Is roast beef a /sport/?
Is roast beef a /sport/?
Definitely gonna be a struggle fapping to this
If you dont get arouse by this you are a faggot
This is what a real vagina looks like
Let's go Canes!
It isn't .wtf kinda nasty ass austrian whores are you fucking?
I would expect that comment from a country like Peru or Chile. But one would think Austrian girls looked a bit better. That’s absolutely not how argie pussy looks like
I’d rather be a fag in that case
what do you reckon it tastes like though?
Depends on if there's gravy?
Unironically would fuck.
Faggot lose weight
Hango on. Are you the Austrian that likes to take a shower before having a shit?
nice to see it's not just only Yea Forums which has rekt threads
I dont see the problem here
throw in a few yorkshires as well
I'm thinking Arby's
Found the Bavarian.
>el argeNEGRO
i was thinking more like the fish market
that slime makes it all the more appealing
Mods this board is being brought into disrepute!
lol nah my gf has cute puffy innie
Imagine now turned on she must have been in the moment
You're supposed to do it the other way round, retard. What's the point of showering if you're just gonna shit right after?