>tfw gf
i hate this shit lads, how do i recover my free time?
Tfw gf
Mete el dedo en el culo de cavani
Give her to me you stupid fag or post pics at least
Flaite or cuica?
This is what the virgins don't know
A gf is a time and money sink, unless you miraculously find a neet or some shit, it's not worth it
Yeah. The novelty of having a girlfriend wears off, especially if you're introverted, which I imagine 90% of the people that use this website are.
If you don't want a girlfriend anymore, if the spark has been extinguished, then put an end to it and move on. She probably isn't "the one" if you feel this way, and it's alright to go looking for her again.
I know how you feel lad
>live with gf 5 months now
>has ups and downs but mostly good
>her grandma just died so she’ll be gone for a week in a few days
Looking forward to it as fucked up as it is desu lads
Wait till u fuckers get married
What's angry make up sex like lads?
Also, what's holding hands with a girl like lads?
This, marriage is whack
break up with her and fuck 18 yr old venezuelan whores at puteríos when you want to bang you faggot
post pics
she's probably hideous/frigid or else you wouldn't be complaining
Redpill me on marriage
English please. No taco here
>am 24
>gf is 26
>we get along well and she’s been very faithful and supportive, easily the best gf I’ve ever had
>extremely hot 18 year old has been very blatantly hitting on me recently (know her through some mutual friends we both hang out with)
My gf is sweet, kind, and caring. She also is 26 and doesn’t look like a fresh 18 year old. How do I resist the urge to act like a complete nigger and think with MUH DIK?
leafbro laying down the wisdom
>tfw gf
tell the 18 year old you have a gf and then stop talking to her
Implying that will happen
Don't know man, I have only been with this girl for like 2 weeks and I have no idea how to dump her with out going batshit insane like says she would act.
Go for the 18 year old. I'm serious. You'll think about it for a long time. She will haunt you.
Shortly after getting my first serious girlfriend (age 21, took me a while), a smoking hot French Canadian 17 year old thing who worked next door started showing huge interest in me. I mean it couldn't have been more obvious. She would straight up ask me out on a date, but ask if I had a girlfriend.
My girlfriend was a nice girl, and she was my first, so I stuck with her. I told this smoking hot 17 year old, verbatim: Sorry, I do have a girlfriend, but boy do I wish you would have said something 2 weeks ago. And that was that.
To this day I still think about her. She was incredibly hot, a 9 easily, and so fresh and young. Now I'm 25 and the chances of fucking a fresh 17 year old is a lot lower. I'll only get older and that opportunity will only get less likely.
TLDR: Fuck the 18 year old.
It's the most based thing you can do if you find the right woman, but it's gonna mean sacrificing a lot of shit.
But sacrifice moves the wheel of the world to paraphrase the Bhagavad Gita, so it's ultimately worth it if your marriage is beautiful and serves to elevate and redeem this world of filth.
beat her into submission and only use her when you feel like it
All your weekends are gone
after sleeping with more women than I can remember, and having multiple gfs (some at the same time) I can safely say;
>women are a biological meme
your inner caveman will want one, do dumb shit to get one, you'll "love" her, fuck her and after a while, when the caveman fades, you'll be annoyed at her attitudes and at how much attention she needs, and how much of a time sink it is
while you might like spending time with them, you have to remember that while you're with her, you're stuck. you're not moving forward nor growing, if she cooks you'll be getting fat too
and while that might be okay for some guys, (hell, there's people that eat crap) if you have a little ambition you'll soon recognize this problem and will want a way out
But even knowing about this shit, sooner or later you'll think "damn, I need to get a girl"
and then, the cycle continues
>falling for the relationship outside of marriage meme
>not only enjoying the company of a woman as part of creation of a family to loyally serve God
You dug your own hole
fuck her behind your gf's back
if you get away with it you win
if you don't, well, she can't uncuck herself, and the other one can't unfuck herself, can they?
i love my gf so much as a friend. i could never hurt her like this and look myself in the eyes in the mirror again.
also her best friend is hot. is there any way to convince her to have a threesome? what do girls get out of a 2f1m threesome?
This is why society is shit
based and womanpilled
Why are chrisfags here
Let's go back to 2009 when we looked down on these faggots
Angry makeup sex is great but if you have it too often then it leads to a dangerous road of choking and spanking which you cannot turn back from.
t. virgen del beso
Sp is not v or tv. There are no significant differences between us and them, this is not 2013.
fuck her you low T beta your gf is caring bc she's heading for the wall and already sucked tons of cock before meeting you.
>Why are chrisfags here
I don’t see any Sonichu in this thread
>is there any way to convince her to have a threesome?
Fuck if I know. Never had a threesome. I imagine the first step would be to get them both drunk.
Now significant differences*
There are way more unironic incels here now than 2013.
t. Been shitposting here since USA WON FIFA
holy fuck are you me, same thing happened, I was 22 and it was an 18 yr old German girl in her first year abroad. I stayed loyal to my average gf bc she was my first and I was all 'muh morality'. Not worth it. I think men should either stay volcel or go high T sex machine and fuck all with a pulse. Middle ground is for comfortable pussies.
CПИД oбeзьянe
While that may be true, those other autism boards can't hold a candle to this one
My reasoning is simple: can I fuck a 17 year old at 30? Maybe. At 40? Probably not. At 50? At 60? Fuck no.
You do the things in your teens and your 20s that you CAN'T do when you're older. You cherish those memories, let them ferment, and smile upon reflection as an old man. I didn't fuck that 17 year old and will always regret. I'll find other "nice" girls to be my girlfriend. I probably won't find another 9/10 fresh 17 year old with a clam for a pussy.
Capitalize on your youth, my friends.
Man this post is so accurate it hurts
On the other hand couldn't you feel fucking horrible about doing such things?
i don't think i'll ever get laid. my penis sticks up at this absolutely horrible angle when its erect and i don't know how i'll be able to put it in a pussy.
bro, some people legit doesn;t give a single ounce of fuck about other people as long as they got what they want, even when it is family so just a gf is something probably not even registered in their mind
About what? Consensual sex between two people that are of age? Or breaking up with my then-girlfriend?
At the time I think I would have felt bad which is why I didn't do it, but upon reflection, I absolutely should have done it. It was a rare opportunity that probably won't return, and that girlfriend of mine is now an ex-girlfriend anyways.
As I get older it becomes clear to me the things I won't be able to do as I get older, as I become an old man. I should have done the thing that I can only do as a young man.
My advice to people in the early 20s considerating cheating:
Just do if
It* lol
Cuck her you gay homosexual
You dumb leaf. The older you get, the easier it gets.
>t. 29yr old with 17yr old fwb
>The older you get, the easier it gets.
Do you know how words work? According to what you just said, it would be easier to fuck a 17 year old at age 60 then it would at age 30. Because you're older after all! I realize English isn't your first language but please read my post carefully to parse what the actual thesis was.
You obviously dont have much experience with women.
Theyre barely human, and would do the same or worse to you in a nanosecond.
Past 50 it starts to get harder, but as a man you are literally peaking in your 30s if you didnt become a fat fuck or completely fuck up your finances.
Thing is I do. Does that dreamer no longer live in your body? What if that perfect woman for you is out there?
Based hopeless romantic
>unless you miraculously find a neet or some shit
nah, neet bitches become stage 5 clingers once they get their hooks in.
Hey Yea Forums, what do you call that pervading feeling of nostalgia and utter loneliness in the back of your mind? That sense of loss casting an opaque sheen over life? Does it have a name?
Asking for a friend, of course
coming of age
Just another form of depression
more like hapless retard
>tfw 27 khv incel
just have to come up with my suicide method in a way to preserve my organs for donation
I don't have any sympathy for you people. The gene pool is better off without you.
I call that "my life"
>At 40? Probably not. At 50? At 60? Fuck no.
WRONG, as long as you stay in shape and have money, you can totally bang barely legal bitches.
If you genuinely care about donating your organs then youre not an incel fren. Just a regular loser. Way better than incelnoid
cringe and retardpilled
My apologies that all passion has left your body. Everyone knows that one that loses all hope wins in the end.
>a way to preserve my organs for donation
Only way that works is if your attempt fails, you end up with a brain death and then your family pulls the plug. Trust me, I already did the research.
why dont you have sympathy
Find a good bull
im watching videos of people travelling first class super expensive air comapanies
i wish i was rich bros..
Sure, it's possible, but it's going to be a whole lot fucking easier to do when you're young. That was my point.
Don't do it. ThERe are bettER options than suicide bro
>tfw work 40 hours a week
>long term relationship
>no time to pay attention to politics
>can barely see half of gold cup match
How great it must be to be a no gf NEET, making friends all over the world, endlessly playing vidya, watching france/ecuador u-19 friendlies and fapping at 3pm
Because to make it to 27 and not even hug a fucking girl is clearly your own damn fault.
I just want to culture troll my way to fame.
>dedicates every decision of entire life and life's worth to sex with teenage girls
holy incel
>tfw gf
>tfw we split rent
>tfw economy hit the shit and i cant afford to live alone now
>tfw cant dump her or homeless
kill me lads
I miss my ex
I know deep down she regrets leaving me while her life goes to shambles and mine takes off. I'd still take her back if she asked. What a pathetic excuse of a man I am
Why not just get back together, if it's best for both of you
She's too prideful to talk to me again, she even has some of my stuff and owes me money, but I know she's embarassed to even see me. I'd feel lame if I were to talk to her out of the blue, too. If she can't overcome her pride then that's all.
Tell her she has to apologize in public. Worked for Barcelona and Neymar.
>I'd feel lame if I were to talk to her out of the blue, too.
This is a loser attitude.
>If she can't overcome her pride then that's all.
I mean, you know her better than I do, obviously, but life is too short for this sort of thing. I would say "fuck it" and contact her. If it doesn't work, you lost nothing and are back where you were.
>tfw I wanna see my frens again
You're right, and you make lots of sense.
Even then, for some reason I'd take her back without a doubt if she asked me, yet I wouldn't feel right if it was me who went for her, after being dropped.
I just want to get a gf to mentally abuse her
>having 3D gf's
>tfw wife
what do you think the best suicide method is?
it's called "impending suicide"
You are fucked
i can understand this sort of autism, i just hope you have a happy ending bro
It's entirely up to you. I've found concepts like "pride" and "honor" less and less useful as I've gotten older. I wonder about all the good times I saw and said "see you later" to because of hurt feelings. It's not a good way to live in my opinion.
are you me?
Thank you wise leaf user
Yes, it's sadtism. Thank you for your good wishes
how far do you take this mindset? for example if you literally got cucked, would you also be above your pride and honor?
Nembutal if you can get it.
Intermittent fasting is great but can we stay on topic?