation
>Normie committee charges two players with doping after a regular league tournament
>They go crying to the Independent Athletes Confederation that the Football Fed was being meanies
>The Athletes Confederation orders that committee to reinstate the players with no bans
>This pisses FIFA off and bans our football
>Internal fumbling and corrupt fuckery means we didn't get our shit together fast enough to play qualifiers for nations league
That's it.

Is this the general which has been efficiently run by a single, successful Mexican for the past 2 years with no monetary compensation?

I dug a little bit because I was curious. A FIFA oversight committee was set up after allegations of corruption, and then "due to FEDEFUT (Guatemalan FA) members’ refusal to allow an election for a new executive committee", they suspended them


pls no bully

>imagine moderating a taiwanese imageboard FOR FREE

Yes it is.
He did it for free all this time, a true janitor.

>He named it /LigaMX/

Didn't you say you've been doing this for Two (DOS) years?

homies over hoes

>A mexican janitor in a english-speaking place

what else is new?

Attached: 37834.jpg (750x754, 37K)

This is why I should be /oro/ janny

>mfw he does it for free

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he make the /ligmaMX/ thread for 2 years with mexican slags.
No one dares to do that for free.

Excuse me but where are the thicc latina cheerleaders?!

In the real /ligamx/ thread

>letting others make the thread
/oro/ confirmed for worst self-managed community on Yea Forums

asu puta madre #collage

su pinche madre, apenas lleva una semana de papa y ya está peor que Higuaín

god i want to sniff these shoddy cartoons

I'm really sorry, lads, I failed you.

Ok, I'll give you, oficially, the big power & responsability to be /oro/ janny from now.

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wait wasn't Costa Rica whiter than Mexico?

only when they win

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We don't pay you for this shit

Date confirmed

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Give me hyper fertile Mexican beauties or give me death!

those are here i fucked up naming this general, this is /oro/ actually

if you are white and rich you can get every female you want

It's OK MexiBro. You've been posting endless Hyper Fertile Mexican qt's (with bonus feet as well, thx) so I forgive you.

>I'm really sorry, lads, I failed you.
Just delete the thread and make the /oro/ one pendejo, all you have to do is click the little box next to the post and then click delete at the bottom of the page.

shit didn't let me delete the shit

>shit didn't let me delete the shit
What happened, what did it say when you tried?

I made the thread, went downstairs for my tea, came back to notice and there were enough post to tell me than this post is too old to delete

>this post is too old to delete
Shit, guess we're fucked then, unless you just wanna make the other /oro/ thread anyways and just tell everyone to abandon this one.

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so uhh, i'll leave these here



hey can you remove this one?

lel costa rica got BLACKED

i don't know, with this meme magic team it's unpredictable

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Wew, 2 years of experience and this shit happens.
Just make another fucking thread and let this one die

Unironically hope Mexico wins like 5-0 , I don't care abot cuckball or sports I only legitimately enjoy butthurt and banter, I get diamond hard when 99.9% of this dumb country gets their day ruined because some 11 retarded monkeys losed in the chase the ball game.
I orgasm'd when 7-1 happened in BR and those miserable people started crying.

Attached: DkvEwdvXgAAelDc.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

Same here bro, same here


Ok, everyone move here